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A fully detailed "What to know" for Maps101 can be found here

I'm here to explain my opinion over maps, i like it so much, give to autoit someting of object orientet...
I want to talk of the use i got from maps, specificlly Multi-Dimensional Maps

Maps101  usage

Global $mObj[]   ; can be stored Global here, local inside a function or somiething like that

$mObj.instance=1 ;the mObjct . instance was declared to be 1 or true


really easy, not?

now something more hard
i was impressed to the semplicity of maps give me to realize an artificial intelligence,
a sort of little game of life (not konoweys)

The maps can give you a multi-Dimensional tipe of array
it's noting that $array[][] couldn't do
but let me explain how much it's easyer

thats a really simple algorithm that improve autoit object oriented like programming

in this example i use some java syntax like to obtain someting like


or      character.getPos.x

else   character.getPos.y

; i have a gridMap
;in one or more slot of the gridMap
;i have an individue, an essence, an object

Global $aGridMap[10][10] ; declaring the grid map
; the gridMap goes from a range value of 0~9

;now i want to instance some individue, essence or object

;on a grid of 10 x 10 i can declare 100 dinstincte object
;but i need to store it first in a multidimensional-Array

Global $instance = 2 ;number of object that i want to initialize

Global $aWorldArray[$instance][4]
$aWorldArray[0][0] = 2 ;at this point i select a pos for the obj in the grid  This is the x value
$aWorldArray[0][1] = 4 ;this is the y vaue
$aWorldArray[0][2] = 0x00FF00 ;this is the color of the element
$aWorldArray[0][3] = "fruit" ;this is the type of the element

$aWorldArray[1][0] = 5 ;same as up
$aWorldArray[1][1] = 3
$aWorldArray[1][2] = 0xFF0000
$aWorldArray[1][3] = "animal"

;this dosen't look great, i really dosn't apprecciate this approach

;now i want to realize a sort of structure where i can modify the parameters how i want.

;_arrayToMaps transform the multidimensional array from world to a specified individue
;$array is the $aWorldArray,
;~ the $n is the instance, the element we want to grab

Func _ArrayToMaps(ByRef $array, $n = 0);the byref grab the entire array

    Local $mIndividue[] ;preparing for maps
    Local $mPos[] ;creating the multidimension map for .x .y pos
    $mPos.x = $array[$n][0]
    $mPos.y = $array[$n][1]
    $mIndividue.getPos = $mPos ;  with this trick someting magic appens, the .x .y was attached to the getPos node root

    $mIndividue.n = $n ;remember his own position into the world obj list
    $mIndividue.type = $array[$n][3]
    $mIndividue.color = $array[$n][2]

    ;we have now a single Individue from an array wolrd of objct
    ;but we want do more hazard thing :P let's destroy the compiler, (my brain maybe)

    ;we want the $mIndividue Maps store in its own node an entire multidimensional array

    $mIndividue.array = 0 ;a blank array node to the individue

    Local $aMultiDim[2][2] ; a structure that contain two names at [0][0] and [0][1]  and two surname at [1][0] and [1][1]
    $aMultiDim[0][0] = "Mario"
    $aMultiDim[0][0] = "Mary"
    $aMultiDim[1][0] = "noodles"
    $aMultiDim[1][1] = "nuggets"

    ;let's add the multy dim array to $mIndividue.array

    $mIndividue.array = $aMultiDim ;now you have a complete $mIndividue that contain for example the name...

    ;How to use  $mIndividue.array[1][0] to get "noodles" as a string! Absolutely crazy :D i've never seen or use something like that
    ;i really dosn't think that a map's really need a multidim array but that make the things more easyer

    ;i want now to operate with the individue structure, then return the map

    Return $mIndividue

EndFunc   ;==>_ArrayToMaps

;i make a function that operate on an individue obj type
Func _changeSometing(ByRef $mIndividue)

    ;i want to move my object to an other position then
    $mIndividue.getPos.x = 6
    $mIndividue.getPos.y = 3

    ;i want to change the color then

    $mIndividue.color = 0x0000FF ;for blue, an hex RGB value, 0x 00 00 ff, on int it was R000 G000 B255

    ;and i want also read some data from the array node

    Local $string = '' ;make a blanck string that contain the array info
    For $i = 0 To 1
        For $u = 0 To 1
            $string &= $mIndividue.array[$i][$u] & @CRLF ;usage of multidim array into the array map
    ;then output the array
    MsgBox(0, "lets Read the name!", $string) ;$string is only the concatenation of $mIndividue.array

    Return $mIndividue ;return the entire map!

EndFunc   ;==>_changeSometing

;i make now a function that rewrite back the individual information to a multidimensional array World
Func _MapsToArray(ByRef $mIndividue) ;this time we don't need the position of the object in the array, because it was store in individue.n
    Local $n
    $n = $mIndividue.n ;get back it's own stacks

    $aWorldArray[$n][0] = $mIndividue.getPos.x ;at this point i select a pos for the obj in the grid  This is the x value
    $aWorldArray[$n][1] = $mIndividue.getPos.y ;this is the y value
    $aWorldArray[$n][2] = $mIndividue.color

    $aWorldArray[$n][3] = $mIndividue.type ;useless because the $mIndividue.type wasn't changed but that eventually restore the value onto the world array obj

;~  $aWorldArray is stored globally then i don't need to return a parameters
EndFunc   ;==>_MapsToArray

Func Main();i like to write a main function like c
    ;we have the entire project now let's concatenate

;~  i want my world array of obj goes to an single individue map then
    $aWorld = $aWorldArray ; i get the array parameter

    $mSingleObjectFromWorld = _ArrayToMaps($aWorld) ;given array tipe, return maps type
    MsgBox(0, "old Pos",            $mSingleObjectFromWorld.getPos.x    & @CRLF  &  $mSingleObjectFromWorld.getPos.y    );read the pos

    $mSingleObjectFromWorld=_changeSometing($mSingleObjectFromWorld);lets the function modify someting

    MsgBox(0, "new Pos", _
            $mSingleObjectFromWorld.getPos.x    & @CRLF  _
        &   $mSingleObjectFromWorld.getPos.y    )  ;see what's changed

    ;now restore back the data to a single multidimensional array from each individue

    _MapsToArray($mSingleObjectFromWorld) ; thats restore the $mIndividue changes from single obj to the world multidim array of elements
    ;$mSingleObjectFromWorld know is index in the array, because it was stored as $mSingleObjectFromWorld.n  where n is the array index

EndFunc   ;==>_Main


easy explanation of possible uses

one examples that took me into java syntax

Func _simpleString($string);transofrm a string to someting like Java
    Local $mapString[]
    $mapString.string = $string
    $mapString.len = StringLen($string)

    Local $chAsci
    $chAsci = StringToASCIIArray($string)

    For $i = 0 To UBound($chAsci) - 1
        $chAsci[$i] = Chr($chAsci[$i])

    $mapString.char = $chAsci

    Return $mapString
EndFunc   ;==>_simpleString

;~-----the script starts here----

$strin = 'ciao'
$mString = _simpleString($strin)
MsgBox(0,"the string",$mString.string)
MsgBox(0, "the lenght of the string", $mString.len)
MsgBox(0, "the first character of the string", $mString.char[0])
MsgBox(0, "the last character of the string", $mString.char[$mString.len - 1])

isn't this like a well organizated structure?!

i hope this was helpfull




Misuse of the language and misunderstanding of OOP.


UDF List:

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Updated: 22/04/2018


Thank you.
I just I needed see your example to be convinced.
I think it's different from what I've seen before.

Is this feature is included in the latest releas(not beta) ?



Do you think that will be drastic changes (big script breaking changes) in this feature when it will be relesed in non-beta ?

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