I just find it weird how the Autoit script freezes whenever a Javascript dialog appears. No other programming language I know has this issue.
I've tried all these and I still can't get it to work.
This is what the AutoIt Window says
$TrashCan is the button that is found on the IE page that triggers a javascript alert
_IEAction($TrashCan, "click")
Is my code, ConsoleWrite never happens until I manually click the close button
I make a mistake/error in my example (post #31)
There should be:
Func CloseAlert()
ControlClick("[CLASS:#32770]", "Someone clicked the document!", "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:1]")
EndFunc ;==>CloseAlert
But even that fix is not able to properly close the window.
but ......
Yesterday @Chimp @Jos an me discused here:
and here is working solution for HOW TO CLICK IN JAVA ALLERT WINDOW
;~ https://www.autoitsc