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JP, as long as automatically refreshing won't cause a crash or anything because the control is trying to do something it no longer has styles for or something, I don't care.

I just add and invalidate rect in case of style/exstyle update. I am uploading a 102.15 with this change.
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josbe, add the following to the very beginning of your script:

HotKeySet("{Esc}", "DisplayText")
Func DisplayText()
   $text = ControlGetText ("My Au3GUI","", "Edit3")
   MsgBox(4096,"Edit contains:",$text)

GUIRead($edit1) might also work if you declare Global $edit 1

Thxs, CyberS, but I don't like use a HotKey in this case.

I will test the second option. :angry:

I think, would be when the value from a EDIT is stored in an INI file.

To read the value, normally read one line per key. B)


Posted (edited)

@jpm: so...birthday is over, good morning to the world and one question:

could you upload the latest source to the gui cause I think I'm ready so long with a test animate-function?

The autoit-code could then looks like:

Global $ACS_CENTER = 1
Global $ACS_AUTOPLAY = 4
Global $ACS_TIMER = 8 

;$ani = GUISetControl("ani","search.avi",10,10,50,50)
$ani = GUISetControl("ani",@SystemDir & "\shell32.dll|150",10,10,50,50,$ACS_TRANSPARENT+$ACS_AUTOPLAY)

$buttonstart = GUISetControl("button","start",50,150,70,22)
$buttonstop = GUISetControl("button","stop",150,150,70,22)
$n = 1
While $n <> -3
   $n = GUIMsg(0)
   If $n = -3 Then ExitLoop
   If $n = $buttonstart Then GUIWrite($ani,1)
   If $n = $buttonstop Then GUIWrite($ani,0)

If you use an animation from a dll or something like that you have to point to the resourcenumber by "dllname|resourcenumber".

If you use an external animation the resourcenumber-parameter is not neccessary the animation will load nevertheless.

Default Style is ACS_TRANSPARENT.

If you add a style then you have to set this explicitly.

With GUWrite(...) you can start (1) and stop (0) the animation.

What I've to say is, that's really a small easy function. :whistle:

...I forgot, if I should change the resourcen-number to the ControlEX-function please tell me...

Regards Holger

Edited by Holger

Default Style is ACS_TRANSPARENT.

If you add a style then you have to set this explicitly.

With GUWrite(...) you can start (1) and stop (0) the animation.

What I've to say is, that's really a small easy function. B)

...I forgot, if I should change the resourcen-number to the ControlEX-function please tell me...

Regards Holger

done as usual place

to answer your questions

  • if ACS_TRANSPARENT is mandatory just force it as in the other case.
  • for GuiSetControlEx I don't understand the question. I will check when I have access to the Source/exe
Thanks for improving GUI. I hope we don't open a backdoor for virus. :whistle:

@jpm: thanks, I'll do it in the evening.

With GUISetControlEX I meant, if I should do the same like it is at progressbar!?

Ok, at the moment I let it like it is.

With ACS_TRANSPARENT I don't know what you mean:

do you mean that it is set when the user only set ACS_AUTOSTART for instance?

...Ok, I change it to this...

Maybe I send you the files in the evening, cause I don't know how long I've to work today.



@jpm: thanks, I'll do it in the evening.

With GUISetControlEX I meant, if I should do the same like it is at progressbar!?

Ok, at the moment I let it like it is.

With ACS_TRANSPARENT I don't know what you mean:

do you mean that it is set when the user only set ACS_AUTOSTART for instance?

...Ok, I change it to this...

Maybe I send you the files in the evening, cause I don't know how long I've to work today.


I am waiting the file we will see what is the best.

The remark on forcing ACS_TRANSPARENT is each time you use the control you need it at least it is better to force an implicit mandatory style. :whistle:


I notice that tooltips declared with GUISetControlEx work only if the control is enabled. However, I believe tooltips should also work with disabled controls.... Agree or disagree?

Sample script for you :whistle:

Global $title = "foo ToolTip Example"

Global $button = GUISetControl("button","Hover over me",10,10)
GUISetControlEx($button, 0, 0, "This is a tooltip")
ControlDisable($title,"","Hover over me")

Global $toggle = GUISetControl("checkbox","Enable button",10,90)

while 1 ;loop until user clicks the close button
   $msg = GuiMsg(0)
   If $msg = -3 Then Exit
   If $msg = $toggle Then
      If ControlCommand($title,"","Hover over me","IsEnabled","") Then
         ControlDisable($title,"","Hover over me")
         ControlEnable($title,"","Hover over me")
Use Mozilla | Take a look at My Disorganized AutoIt stuff | Very very old: AutoBuilder 11 Jan 2005 prototype I need to update my sig!

I notice that tooltips declared with GUISetControlEx work only if the control is enabled.  However, I believe tooltips should also work with disabled controls....  Agree or disagree?

Sample script for you :whistle:

Global $title = "foo ToolTip Example"

Global $button = GUISetControl("button","Hover over me",10,10)
GUISetControlEx($button, 0, 0, "This is a tooltip")
ControlDisable($title,"","Hover over me")

Global $toggle = GUISetControl("checkbox","Enable button",10,90)

while 1;loop until user clicks the close button
   $msg = GuiMsg(0)
   If $msg = -3 Then Exit
   If $msg = $toggle Then
      If ControlCommand($title,"","Hover over me","IsEnabled","") Then
         ControlDisable($title,"","Hover over me")
         ControlEnable($title,"","Hover over me")
to be frank I have no idea.

I need the expert consulting answer (Larry or Valik).



May I suggest you start using the GuiFunction with the associated GUI_Include.au3

Your code can look simpler. That's does not solve for the time being the tooltip issue.

#include "GUI_include.au3"

Global $title = "foo ToolTip Example"

Global $button = GUISetControl("button","Hover over me",10,10)
GUISetControlEx($button, $GUI_DISABLE, 0, "This is a tooltip")

Global $toggle = GUISetControl("checkbox","Enable button",10,90)

while GuiMsg()
  If GuiRead() = $toggle Then
     If GuiRead($toggle) = $GUI_CHECKED Then
         GuiWrite($button, $GUI_ENABLE)
      GuiWrite($button, $GUI_DISABLE)


May I suggest you start using the GuiFunction with the associated GUI_Include.au3.  Your code can look simpler.

Thanks for that example :whistle: I'm still getting used to all the new features!

By the way: Do you plan on providing "Get" functions such as GuiGetControlEx?

Use Mozilla | Take a look at My Disorganized AutoIt stuff | Very very old: AutoBuilder 11 Jan 2005 prototype I need to update my sig!

Thanks for that example :whistle:  I'm still getting used to all the new features!

By the way:  Do you plan on providing "Get" functions such as GuiGetControlEx?

I don't plan to give more that the GuiRead for retrieving the state/input.

I assume that the value that have been set by GuiSetControlEx have been memorized so I you need to take a decision in your code base on what as been set you will reuse the variable used.


Hi guys

ok never new what autoit gui was until now. When i look at the coding from the scripts you wrote i think no way man...

I need to start from scratch and make something basic that will give me confidences to go on.

The biggest prob i have is there no help. I have download the the latest auto-qui 105

The readme says "GUI... functions are described in the .chm" but the chm is just the autoit help and i try and find out info on some of the Functions like GUIwrite and there is no info

do i have the right help file?


Hi guys

ok never new what autoit gui was until now. When i look at the coding from the scripts you wrote i think no way man...

I need to start from scratch and make something basic that will give me confidences to go on.

The biggest prob i have is there no help. I have download the the latest auto-qui 105

The readme says "GUI... functions are described in the .chm" but the chm is just the autoit help and i try and find out info on some of the Functions like GUIwrite and there is no info

do i have the right help file?

The current version is 102.15. You cannot say there is no help because the .chm is exactly at the same level as for AutoIt functions.

You get a first feeling by reading the Gui Reference page and after that the best is to exercise the different examples for each functions.

I know it is not the moon and more than that I am a french trying to write English.

You have too some examples in the .zip and you can try to understand what they are doing.

Good luck, thanks for testing AutoIt-gui


I would not think a tooltip would work with a disabled control because the control is disabled. I think it's a Windows thing, maybe. The control may not even be getting whatever messages it needs to make the tooltip appear when it is disabled.


sorry jpm i probably didn't make my self clear

I look at the help file and i see that it has been updated but when i look at the example scripts like

GUIWRITE.au3 In that script there are functions like GUICreate()

I go to the help file to try and find out what GUICreate() is and there no reference to it like there would be for say iniwrite.

How do i get to know all the varies functions?

Am i being dumb? I probably am lol

The last thing i want to do i offend someone


look through the tree on the left in the GUI help file. Expand functions and look for GUI functions.

You cannot search for the GUI funcs. They are not incorporated into the search capabilities... yet.


I think they are is you search for GUI you get response
Posted (edited)

I would not think a tooltip would work with a disabled control because the control is disabled.  I think it's a Windows thing, maybe.  ....

I _think_ that in languages like Visual Basic, a mouse-over is still triggered for disabled controls. I do know that the toolbar buttons in TextPad display tooltips regardless of whether the buttons are disabled.

I hope I'm not nitpicking too much :whistle: Not a big deal--but since the GUI is still in beta, I thought I'd bring it up B)

Edited by CyberSlug
Use Mozilla | Take a look at My Disorganized AutoIt stuff | Very very old: AutoBuilder 11 Jan 2005 prototype I need to update my sig!

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