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Tooltips, I give up (throwing in the towel)

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Hello, AutoIt People!

I've about pulled out my hair trying to capture the text of tooltips from an application not created from AutoIt.  I have looked at all the documentation, Google searches, endless tries, failures across the board. 

I've tried...

MouseMove(512, 224, 1) ;over the control
Sleep(3000) ;display tooltip

$hWnd = ControlGetHandle($sTitle, "", 2502)
ConsoleWrite(_GUIToolTip_ToolExists($hWnd) & @lf) ;comes back false

$hTool = WinGetHandle($sTitle) ;handle of window containing control

; how do you get the $iID
$arr = _GUIToolTip_GetToolInfo($hWnd, $hTool, $iID) ;$iID

How do you get the Identifier of the tool?

I'm at a complete loss. 

Thank you.


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