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Posted (edited)

I'm working on a script to copy a subset of files and folders from a PC to a server.  I'm using the extended info from DirGetSize to show how many files and folders and total size that will be copied (copy being done by RoboCopy).  Then I run DirGetSize against the destination when the copy is done to compare against the DirGetSize from the copy source so I can know if anything got skipped.  I'm finding that a lot of stuff is getting skipped.  This lead me to realize that it's because DirGetSize is including files and folders that are hidden and/or system, and I'm excluding these in RoboCopy.  Is there anyway to excluded these from DirGetSize?   I've been unable to find a UDF as yet, and I'd like to do something a little more elegant than piping the output from DIR into a file and reading that back.



Edited by bstjohn
#include <File.au3>

Local $aFiles = _FileListToArrayRec(@ScriptDir & "\", "*", $FLTAR_FILESFOLDERS, $FLTAR_RECUR)
Local $iFullSize = DirGetSize(@ScriptDir)

ConsoleWrite("Beginning size: " & ($iFullSize) / 1024 & @LF)    ; / 1024 to convert to kb, easier to read

For $i = 1 To $aFiles[0]
    Local $iAttributes = FileGetAttrib(@ScriptDir & "\" & $aFiles[$i])
    Local $iFileSize = FileGetSize(@ScriptDir & "\" & $aFiles[$i])
    Local $iDirSize = DirGetSize(@ScriptDir & "\" & $aFiles[$i])

    If (StringInStr($iAttributes, "S")) Then
        If (StringInStr($iAttributes, "D")) Then
            ConsoleWrite("Folder '" & $aFiles[$i] & "' is a system file, subtracting from full size" & @LF)
            $iFullSize -= $iDirSize
            ConsoleWrite("File '" & $aFiles[$i] & "' is a system file, subtracting from full size" & @LF)
            $iFullSize -= $iFileSize

ConsoleWrite("Adjusted size: " & ($iFullSize) / 1024 & @LF) ; / 1024 to convert to kb, easier to read

Something like this should get you going. You'll have to figure out a way to account for if the current file being checked is a directory and it's subtracted from the full size, to exclude all files under that directory. I didn't account for hidden because I believe hidden files are still copied. I could be wrong, if I am just add another StringInStr for "H".

3 hours ago, InunoTaishou said:

I didn't account for hidden because I believe hidden files are still copied. I could be wrong, if I am just add another StringInStr for "H".

RoboCopy's /XA switch let's you pick which attributes to exclude, so I'm excluding system and hidden.  So I'll add another StringInStr for "H" and that'll do it.

This puts me on a good track.  Thanks for the mental kickstart!



I've found that _FileListToArray() has the inherent ability to filter the system and hidden files:

Add one or more of the following to $iReturn to omit files/folders with that attribute
+ $FLTAR_NOHIDDEN (4) - Hidden files and folders
+ $FLTAR_NOSYSTEM (8) - System files and folders
+ $FLTAR_NOLINK (16) - Link/junction folders

That makes things all the easier.  Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

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