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I'm having a heck of a time trying to figure out how to call/invoke a WMI method through Autoit. I have a Powershell script that checks if a reboot is required using multiple checks including a WMI method related to ConfigMgr/SCCM but I want to do this in Autoit because I have a script that does other things and prompts the user to reboot if needed. I've given up on trying to make Autoit run the Powershell script and capture the true/false return value so since I know how to do everything the Powershell script does in Autoit, minus this WMI method call, I figured I'd take a stab at doing all of it in Autoit.

The WMI method involved is called DetermineIfRebootPending in the root\ccm\ClientSDK namespace in the CCM_ClientUtilities class. I've done some searching on the forums here and saw many references to the Scriptomatic so I downloaded that and when I run it, since (I'm guessing) there are no properties in the CCM_ClientUtilities class, it doesn't show up as an available option in the class dropdown (see attached image), so it doesn't seem like Scriptomatic is going to help me here unless I'm missing something. Here is the Powershell part that I'd like to convert to Autoit.

$CCMClientSDK = $null
$CCMSplat = @{
$CCMClientSDK = Invoke-WmiMethod @CCMSplat

If ($CCMClientSDK.IsHardRebootPending -or $CCMClientSDK.RebootPending)
     $SCCMReboot = $true

So as you can see, its invoking the DetermineIfRebootPending method and then checking the IsHardRebootPending and RebootPending properties to see if they are True or False. If either are true, it sets the $SCCMReboot to true and later on down the script, it returns that value to the pipeline after checking some other registry locations to determine if reboot is required. 

If anyone could help me either 1) convert the above code to Autoit or 2) figure out how to run the powershell script from within Autoit and capture the return value, I'd be forever grateful. Thanks!


  • 1 year later...

For all WMI related stuff Scriptomatic in the Example Scripts Section is a good starting point. It creates AutoIt scripts to query WMI for you. 

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