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Posted (edited)

I'm trying to use Sendspace API for download and upload, until now i only have learned to get token, login and get session key. My next step is upload a file. But i have no idea how to do this part.

; try to upload something

; Specify the reguest to upload.getInfo:
Local $hRequest = _WinHttpOpenRequest($hConnect, Default, "/rest/?method=upload.getinfo&session_key=" & $SessonKey & "&speed_limit=0")

; Send request
Local $handle = _WinHttpSendRequest($hRequest)

; Wait for the response
Local $WaitRS = _WinHttpReceiveResponse($hRequest)

; Read Data
Local $sData = _WinHttpReadData($hRequest)
MsgBox(0, "Upload Data", $sData)

; Get all info needed from $sData

$URL = _StringBetween($sData, "<upload url=", "progress")
$sURL = $URL[0]

$MaxFileSize = _StringBetween($sData, "max_file_size=", "progress")
$sMaxFileSize = $MaxFileSize[0]

$Upload_Identifier = _StringBetween($sData, "upload_identifier=", "&amp")
$sUpload_Identifier = $Upload_Identifier[0]

$ExtraInfo = _StringBetween($sData, "extra_info=", "/>")
$sExtraInfo = $ExtraInfo[0]

;All well done until here

;Fill in form

$XML = '<form method="post" action="' & $sURL &  'enctype="multipart/form-data">' & @CRLF
$XML &= '<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value=' & $sMaxFileSize & '>' & @CRLF
$XML &= '<input type="hidden" name="UPLOAD_IDENTIFIER" value=' & $sUpload_Identifier & '>' & @CRLF
$XML &= '<input type="hidden" name="extra_info" value=' & $sExtraInfo & '>' & @CRLF
$XML &= '<input type="file" name=' & "C:\Users\Arlen\Desktop\premisa mrotal.txt" & '>' & @CRLF
$XML &= '</form>'
MsgBox(0,"", $XML)

; Now how do i send it? Is it correct?




Edited by Progh0st
Added PDF of sendspace if helpful
Posted (edited)
$sFileToUpload = "C:\Users\Arlen\Desktop\premisa mrotal.txt"

$XML = '<form method="post" action="' & $sURL &  '" enctype="multipart/form-data">' & @CRLF
$XML &= '<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" >' & @CRLF
$XML &= '<input type="hidden" name="UPLOAD_IDENTIFIER" >' & @CRLF
$XML &= '<input type="hidden" name="extra_info" >' & @CRLF
$XML &= '<input type="file" name="userfile" >' & @CRLF
$XML &= '</form>'

$hConnect = $XML ;<!!!

; Fill the form
$sHTML = _WinHttpSimpleFormFill($hConnect, $hOpen, _
        Default, _
        "name:MAX_FILE_SIZE", $sMaxFileSize, _
        "name:UPLOAD_IDENTIFIER", $sUpload_Identifier, _
        "name:extra_info", $sExtraInfo, _
        "name:userfile", $sFileToUpload)



Edited by trancexx




Posted (edited)
$sFileToUpload = "C:\Users\Arlen\Desktop\premisa mrotal.txt"

$XML = '<form method="post" action="' & $sURL &  '" enctype="multipart/form-data">' & @CRLF
$XML &= '<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" >' & @CRLF
$XML &= '<input type="hidden" name="UPLOAD_IDENTIFIER" >' & @CRLF
$XML &= '<input type="hidden" name="extra_info" >' & @CRLF
$XML &= '<input type="file" name="userfile" >' & @CRLF
$XML &= '</form>'

$hConnect = $XML ;<!!!

; Fill the form
$sHTML = _WinHttpSimpleFormFill($hConnect, $hOpen, _
        Default, _
        "name:MAX_FILE_SIZE", $sMaxFileSize, _
        "name:UPLOAD_IDENTIFIER", $sUpload_Identifier, _
        "name:extra_info", $sExtraInfo, _
        "name:userfile", $sFileToUpload)



It looks good, but for some reason i get this code error: 5 API_ERROR_BAD_API_VERSION Unknown or unsupported API version

You can check it out on the pdf, i also send them support ticket, waiting for response

Edited by Progh0st
Posted (edited)

As a side note, you should learn how to better take advantage of the language you use. For example by writing more generic functions and using them in your code. One good function would be to parse simple xml data that the API returns instead of using _StringBetween() like you do. If I were you I would write this function:

Func ReadXMLData($sXML, $sTag)
    Local $aData = StringRegExp($sXML, "(?si)<\s*" & $sTag & "(?:[^\w])\s*(.*?)(?:(?:<\s*/" & $sTag & "\s*>)|\Z)", 3)
    If @error Then Return ""
    Return $aData[0]

...and then use it like this:

$sToken = ReadXMLData($sData, "token")
$sSessionKey = ReadXMLData($sData, "session_key")
$sUploadData = ReadXMLData($sData, "upload")
;...and then:
$MAX_FILE_SIZE = __WinHttpAttribVal($sUploadData, "max_file_size")
$UPLOAD_IDENTIFIER = __WinHttpAttribVal($sUploadData, "upload_identifier")
$sExtraInfo = __WinHttpAttribVal($sUploadData, "extra_info")


Also, I would use _WinHttpSimpleFormFill() for every step/method. Starting from auth.createtoken through auth.login and all the way to upload.getInfo before uploading the file. That way you could switch to https with no trouble (or changes to the code) because form filling function handles all protocols in a seamless way. 



Edited by trancexx





Thank you so much this will be very useful for me and save time!

I have one more question. How can i upload and at the same time get the progressbar working, since i have to wait for it to upload first to continue with the script. Ty


You will always have to wait for upload to finish before continuing in AutoIt. The language isn't capable for parallel executions.

What I can do is add new function to WinHttp.au3 that could be used to set callback function that would be called during upload process periodically, in which you could control/update progress bar or whatever.
Yea, I think I'll do that.





Ok, done. The example would be:

#include "WinHTTP.au3"

$sAddress = "https://posttestserver.com/post.php?dir=WinHttp" ; the address of the target (https or http, makes no difference - handled automatically)

; Select some file
$sFileToUpload = FileOpenDialog("Select file to upload...", "", "All Files (*)")
If Not $sFileToUpload Then Exit 5 ; check if the file is selected and exit if not

$sForm = _
        '<form action="' & $sAddress & '" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">' & _
        ' <input type="file" name="upload"/>' & _

; Initialize and get session handle
$hOpen = _WinHttpOpen()

$hConnect = $sForm ; will pass form as string so this is for coding correctness because $hConnect goes in byref

; Creates progress bar window
ProgressOn("UPLOADING", $sFileToUpload, "0%")

; Register callback function

; Fill form
$sHTML = _WinHttpSimpleFormFill($hConnect, $hOpen, _
        Default, _
        "name:upload", $sFileToUpload)
; Collect error number
$iErr = @error

; Unregister callback function

; Kill progress bar window

; Close handles

If $iErr Then
    MsgBox(4096, "Error", "Error number = " & $iErr)
    ConsoleWrite($sHTML & @CRLF)
    MsgBox(4096, "Success", $sHTML)

; Callback function. For example, update progress control
Func UploadCallback($iPrecent)
    If $iPrecent = 100 Then
        ProgressSet(100, "Done", "Complete")
        Sleep(800) ; give some time for the progress bar to fill-in completely
        ProgressSet($iPrecent, $iPrecent & "%")

And the latest (working version of) WinHttp.au3 is at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dragana-r/autoit-winhttp/master/WinHttp.au3

Try it, maybe I leave it in.




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