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The advantage of the forum is most people do not care to chat, but rather just want to find a quick answer to their current problem. So, when the question "how do I make x into y" is asked, the next person who has the same (or similar) problem they can quickly find a solution - usually through Google, not the forum's search. Google's results also drive new members to the page (it's how I wound up here). I think chats are better reserved for specific projects where there is a lot of back and forth about a single subject. My opinion is irrelevant, though, and I am just trying to expand on why others may seem resistant.

I understand you wish to target those specific individuals who do like to continuously chat, which is a different crowd, and I applaud the can-do attitude and perseverance while encouraging you to go for it if you see a direct benefit!

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys,
(@TheDCoder (+ and @TheSaint ?))


Honestly, I think you are overengineering this.


I've been on all three #AutoIt (ie. global), ##AutoIt (ie. local Freenode) and ##AutoItScript (idem, local to freenode) for YEARS (since around 2014), and I haven't met a single soul in all this time. Until i logged one more time yesterday... and have met you guys. Obviously with *this* little frequention, setting ownership would have been overkill (what I was to do? kick and ban myself? lol!) and it is still overkill as there probably won't ever be anybody else than THeSait, theDCoder and myself on that channel for then next two years, until one or two more lost souls end up travelling back to the 90s and turn an IRC client on.


Now, don't get me wrong : I find the questions you are raising interesting, (I never bothered studying how this works and why is it so important to have that channel "owned" at all). Interesting, yes, but pointless in our case. So this is all more an exercise, a proof of concept, or a "niche" discussion channel, which is already a good thing and should not pretend to be much more.


So let's not get too much headaches with it. LOL !  ;D


Speak later,



How to Set up Your Own IRC Channel (on Freenode.Net)
-- http://www.wikihow.com/Set-up-Your-Own-IRC-Channel-on-Freenode.Net

1. Choose a channel name. IRC channel names start with a #, and Freenode's policy dictates that "off topic" channels should start with ##; e.g. ##mychannel.

2. Join the chosen channel.
    Use the /join ##mychannel command.
    If the channel was empty, it will be created and you will automatically become a "channel operator" (sometimes "chanop" or "op"). Ops are allowed to manage the channel – for example, to ban abusers.
    If the network doesn't give you op rights, it means the channel is already registered by somebody else.

3. Register the channel with the ChanServ bot. This makes sure nobody else can take over the channel.
    /msg ChanServ register ##mychannel






I would say they have been empty because there was no interest in it for a while.  There are some who like to chat, and will go there once they know that there are others there.

Interest will come and go. over time.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

what exactly are you bumping?  Do you have additional questions about the entire communities lack of interest in IRC?  

You might as well bump the thread about chatbox too...

Edited by iamtheky

,-. .--. ________ .-. .-. ,---. ,-. .-. .-. .-.
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'-' '-' (__) (__) (_) (__)


Ahh, and i see chatbox has become more populated, so that aside can be withdrawn.  Why not change the title of this thread to the Freenode channel, so when it is bumped the awareness is raised in large bold letters?

,-. .--. ________ .-. .-. ,---. ,-. .-. .-. .-.
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`-' |_| (_) | |\/| | `-' /( (_)/( __.' |((_)-' /(_|
'-' '-' (__) (__) (_) (__)


@iamtheky I don't want to change the title and confuse the actual purpose of this thread. I bumped it for 2 reasons:

1. To keep this thread alive (so that @Jon can see it when he returns).

2. To create awareness of freenode and IRC.


I could bump one of my other threads but by bumping threads serves as a dual purpose bump.

EasyCodeIt - A cross-platform AutoIt implementation - Fund the development! (GitHub will double your donations for a limited time)

DcodingTheWeb Forum - Follow for updates and Join for discussion


According to chatbox logs: its already created, you are inviting folk to join, and many are active there.   Soooo, the intent of this thread is to seek Jon's blessing to do something that you've gone ahead and done anyway?

All apologies if logic fails me, but if the intent has changed from seeking permission, to seeking participation, then reflect it as such.  Otherwise you are raising your hand to go to the bathroom when you have already crapped your pants.

,-. .--. ________ .-. .-. ,---. ,-. .-. .-. .-.
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`-' |_| (_) | |\/| | `-' /( (_)/( __.' |((_)-' /(_|
'-' '-' (__) (__) (_) (__)


What if Jon says "no" @TheDcoder? What then?

UDF List:

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Updated: 22/04/2018

1 minute ago, iamtheky said:

According to chatbox logs: its already created

You misunderstood, I am currently using ##AutoIt (## is unofficial namespace), official channels start with single #. So official channel name would be #AutoIt.


#AutoIt is currently owned by freenode staff and is not active.

##AutoIt is maintained by me and my friends and IS active.

EasyCodeIt - A cross-platform AutoIt implementation - Fund the development! (GitHub will double your donations for a limited time)

DcodingTheWeb Forum - Follow for updates and Join for discussion

Posted (edited)

The difference between "Primary" channels and "about channels" is semantics.  For instance, #Powershell is ran by poshcode.org , not by Microsoft.  Much of my media collection in high school was gathered from ##channels

I wasnt trying to go this route with the discussion so much as just state that bumping a "Request" thread seems odd -vs- a simple PM.  Bumping a participation thread makes more sense if not being futile.  there is a facebook group, a LinkedIn group, a twitter feed, and all of those user bases dwarf the IRC user base, and yet the Autoit footprint there is miniscule; mainly because this forum is the best route for the information you need.  The others, in their optimal state, should simply serve as billboards to direct you here.

Edited by iamtheky

,-. .--. ________ .-. .-. ,---. ,-. .-. .-. .-.
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`-' |_| (_) | |\/| | `-' /( (_)/( __.' |((_)-' /(_|
'-' '-' (__) (__) (_) (__)

Posted (edited)

@TheDcoder: I don't do chat, but I do admire your zest, vigour, and vim.:)

BTW, what is "persmission"?:D (perhaps change that thread title after all?)


EDIT: wait, was I chatting just now?!:blink:

Edited by RTFC
3 minutes ago, iamtheky said:

a simple PM

I wanted to do this in public so that freenode staff can see the proof.

3 minutes ago, iamtheky said:

 there is a facebook group, a LinkedIn group, a twitter feed, and all of those user bases dwarf the IRC user base

I strongly disagree, The IRC is community much larger and active, There many people there who like free software (this is also the meaning of "free" in freenode). I also disagree that they should redirect to the forums, atleast the IRC community should not, Forums and IRC serve different purposes as I already explained earlier. You can understand better if you try using IRC, The AutoIt IRC Community is slowly growing too, Many of its participants agree that having a IRC Community is good for AutoIt Enthusiasts.


Anyways, This is why I bumped this thread, to create discussion.

EasyCodeIt - A cross-platform AutoIt implementation - Fund the development! (GitHub will double your donations for a limited time)

DcodingTheWeb Forum - Follow for updates and Join for discussion

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