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I need a function where it will get a string as parameter which will of syntax in VBScript like below


Here in the above string what ever in the quotes we shouldn't replace them as they are taken as normal strings.And if the ampersand(&) if outside the quotes then we need to replace them with plus(+).And the normal words which are outside the quotes we need to append them with $.

So the output will be as below.



Can you please help me on this.I'm unable to differentiate with & in the quotes and outside the quotes.

Don't know how to check whether a string is in quotes or not.

Posted (edited)


$str = 'a&"asdasd"&asd&"as&dsf&gdf"&fs&th'

Msgbox(0,"", _format($str))

Func _format($str)
   Local $tmp = ""
   Local $res = StringRegExp($str, '(?|[^&"]+|"[^"]*")', 3)
   For $i = 0 to UBound($res)-1
      If StringLeft($res[$i], 1) <> '"' Then $res[$i] = "$" & $res[$i]
      $tmp &= $res[$i] & "+"
   Return StringTrimRight($tmp, 1)


Edited by mikell

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