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I love Autoit, but struggling to find the best way to do this.

I have 2 text files....  File1 is Tab Separated and File2 is CSV.  I am attempting to read in a line from File1 and split it, then search the contents of File2 for one of the substrings from that split line.    If I find a match, then I want to split the matching line and grab needed info from it to complete the record and output the combined record to a file.


Example line from File1:

    17   123456789     learned          10800     bridging      1/13

Example line from File2:,computername.domain,Reservation (active),DHCP,123456789,,Full Access,N/A

From File1, I grab the 2nd column (MAC Address) and search for that in the 2nd file (Column5)


I really thought reading file into an array and doing an _arraysearch was the way to go, but that seems to require searching for the whole string, not a sub-string.

What I have been trying to do so far is read in file1 one line at a time, split the string, then read in file 2 one line at a time and check for a matching substring..... handle that.   Then back to file 1 to repeat the process.   This seems so clunky.

So I would love suggestions on what functions might work best.

Thanks so much for any feedback.

- John

Posted (edited)


Can you post examples of the files...20 or so linesof each.  How large are the files on average?


Edit: is the search argument always the second delimited value from file one?

Edited by kylomas

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"I like pigs.  Dogs look up to us.  Cats look down on us.  Pigs treat us as equals."

- Sir Winston Churchill

Posted (edited)

Here is a small example:

#include <Array.au3>
Local $aFile1
Local $aFile1
; this will be populated from _FileReadToArray("yourfile.txt",$aFile1,0)...i'm just populating an array since I don't have the file
Local $aFile1[3] = ["17 123456789   learned     10800   bridging    1/13","18   123456780   learned     10800   bridging    1/13","18   123456783   learned     10800   bridging    1/13"]

; this will be populated from _FileReadToArray("yoursecondfile.txt",$aFile1,0)...i'm just populating an array since I don't have the file
Local $aFile2[2] = [",computername.domain,Reservation (active),DHCP,123456789,,Full Access,N/A",",computername.domain,Reservation (active),DHCP,123456780,,Full Access,N/A"]

; split up the array
For $i = 0 To UBound($aFile1)-1
    $aFile1[$i] = StringSplit($aFile1[$i],@TAB,2)

; split up the array
For $i = 0 To UBound($aFile2)-1
    $aFile2[$i] = StringSplit($aFile2[$i],",",2)

; find matches
For $i = 0 To UBound($aFile1)-1
    $aTemp = $aFile1[$i]
    For $j = 0 To UBound($aFile2)-1
        $aTemp2 = $aFile2[$j]
        If $aTemp[1] = $aTemp2[4] Then
            ConsoleWrite("Match for $sID=[" & $aTemp[1] & "] found in second file...=[" & _ArrayToString($aTemp2) & "]" & @CRLF)
    If $j=UBound($aFile2) Then
        ConsoleWrite("NO Match for $sID=[" & $aTemp[1] & "] found in second file..." & @CRLF)



Match for $sID=[123456789] found in second file...=[|computername.domain|Reservation (active)|DHCP|123456789||Full Access|N/A]
Match for $sID=[123456780] found in second file...=[|computername.domain|Reservation (active)|DHCP|123456780||Full Access|N/A]
NO Match for $sID=[123456783] found in second file...

As expected, the third item returns nothing, because it wsa not included in the second 'file'

You could also go a regexp route, which would be simpler....although less reliable, since I'm doing broad assumptions on a very simple regexp.

Local $aFile1
Local $aFile1
; this will be populated from _FileReadToArray("yourfile.txt",$aFile1,0)...i'm just populating an array since I don't have the file
Local $aFile1[3] = ["17 123456789   learned     10800   bridging    1/13","18   123456780   learned     10800   bridging    1/13","18   123456783   learned     10800   bridging    1/13"]

; this will be populated from FileRead("yoursecondfile.txt")...
Local $aFile2=",computername.domain,Reservation (active),DHCP,123456789,,Full Access,N/A" & @CRLF &  _
",computername.domain,Reservation (active),DHCP,123456780,,Full Access,N/A"

; split up the array
For $i = 0 To UBound($aFile1)-1
    $aFile1[$i] = StringSplit($aFile1[$i],@TAB,2)

; find matches
For $i = 0 To UBound($aFile1)-1
    $aTemp = $aFile1[$i]
    $aFound = StringRegExp($aFile2,"(.*" & $aTemp[1] & ".*)",1)
    If IsArray($aFound) Then
        For $j = 0 to UBound($aFound)-1
            ConsoleWrite("Match for $sID=[" & $aTemp[1] & "] found in second file...=[" & $aFound[$j] & "]" & @CRLF)
        ConsoleWrite("NO Match for $sID=[" & $aTemp[1] & "] found in second file..." & @CRLF)


Edited by jdelaney
IEbyXPATH-Grab IE DOM objects by XPATH IEscriptRecord-Makings of an IE script recorder ExcelFromXML-Create Excel docs without excel installed GetAllWindowControls-Output all control data on a given window.

Here was an interesting topic that was discussed for a few days about StringInStr with files. The original poster was trying to get it to work as fast as possible but maybe you could find some enlightenment in the topic.



Thanks so much for the suggestions.   I am very grateful for the help with this.  


@jdelaney, I like your first example and think it will do the trick.    You do things in the code I have never done, so I will have to dig into this tonight or over the weekend.  

Running the first example as is, I get this error...  

 (25) : ==> Array variable has incorrect number of subscripts or subscript dimension range exceeded.:

If $aTemp[1] = $aTemp2[4] Then

Pointing the script to  the files I get the same error.....    

I'll have to wrap my heard around this better after work.

- John

Posted (edited)

The script was assuming that every line in each file is 'valid', meaning that it  can be broken down into at least a certain amount of values in the stringsplit.

Since that appears to not be the case, you need to check that the bounds of the temp array are valid; if not do a continueloop.

Edited by jdelaney
IEbyXPATH-Grab IE DOM objects by XPATH IEscriptRecord-Makings of an IE script recorder ExcelFromXML-Create Excel docs without excel installed GetAllWindowControls-Output all control data on a given window.

Thanks again....  I found the issue.  The first file wasn't really tab delimited as I thought... It was using a bunch of spaces instead of tabs.  

I modified the section where the first split happens to look like below and now it rolling along smoothly....  

; split up the array
For $i = 0 To UBound($aFile1)-1
    $aFile1[$i] = StringReplace($aFile1[$i],":","")  ;Takes colons out of MAC address to match format of other file.
    $aFile1[$i] = StringReplace($aFile1[$i],"  "," ") ;Replaces multiple spaces with a single space
    Local $iReplacements = @extended
    until $iReplacements = 0
    $aFile1[$i] = StringReplace($aFile1[$i]," ",",") ;Replaces single space with coma
    $aFile1[$i] = StringSplit($aFile1[$i],",",2)  ;Split CSV

The script is working well.  Thank you so much.  I definitely learned some new tricks and sure appreciate the help.

- John

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