Guest Posted February 12, 2016 Posted February 12, 2016 (edited) Hello, I am traying to access and change this n variable in C++ code: // C_Application.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include "windows.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { // Declare the varibles int n = 1; int n_old = 1; cout << "n=" << n << ", n pointer=" << &n << endl; cout << "Waiting for n to change..." << endl; while (1) { Sleep(100); if (n != n_old) { cout << "n changed to: " << n << endl; n_old = n; } } return 0; } This code prints the value of n and it's memory address. The code designed that if n was changed then it will "say" it. Now, after I runned this code and I got the memory address of int n; and the pid of the c++ process, I go to this code: #include <Array.au3> #include <NomadMemory.au3> #Region Test3: change value in C++ process ; Define the C++ address (pid and pointer for the n varible) Local $iCPid = 3792 ; <---------------- Write here the correct pid of the c++ code Local $pCPointer = 0x004EFAFC ; <------------- Write here the correct memory address for the n variable in the c++ code Local $CPointer_DataType = 'int' ; <------------- the variable datatype ; Open the Pointer for the n varibale in the C++ process $haMem = _MemoryOpen($iCPid,$pCPointer) If @error Then Exit ConsoleWrite('Error in _MemoryOpen' &' (L:'&@ScriptLineNumber&')'&@CRLF) ; Write new value into n in the C++ process (using the pointer for n) ConsoleWrite('Start writing new values into n varible in the C++ process...'&' (L:'&@ScriptLineNumber&')'&@CRLF) Local $n_new For $n_new = 2 To 100 _MemoryWrite($pCPointer, $haMem,$n_new,$CPointer_DataType) If Not @error Then ConsoleWrite('Succeeded to write the value '&$n_new&' into n' &' (L:'&@ScriptLineNumber&')'&@CRLF) Else ConsoleWrite('Failed to write the value '&$n_new&' into n' &' (L:'&@ScriptLineNumber&')'&@CRLF) EndIf ConsoleWrite(@TAB&'Reading the value on n using the memory address: the value is: '& _ _MemoryRead($pCPointer, $haMem,$CPointer_DataType)&' (L:'&@ScriptLineNumber&')'&@CRLF) ; This should return the new value that is $n_new Sleep(1000) Next _MemoryClose($haMem) #EndRegion Then I write the correct values in lines 7-8 (in line 9 there is no change unless you change the datatype of n in the c++ code) and run the script while the C++ code running. What I expected to see is: 1) in the C++ concole window I will see that n is changing. Not happening 2) In Autoit I will see that in line 28 it will prints the correct value which is $n_new. Not happening. It print always 0 What I did wrong? Thanks. Update 1: Spoiler I tried to replace the target c++ code to this alternative autoit code: expandcollapse popup#include <EditConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #Region Test ; Create alternative concole gui Global $ConsoleGUI,$ConsoleGUI_Edit CreateAlternativeConcoleGUI() ; Allocate memory (and create the memory address) for the given data structure Local $tSTRUCT1 = DllStructCreate("int n") ; Set the value 1 to n DllStructSetData($tSTRUCT1,1,1) ; Get the memory address("Pointer") for the allocated space into varible Local $Pointer = DllStructGetPtr($tSTRUCT1,1) ; Print the data ConsoleWrite2('n='&DllStructGetData($tSTRUCT1,1)&@LF) ConsoleWrite2('The pid is: '&@AutoItPID &@LF) ConsoleWrite2('The pointer for [int n] is: '&$Pointer&@LF) ConsoleWrite2('Waiting for n to change...' &@LF) Local $n_old = 1 While Sleep(100) If DllStructGetData($tSTRUCT1,1) <> $n_old Then ConsoleWrite2('n changed to: '&DllStructGetData($tSTRUCT1,1)&@LF) $n_old = DllStructGetData($tSTRUCT1,1) EndIf WEnd #EndRegion #Region Low-Level Func CreateAlternativeConcoleGUI() ; Exit on exit key HotKeySet('{ESC}','Exit1') ; Create the console GUI $ConsoleGUI = GUICreate('Alternative Concole', 690, 298) $ConsoleGUI_Edit = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 0, 0, 689, 297) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) GUICtrlSetBkColor($ConsoleGUI_Edit, 0x000000) WinSetOnTop($ConsoleGUI,'',1) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) EndFunc Func ConsoleWrite2($sText) ControlSend($ConsoleGUI,'',$ConsoleGUI_Edit,$sText) EndFunc Func Exit1() Exit EndFunc #EndRegion And perform exactly the same test but this time with the Autoit code instead of the c++ code. I got exactly the same result. Update 2: Spoiler During this test [Autoit A --write-in--> Autoit A] expandcollapse popup#include <EditConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <NomadMemory.au3> #Region Test ; Create alternative concole gui Global $ConsoleGUI,$ConsoleGUI_Edit CreateAlternativeConcoleGUI() ; Allocate memory (and create the memory address) for the given data structure $tSTRUCT1 = DllStructCreate("int n") ; Set the value 1 to n DllStructSetData($tSTRUCT1,1,1) ; Get the memory address("Pointer") for the allocated space into varible $Pointer = DllStructGetPtr($tSTRUCT1,1) ; Print the data ConsoleWrite2('n='&DllStructGetData($tSTRUCT1,1)&@LF) ConsoleWrite2('The pid is: '&@AutoItPID &@LF) ConsoleWrite2('The pointer for [int n] is: '&$Pointer&@LF) ConsoleWrite2('Waiting for n to change...' &@LF) ; Change the n from inside (some test) AdlibRegister('Change_n_from_inside',1000) ; <----------------------------------- SUB TEST (If that does not work then there is no chance that it will work from outside) Local $n_old = 1 While Sleep(100) If DllStructGetData($tSTRUCT1,1) <> $n_old Then ConsoleWrite2('n changed to: '&DllStructGetData($tSTRUCT1,1)&@LF) $n_old = DllStructGetData($tSTRUCT1,1) EndIf WEnd #EndRegion Func Change_n_from_inside() Local Static $n_new = 2,$haMem = -1 If $haMem = -1 Then $haMem = _MemoryOpen(@AutoItPID) If @error Then Exit ConsoleWrite('Error in _MemoryOpen' &' (L:'&@ScriptLineNumber&')'&@CRLF) EndIf _MemoryWrite($Pointer, $haMem,$n_new,'int') $n_new += 1 EndFunc #Region Low-Level Func CreateAlternativeConcoleGUI() ; Exit on exit key HotKeySet('{ESC}','Exit1') ; Create the console GUI $ConsoleGUI = GUICreate('Alternative Concole', 690, 298) $ConsoleGUI_Edit = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 0, 0, 689, 297) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) GUICtrlSetBkColor($ConsoleGUI_Edit, 0x000000) WinSetOnTop($ConsoleGUI,'',1) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) EndFunc Func ConsoleWrite2($sText) ControlSend($ConsoleGUI,'',$ConsoleGUI_Edit,$sText) EndFunc Func Exit1() Exit EndFunc #EndRegion I found the bug. to make it work I needed to change line: $haMem = _MemoryOpen(@AutoItPID,$Pointer) To: $haMem = _MemoryOpen(@AutoItPID) Now I try to repeat the test with the patch applied.. I'll update later if it will works Update 3: Repeate the original test when the target exe (where int n is stored) is Autoit exe - [Autoit A --write-in--> Autoit B] Test passed (Working!) Update 4: Repeate the original test when the target exe (where int n is stored) is C++ exe - [Autoit --write-in--> C++] Test passed (Working!) Problem solved Update 5: And now I worte c++ code that will change the n varible in Autoit: [C++ --write-in--> Autoit] Test passed (Working!) C++ code: expandcollapse popup#include <iostream> //#include <string> #include <windows.h> using namespace std; int main() { // Define the address of n stored in Autoit EXE (pid and pointer for the n varible) DWORD ExProcessPid = 7184; // The target process PID of Autoit int TargetVariablePointer = 0x00F28F38; // The memory address for the n variable stored in Autoit (Pointer in 0x0 format is (LPVOID)Pointer) int n_new = 2; // The new value to set to the n varibale in Autoit // Open the Autoit process HANDLE hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, TRUE, ExProcessPid); if (!hProcess) {cout << "Error in OpenProcess" << endl; return -1;} // If Error then return -1 // Change the value of n inside Autoit cout << "Start writing new values into n varible in the Autoit process..." << endl; bool bWriteMem;int iReadFromMem_OutValue;bool bReadFromMem; for (n_new; n_new <= 100; n_new++) { // Write the new value bWriteMem = WriteProcessMemory(hProcess,(LPVOID)TargetVariablePointer,&n_new,sizeof(n_new),NULL); if (bWriteMem) { cout << "Succeeded to write the value " << n_new << " into n." << endl; } else { cout << "Failed to write the value " << n_new << " into n." << endl; } // Read the value to see if it was changed cout << '\t' << "Reading the value on n using the memory address -> "; bReadFromMem = ReadProcessMemory(hProcess,(LPVOID)TargetVariablePointer,&iReadFromMem_OutValue,sizeof(iReadFromMem_OutValue),NULL); if (bReadFromMem) { cout << "the value is: " << iReadFromMem_OutValue << endl; } else { cout << "Failed to read the value." << endl; } Sleep(1000); // Sleep every 1 second } CloseHandle(hProcess); cout << "Done" << endl; return 1; } Unfortunately I could not make it simpler in C. There is no way to do it simple in C .. But maybe I'm wrong .. I'm new in C ++ Edited February 13, 2016 by Guest
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