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Hi friends,

Suppose MyProgram is a tabbed program, meaning that it allows for opening multiple files in the same instance.

I want to open File1, File2 and File3 in one instance of MyProgram from an AutoIT script. How can I do this?

I have read the AutoIT Help File about "ShellExecute" and "Run", but I have found nothing helpful.

Thanks for reading my question. Any answer would be very appreciated.




Hi bobby,

What do you mean by "tabbed program"?

What kind of files do you want to open?

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This thread has some approaches you can see using AutoIt.


Generally the pattern sounds like the tabbed application that would display a file per tab would be considered the Primary Instance of the application.  Other copies of the program that just pass the command line on to the Primary are considered Secondary instances.  They pass on the command line params, then exit.


The are many forms of Interprocess Communication or IPC that can be used on Windows.  The thread I linked has some done in AutoIt.  But you could roll your own using Windows API calls via the DllCall function.


Posted (edited)

Hi Kylomas, pls see MilesAhead's post to understand my question more clearly. Thank you.

Hi MilesAhead, thank you for your answer. This seems to be complicated if we use just AutoIT to accomplish this task. I decided to combine AutoIT and a Windows batch file to achieve the same task, but with a simpler programming skill required.

Edited by bobbyab9987

How are you getting your list of files?

How are you opening the files? Command-line or browsing etc.

If browsing, then look at the options for FileOpenDialog command in the 4th (Options) parameter - Multiselect.

Command-line is possibly even simpler, providing you supply all the elements correctly (quotes etc).

Other than that, I suggest you search for exactly what you want or provide some basic code that we can work with, especially so that we can get a clearer understanding of what you need.

It shouldn't be that complicated, providing you understand a few basics. In fact, it seems to me that adding a batch file is only adding complexity ... but then I'm not entirely sure of what you are wanting to do.

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