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Posted (edited)

I want to remove the vertical page breaks so that I have only "page 1" available. Here the link to MSDN how to do it in VBA which works properly: https://msdn.microsoft.com/EN-US/library/office/ff836174.aspx

What I did and doesn't work:

With $oExcel_Export2Excel.Worksheets(1)
    .VPageBreaks(1).DragOff.Direction = -4161 ;$xlToRight = -4161
    .VPageBreaks(1).DragOff.RegionIndex = 1

Local $aParam[2] = [-4161, 1]

$oExcel_Export2Excel.Worksheets(1).VPageBreaks(1).DragOff(-4161, 1)

$oExcel_Export2Excel.Worksheets(1).VPageBreaks(1).DragOff("Direction").Value = -4161
$oExcel_Export2Excel.Worksheets(1).VPageBreaks(1).DragOff("RegionIndex").Value = 1

$oExcel_Export2Excel.Worksheets(1).VPageBreaks(1).DragOff.Direction = -4161
$oExcel_Export2Excel.Worksheets(1).VPageBreaks(1).DragOff.RegionIndex = 1


Any further idea?


I'm using Office 2013 only!

Edited by UEZ

Please don't send me any personal message and ask for support! I will not reply!

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The own fart smells best!
Her 'sikim hıyar' diyene bir avuç tuz alıp koşma!
¯\_(ツ)_/¯  ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ૐ


You could switch to page break preview, run the next vba  for Excel 2007, then switch back to normal view.

If ActiveSheet.VPageBreaks.Count > 0 Then
    ActiveWindow.View = xlPageBreakPreview
    ActiveSheet.VPageBreaks(1).DragOff Direction:=xlToRight, RegionIndex:=1
    ActiveWindow.View = xlNormalView
End If


I did not manage to use VPageBreak.DragOff .

This is what worked for me ( W7, Excel 2010 ) : open an excel file in normal view and force the removal of all manually set page breaks

Local $xlPageBreakNone = -4142
Local $xlNormalView = 0x1
Local $XL = ObjCreate("Excel.Application")
$XL.Visible = True
$XL.DisplayAlerts = False
Local $objWorkbook = $XL.Workbooks.Open("L:\Items_2003.xlsx")
Local $objWorksheet = $objWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
$XL.Activewindow.View = $xlNormalView
$objWorksheet.Cells.PageBreak = $xlPageBreakNone



Show code to reproduce the problem.

Explain when this error occurs

Because this error is most commonly caused by the use of looping to apply ".format"(s) to multiple cells in a worksheet .


I used your code:

Local $xlPageBreakNone = -4142
Local $xlNormalView = 0x1
Local $xlPageBreakPreview = 0x2
Local $XL = ObjCreate("Excel.Application")
$XL.Visible = True
$XL.DisplayAlerts = False
Local $objWorkbook = $XL.Workbooks.Open("Output.xlsx")
Local $objWorksheet = $objWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
$XL.Activewindow.View = $xlPageBreakPreview
$objWorksheet.Cells.PageBreak = $xlPageBreakNone
ConsoleWrite("Error: " & @error & @TAB & Hex(@error, 8) & @CRLF)
$objWorkbook = 0
$XL = 0


Please don't send me any personal message and ask for support! I will not reply!

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The own fart smells best!
Her 'sikim hıyar' diyene bir avuç tuz alıp koşma!
¯\_(ツ)_/¯  ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ૐ

  • 1 year later...

Okay, it is a very old topic, but I did't find a solution elsewhere.

This is what I do and that works for me.


With $oExcel.Activesheet.PageSetup
    ; Kopfzeile definiern
    .LeftHeader = 'Stand ' & _NowDate()
    .CenterHeader = "Minutenfahrplan"
    .RightHeader = $aResult[2][1]
    ; Fußzeile definiern
    .LeftFooter = 'Stand ' & _NowDate()
    .CenterFooter = ''
    .RightFooter = "Seite &S von &A"
    ; Seitenränder definieren ink. Kopf- & Fußzeile
    .LeftMargin = $oExcel.InchesToPoints(0.15748031496063)
    .RightMargin = $oExcel.InchesToPoints(0.15748031496063)
    .TopMargin = $oExcel.InchesToPoints(0.78740157480315)
    .BottomMargin = $oExcel.InchesToPoints(0.78740157480315)
    .HeaderMargin = $oExcel.InchesToPoints(0.511811023622047)
    .FooterMargin = $oExcel.InchesToPoints(0.511811023622047)
    ; Querformat
    .Orientation = 2
    ; Seiteneinstellungen 1 Seite breit
    .FitToPagesWide = 1
    ; Seiteneinstellungen 3 Seiten hoch
    .FitToPagesTall = 3
    .Zoom = False ;~    .Zoom = 30
    ; DIN A3
    .PaperSize = 8 ; A3

Global $width = 110

;Druckbereich festlegen
With $oExcel.Activesheet
;~  .PageSetup.PrintArea = .UsedRange.Address
;~  .PageSetup.PrintTitleRows = "$1:$1"
    .PageSetup.PrintTitleRows = "A1:J3"
    .Columns('F').ColumnWidth = $width
    .Columns('G').ColumnWidth = $width

;~ $oExcel.Activesheet.Columns('F').ColumnWidth = $width
;~ $oExcel.Activesheet.Columns('G').ColumnWidth = $width

$oExcel.ActiveSheet.Cells(4, 1).Select ; Zeile 4 Spalte 1 selektieren
$oExcel.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True ; Zeile fixieren

;~ $oExcel.Activesheet.UsedRange.Columns.AutoFit
;~ $oExcel.Activesheet.UsedRange.Rows.AutoFit



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