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extract a word from URL

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hi there all  - after struggling a lot and a lot of help my script is almost working but I need to solve one more issue...

 I need to extract a word out of a URL - the URL has a fixed part (http://www.domain.com/BlaBla/) than a varied part and after another forward slash the page title from which I need a word (so I can identify the browser page that I want to close) - 

so for example:

from the URL http://www.domain.com/mytopfolder/various-possible-words/Silk-By-James I need to extract the word Silk

Have very basic knowledge of coding so please be descriptive if you can

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3 minutes ago, mmoalem said:

Have very basic knowledge of coding so please be descriptive if you can

Best way to change this have a look in helpfile, specialy StringReplace.

From where you are getting the URL's? If in a Textfile then look for the File* - functions.

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hi and thanks - had a look at this but not sure how this will work for me (as I said i am a very beginner)...

the script sends the various URLs to a custom Function as $URL. The Function opens the URL in one of different browsers it need to identify/winactivate the browser to perform an action on the page, The window title has only the last string from the URL so I need to use a word from that string for the title in the ControlClick actions

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Something like this should help you if you have the URL on a variable:


#include <Array.au3>
#include <String.au3>

$url = "http://www.domain.com/mytopfolder/various-possible-words/Silk-By-James"

$url_last_parts = StringSplit($url,"/","")


Note in $url_last_parts[6] you will have the last path and then you parse that string to get what you want.


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Thanks Alien. It kind of takes me half way there but leaves me lost :)

because the window title for the above URL will read "Silk By James" (without the dashs) and for simplicity sake I need to return a variable with the first word after the final forward slash that I can use for the windows title in ControlClick - with you method I am left with an array and not sure how to extract the word i need...

I was hoping for a simple StringReplace solution where I can delete everything before the final forward slash (and all URLs have 3 forward slashes) and than from the first dash onwards... can this be done with stringreplace?

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This can be done with StringReplace, _StringBetween, StringSplit and more.

You really need to take a look to the help file and make some test by yourselft.


#include <Array.au3>
#include <String.au3>

$url = "http://www.domain.com/mytopfolder/various-possible-words/Silk By James"

$url_last_parts = StringSplit($url,"/")


$url_final_word = StringSplit($url_last_parts[6]," ")



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Ok so I think I figured it out

#include <Array.au3>
#include <String.au3>

$url = "http://www.domain.com/mytopfolder/various-possible-words/Silk-By-James"

$url_last_parts = StringSplit($url,"/","")
$FirstWord = StringSplit($url_last_parts[6],"-","")
$SelectedWord = $FirstWord[1]

#include <Array.au3>
#include <String.au3>

$url = "http://www.domain.com/mytopfolder/various-possible-words/Silk-By-James"

$url_last_parts = StringSplit($url,"/","")
$FirstWord = StringSplit($url_last_parts[6],"-","")
$SelectedWord = $FirstWord[1]


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Global $sUrl = 'http://www.domain.com/mytopfolder/various-possible-words/Silk-By-James'
Global $sExtractName = StringTrimLeft($sUrl, StringInStr($sUrl, "/", 0, -1))

ConsoleWrite("Extracted title: " & $sExtractName & @CRLF)
; Either of these only extract the first word
; StringLeft
; ConsoleWrite("Extracted first word: " & StringLeft($sExtractName, StringInStr($sExtractName, "-") -1) & @CRLF)
; StringRegExpReplace. Will work with [:space:] and [-].
ConsoleWrite("Extracted first word: " & StringRegExpReplace($sExtractName, "[\ \-].*", "") & @CRLF)


Edited by InunoTaishou
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