mbubola Posted December 16, 2015 Posted December 16, 2015 We have a RDSH Platform with mandatory profile the printers is deplyed by GPO but set defaul printer lost after logoff session.I found this nice autoit script but it work on tray icons:#include <Array.au3> #include <Constants.au3> ; Turn off default tray menu options Opt("TrayMenuMode", 1) ; Set some program constants Const $ProgramName = "Default Printer Selector" Const $ProgramVersion = "1.00" Const $WindowTitle = $ProgramName & " " & $ProgramVersion ; Change the tray icon TraySetIcon(@SystemDir & "SHELL32.dll", 17) ; Set the tray program name TraySetToolTip($WindowTitle) ; Store result of _GetPrinters() function $arrPrinters = _GetPrinters() ; Check if any printers were found If UBound($arrPrinters) = 1 Then MsgBox(16, $WindowTitle, "Error - No Printers Found for user " & @Username) Else ; Get the default printer name $strDefaultPrinter = _GetDefaultPrinter() ; Create the menu For $i = 1 to UBound($arrPrinters)-1 ; Store the menu handle in the 3rd column $arrPrinters[$i][2] = TrayCreateItem($arrPrinters[$i][0]) ; Set the tick mark if this is the current default printer If $arrPrinters[$i][0] = $strDefaultPrinter Then TrayItemSetState(-1, $TRAY_CHECKED) Else TrayItemSetState(-1, $TRAY_UNCHECKED) EndIf Next ; Create a tray menu seperator TrayCreateItem("") ; Create an Exit option $mnuExit = TrayCreateItem("Exit") While 1 ; Get any tray menu messages $tMsg = TrayGetMsg() ; Quit if user clicks exit If $tMsg = $mnuExit Then Exit ; Check the tray message is one of our printer tray menu item handles If $tMsg >= $arrPrinters[1][2] AND $tMsg <= $arrPrinters[UBound($arrPrinters)-1][2] Then ; Search the array to find the index of the tray item handle that was clicked $intClickItem = _ArraySearch($arrPrinters, $tMsg) ; If the index is found in the array If $intClickItem > -1 Then ; Loop through all the menu items For $i = 1 to UBound($arrPrinters)-1 If $i = $intClickItem Then ; Tick the item that was clicked and update registry TrayItemSetState($arrPrinters[$i][2], $TRAY_CHECKED) RegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWindows", "Device", "REG_SZ", $arrPrinters[$i][0] & "," & $arrPrinters[$i][1]) Else ; Untick the menu item TrayItemSetState($arrPrinters[$i][2], $TRAY_UNCHECKED) EndIf Next EndIf EndIf WEnd EndIf Func _GetDefaultPrinter() ; Read the default printer name from the registry Local $strDefaultPrinter = RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWindows", "Device") ; Only need the part up to the first comma (rest of line is port details) $strDefaultPrinter = StringLeft($strDefaultPrinter, StringInStr($strDefaultPrinter, ",")-1) ; Return the printer name Return $strDefaultPrinter EndFunc Func _GetPrinters() ; Local array to hold one row of printer details - printer name, port details, tray menu handle Local $arrLocalPrinters[1][3] ; Counter for looping through registry Local $i = 1 ; While there are still registry entries to read While 1 ; String location of registry to read Local $strREGKEY = "HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionPrinterPorts" ; Get the next printer name from the registry value Local $strPrinter = RegEnumVal($strRegKey, $i) ; Exit if there are no more registry entries If @error Then ExitLoop ; Read the printer port details for this printer Local $strPort = RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionPrinterPorts", $strPrinter) ; Only need the part from start of string to first colon $strPort = StringLeft($strPort, StringInStr($strPort, ":")) ; Add this printer to the array Local $intMax = UBound($arrLocalPrinters) ; Add an new row to the array ReDim $arrLocalPrinters[$intMax+1][3] ; Store the printer name in column 1 $arrLocalPrinters[$intMax][0] = $strPrinter ; Store the printer port details in column 2 $arrLocalPrinters[$intMax][1] = $strPort ; Increase the loop counter to get the next registry value $i += 1 WEnd ; Sort the printer array alphabetically _ArraySort($arrLocalPrinters) ; Return the array Return $arrLocalPrinters EndFuncI ask you to help me please to trasform this script illustrated upper on GUICtrlCreateCombo mode with scroll up/down and set default printer and export the registry key on the shared folder or write a text file of printers but I'm expert able to create this programThanks and help me soon possible pleaseMario
mbubola Posted December 18, 2015 Author Posted December 18, 2015 Hello firiendsyou can help me to develop this solution please?
tresjam Posted March 8, 2017 Posted March 8, 2017 (edited) Today i found this thread because i am looking too for an solution to autoset the Default Printer via autostart / cmd-script. After about 1 hours of work here is my Kind of solution.... expandcollapse popup#include <Array.au3> #include <Constants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> ; Turn off tray icon Opt("TrayIconHide", 1) ; Set some program constants Const $ProgramName = "Default Printer Selector" Const $ProgramVersion = "1.0.1" Const $WindowTitle = $ProgramName & " " & $ProgramVersion Const $INIfile="SetDefaultPrinter.ini" If not FileExists($INIFile) Then FileWrite($INIFile, "; INI File to store the last DefaultPrinter") FileWrite($INIFile, @CRLF) EndIf ; Store result of _GetPrinters() function $arrPrinters = _GetPrinters() ; Check if any printers were found If UBound($arrPrinters) = 1 Then MsgBox(16, $WindowTitle, "Error - No Printers Found for user " & @Username) Exit EndIf ; Get the default printer name $strDefaultPrinter = _GetDefaultPrinter() ; read last selected DefaultPrinter from INI file $strINIDefaultPrinter=IniRead($INIfile, "Options", "DefaultPrinter", "") ; check for parameter "autoset" if $cmdline[0] > 0 Then if StringInStr( $cmdline[1], "autoset") then For $i = 1 to UBound($arrPrinters)-1 If $arrPrinters[$i][0] = $strINIDefaultPrinter Then RegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows", "Device", "REG_SZ", $arrPrinters[$i][0] & "," & $arrPrinters[$i][1]) INIWrite($INIfile, "Options", "DefaultPrinter", $arrPrinters[$i][0]) EndIf Next Else Msgbox(0,"Parameter Error", "The given parameter '" & $cmdline[1] & "' isn't correct." & @CRLF & @CRLF & "use the paramater AUTOSET.", 5) EndIf Exit EndIf ; create GUI and fill the ComboControl Global $GUI1id = GUICreate("Set Default Printer", 600, 80) Global $GUI1Select=GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 10, 12, 440, 21) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14) Global $GUI1Button1=GUICtrlCreateButton("Save and Exit", 460, 10, 130, 32) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14) $temp=$arrPrinters[1][0] For $i = 2 to UBound($arrPrinters)-1 $temp=$temp & "|" & $arrPrinters[$i][0] Next GUICtrlSetData($GUI1Select, $temp, $strDefaultPrinter) GUISetState() While 1 ; Get any tray menu messages $guiMsg = GUIGetMsg() $tMsg = TrayGetMsg() ; Quit if user clicks exit If $guiMsg=$GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then INIWrite($INIfile, "Options", "DefaultPrinter", $strDefaultPrinter) Exit EndIf If $guiMsg=$GUI1Button1 Then For $i = 1 to UBound($arrPrinters)-1 If GUICtrlRead($GUI1Select) = $arrPrinters[$i][0] Then RegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows", "Device", "REG_SZ", $arrPrinters[$i][0] & "," & $arrPrinters[$i][1]) INIWrite($INIfile, "Options", "DefaultPrinter", $arrPrinters[$i][0]) EndIf Next Exit EndIf WEnd Func _GetDefaultPrinter() ; Read the default printer name from the registry Local $strDefaultPrinter = RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows", "Device") ;msgbox(0,"", $strDefaultPrinter) ; Only need the part up to the first comma (rest of line is port details) $strDefaultPrinter = StringLeft($strDefaultPrinter, StringInStr($strDefaultPrinter, ",")-1) ; Return the printer name Return $strDefaultPrinter EndFunc Func _GetPrinters() ; Local array to hold one row of printer details - printer name, port details, tray menu handle Local $arrLocalPrinters[1][3] ; Counter for looping through registry Local $i = 1 ; While there are still registry entries to read While 1 ; String location of registry to read Local $strREGKEY = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\PrinterPorts" ; Get the next printer name from the registry value Local $strPrinter = RegEnumVal($strRegKey, $i) ; Exit if there are no more registry entries If @error Then ExitLoop ; Read the printer port details for this printer Local $strPort = RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\PrinterPorts", $strPrinter) ; Only need the part from start of string to first colon $strPort = StringLeft($strPort, StringInStr($strPort, ":")) ; Add this printer to the array Local $intMax = UBound($arrLocalPrinters) ; Add an new row to the array ReDim $arrLocalPrinters[$intMax+1][3] ; Store the printer name in column 1 $arrLocalPrinters[$intMax][0] = $strPrinter ; Store the printer port details in column 2 $arrLocalPrinters[$intMax][1] = $strPort ; Increase the loop counter to get the next registry value $i += 1 WEnd ; Sort the printer array alphabetically _ArraySort($arrLocalPrinters) ; Return the array Return $arrLocalPrinters EndFunc starting the script will present the Combobox with all Printers.. Now you can select the Printer With an click at "save and Exit" the Default printer will set and stored into the ini-file "SetDefaultPrinter.ini". The INI File is stored und searched at Script Path. with this ini file it's possible to set the Default Printer automatically by starting the script with an parameter "/autoset". SetDefaultPrinter.au3 Edited March 13, 2017 by tresjam Vaiola 1
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