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Well as stated I am trying to get memory to work. I am using the cheat engine tutorial just trying to read a memory values. I am using NomadMemory and Nomadmemory2 which I will link for you all and anyone else that is having the same problem. At this point I am thinking my OS and Autoit are too new for it. Can anyone help with getting this to work?



45 minutes ago, ronmage said:

Well as stated I am trying to get memory to work.

No you never.

45 minutes ago, ronmage said:

I am using NomadMemory and Nomadmemory2 which I will link for you all and anyone else that is having the same problem.

What problem?

46 minutes ago, ronmage said:

Can anyone help with getting this to work?

Get what to work?


Give some explanation, you only wrote a bunch of meaningless words.

AutoIt Absolute Beginners    Require a serial    Pause Script    Video Tutorials by Morthawt   ipify 

Monkey's are, like, natures humans.



#1 - I am trying to get memory to work in autoit. :)

#2 I am linking the nomads includes so that anyone that follows me having a problem with memory reading can follow what I did and fixed it using this post. 


Here is some code to only read a memory location using the tutorial in cheat engine and output

#include <NomadMemory2.au3>
#include <Array.au3>

Global $mainwindow = "Tutorial-i386"
Global $pid = WinGetProcess($mainwindow)
Global $iHD = 0
Global $address = "0x0014B2B0" ;This is the addres found in step 2 for the tutorial in cheat

$MemArray = _Memoryopen($pid)
_ArrayDisplay($MemArray) ;this is not outputing correctly
$out = _MemoryRead($address, $MemArray)



well I did get it to work using #requireadmin that was the missing part.

So I am going to like at the end here the code, thank you everyone for the help. 

#include <NomadMemory2.au3>
#include <Array.au3>

Global $mainwindow = "Tutorial-i386"
Global $pid = WinGetProcess($mainwindow)
Global $iHD = 0
Global $address = "0x0174B328" ;This is the addres found in step 2 for the tutorial in cheat

$MemArray = _Memoryopen($pid)
_ArrayDisplay($MemArray) ;this is not outputing correctly
$out = _MemoryRead($address, $MemArray)


  • 1 month later...

There is a simpilar way. 


#include <KryMemory.au3>

$PROCESS = _Process_Open("Example.exe", $PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, False)

$VAR1 = _Process_ReadMemory($PROCESS, 0x008015D0, "type")) ; type = ( byte, float, dword, char[], byte[] ... etc )

$VAR2_OFFSET[2] = [0x01, 0x02]
$VAR2 = _Process_ReadMemoryPointer($PROCESS, 0x008015D0, $VAR2_OFFSET, "type")) ; type = ( byte, float, dword, char[], byte[] ... etc )

$VAR3 = _Process_WriteMemory($PROCESS, 0x008015D0, $Value, "type")) ; $Value = the value you want to write to memory.

$VAR4_OFFSET[10] = [0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09]
$VAR4 = _Process_WriteMemoryPointer($PROCESS, 0x008015D0, $VAR4_OFFSET, $Value, "type"))




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