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I've an error and don't know why and hope somebody can help me..
I think maybe i din't include somethin for the "ByRef" function, but i could be wrong :S
Anyway here is what i included ...

#include <ButtonConstants.au3>
#include <ComboConstants.au3>
#include <EditConstants.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <File.au3> ; for _FileCreate ed.
#Include <GuiComboBoxEx.au3> ; for _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_ResetContent
#include "EzMySql.au3"
#include <Array.au3>

This is what i do before the error starts ... (everything else is running properly)

$query = "SELECT * FROM `users` ;"
   $hostname = Read_from_ini("app","server","ip","no_server_ip")
   $dbname = "blokkerreferencedata"
   $usrname = Read_from_ini("app","server","username","no_server_usr")
   $Pass = Read_from_ini("app","server","pass","no_server_pass")
   $SQLport = Read_from_ini("app","server","sql_port","no_server_port")
   $iresult_rows = ""
   $iresult_colums = ""
   $iresult = get_result($query,$hostname,$dbname,$usrname,$Pass,$SQLport,ByRef $iresult_rows,ByRef $iresult_colums)

Here is the error i get...

==> Error in expression.:
$iresult = get_result($query,$hostname,$dbname,$usrname,$Pass,$SQLport,ByRef $iresult_rows,ByRef $iresult_colums)
$iresult = get_result($query,$hostname,$dbname,$usrname,$Pass,$SQLport,^ ERROR

does somebody see what i do wrong here???

thanks in advanced.

ps. if it isn't a forgotten "include" --> how does somebody know whish include to use???


as finishing touch god created the dutch


I know i did something stupid but this..........
thanksss :$ i removed the byref and it all worked fine :)

as finishing touch god created the dutch

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