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UIAutomation Example Issues

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Have to start learning UIAutomation since I need to use MS EDGE or Chrome.  I downloaded Examples_V0_5.zip and UIA_V0_51.zip.

Compiled simplespy.au3 to get started.  Appears to work.  Did Ctrl+R and get error Line 15226 Error: Subscript used on non-accessible variable.  What am I doing wrong?

Example 1 tried to run.  It was missing CUIAutomation2.au3.  Moved it into folder from UIA.zip to Examples and now works.

Example 2 failed.  Added switch to case 0409 and "Start" and it worked.

Example 3 failed. Can't fix.

Code starting at Line 50. 

Consolewrite("Get the menu that is after the start button" & @crlf)

$oMenuStart=_UIA_getFirstObjectOfElement($UIA_oDesktop,"Start Menu", $treescope_children)  "I tried Start, Menu Start, and Start Menu, none seem to work." 
if isobj($oMenuStart) Then
    consolewrite("Menu start found" & @crlf)
    consolewrite("I bet the text has to change to Start instead of Starten" & @crlf)


Get the menu that is after the start button
I bet the text has to change to Start instead of Starten
"C:\Users\xxxx\Autoit Scripts\UI Automation\EXAMPLES_V0_5\UIAWrappers.au3" (1726) : ==> Variable must be of type "Object".:
$t = $obj.Findfirst($treeScope, $oCondition, $UIA_pUIElement)
$t = $obj^ ERROR


Example 4 fails the same as in see below.

Code starting at Line 30

;~ Start the calculator and notepad

$oCalc=_UIA_getFirstObjectOfElement($UIA_oDesktop,"class:=" & $cCalcClassname, $treescope_children)
$oNotepad=_UIA_getFirstObjectOfElement($UIA_oDesktop,"class:="& $cNotepadClassName, $treescope_children)

if isobj($oCalc) Then

;~ You can comment this out just there to get the names of whats available under the calc window

    $oButton=_UIA_getFirstObjectOfElement($oCalc,"name:=" & $cButton1, $treescope_subtree)
ConsoleWrite("I am hee" )
    $oButton=_UIA_getFirstObjectOfElement($oCalc,"name:=" & $cButtonAdd, $treescope_subtree)
    $oInvokeP.Invoke()  This is where it fails


Example text is for dutch calculator so please change text to english or other language to identify controls
"C:\Users\xxxxxxxxxxx\Autoit Scripts\UI Automation\EXAMPLES_V0_5\ex4_calculator.au3" (44) : ==> Variable must be of type "Object".:
$oInvokeP^ ERROR

There must me something I am missing on why these codes are not working. XML file below of example 4.




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OK, I will look.  Would this be the same for example 3 above?  The XML log indicated it was Start Menu.


Now I understand.  The buttons on the calculator need to match current system for it to work.

Edited by whanenbu
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