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FileOpen > FileRead > StringInStr - Not found

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Good Morning All,

I'm hoping someone here can work their AutoIT magic :sorcerer:

I'm doing a pretty "simple" string search in a HUGE variable.

But I'm doing the basics almost straight out of the Help File...

( sorry, I'm leaving out my main code for privacy reasons )

Local $hFileOpen = FileOpen($sFilePath, $FO_READ)
Local $sFileRead = FileRead($hFileOpen)
Local $sEmailPosition01 = StringInStr ($sFileRead, $sEmailAddress )

Everything looks good with my troubleshooting

I ran IsString against $sFileRead and $sEmailAddress and was okay: "The variable is a string"

So then I ran StringLen($sFileRead) and got string length 68352786

Yeah, I know... That's HUGE - But it worked with the older version of AutoIT (upgraded yesterday) v3.3.14.2

Is there an "Excessive" variable I should set?!? lol. Should I search the string a different way maybe?

I know the string is in there... but I'm getting a StringInStr @error : 0 @extended: 0

Please help! Thank you all




Edited by souldjer777

"Maybe I'm on a road that ain't been paved yet. And maybe I see a sign that ain't been made yet"
Song Title: I guess you could say
Artist: Middle Class Rut

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Hello. work correctly for me with a file size of 68352786 bytes. (Autoit Version  v3.3.14.1 & v3.3.14.2)



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Thanks Danyfirex

Could you try a StringInStr w/ an email address like this please?


Just want to make sure it's just me...

I'm going to uninstall / reinstall everything if your results are fine.


"Maybe I'm on a road that ain't been paved yet. And maybe I see a sign that ain't been made yet"
Song Title: I guess you could say
Artist: Middle Class Rut

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Keep working. (tested with a txt file UTF8 (without BOM))


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; Retrieve the character position of where the string 'white' first occurs in the sentence.
Local $iPosition = StringInStr("This is a sentence first.last@domain.org with whitespace.", "first.last@domain.org")
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "The search string 'first.last@domain.org' first appears at position: " & $iPosition)

Almost straight from the HelpFile. Works for me. AutoIt


Why is the snake in the sky?

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Well this is whole bunches of odd... I uninstalled, deleted the AutoIT directory from my program files... rebooted, installed - but this used to work I'm tellin ya...

Where is the embedded StringInStr function hiding? - does anyone know? :ph34r:

I want to compare the two if possible. Old version vs New.

To be more exact... I'm loading about a 130MB Address Book and searching for emails.

I mean, I can load it in notepad and find the email no problem to... so I know it's in there... just something changed in the update.

So, in the meantime, I went back from to  and it WORKS!!! HA! I can't believe it lol, I just surprised myself lol, Literally just now... I didn't think it would work LOL. :lmao: Kinda impressed with myself.  Same script - Different version of AutoIT. Yeah, something changed since then obviously. Anyone have any ideas?! Can I export the old StringInStr to a "_StringInStr.au3" file or something?!

Just looking for a workaround.



Edited by souldjer777

"Maybe I'm on a road that ain't been paved yet. And maybe I see a sign that ain't been made yet"
Song Title: I guess you could say
Artist: Middle Class Rut

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The udetail.oab file is binary, so I believe the string stops at the first NUL character it sees.

If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.
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Thanks BrewManNH

So what's the difference in StringInStr from AutoIT v3.3.14.2 to v3.3.12.0? Did StringInStr stop doing binary? StringInStr works fine in v3.3.12.0.


Both these come back fine...

MsgBox (0, "", "String Length: " & StringLen($sFileRead) & @CR & "Is String? " & IsString($sFileRead))
MsgBox (0, "", "String Length: " & StringLen($EmailSearch01) & @CR & "Is String? " & IsString($EmailSearch01))

Ah, I see the difference... for some reason I'm getting a longer string length with the older version...

String Length: 136692232
Is String? 1

String Length: 68352786
Is String? 1

Don't hold me to that right now... I'm verifying that data is correct now - I need to have the in paralled imo - both versions of AutoIT to troubleshoot.

Thanks Yall!

Edited by souldjer777

"Maybe I'm on a road that ain't been paved yet. And maybe I see a sign that ain't been made yet"
Song Title: I guess you could say
Artist: Middle Class Rut

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Please read the section "Script breaking changes" in the help file.
The part about FileOpen describes what has changed.

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K, this worked like a charm :)

Local $hFileOpen = FileOpen($sFilePath, $FO_READ + $FO_UTF8_NOBOM)

String Length: 136444713
Is String? 1


Thank you again water!

Edited by souldjer777

"Maybe I'm on a road that ain't been paved yet. And maybe I see a sign that ain't been made yet"
Song Title: I guess you could say
Artist: Middle Class Rut

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