Quite often I'm using AutoIt to drive a program which is maximised and has the focus. I want to display progress info but where? If I put up a normal window it takes the focus and destroys the action. I've tried a GDI+ window (built from one of UEZ examples) but it hides some of the target program. Can I:
- change the AutoIt icon in the system tray with dynamic info? e.g. like Task Manager shows a bargraph?
- make the icon flash, and the task bar un-hide (if it's set to auto-hide
Here an idea using one of the examples from here:
#include <GDIPlus.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
AutoItSetOption("TrayMenuMode", 3)
Global Const $tagNOTIFYICONDATA = "dword Size;" & _
"hwnd Wnd;" & _
"uint ID;" & _
"uint Flags;" & _
"uint CallbackMessage;" & _
"ptr Icon;" & _