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Posted (edited)

I'm having issues retrieving xml data and would appreciate some help. I know I can use stringbetween, that's how I currently have it set up, but I would prefer to code it using xml udf. Thanks.

Here is my xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<Response xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/search/local/ws/rest/v1" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">

<Copyright>Copyright © 2015 Microsoft and its suppliers. All rights reserved. This API cannot be accessed and the content and any results may not be used, reproduced or transmitted in any manner without express written permission from Microsoft Corporation.</Copyright>
























<Description>Closed between Lefferts Blvd and 130th Pl - Closed due to roadwork.</Description>




















<Description>Closed between Front St and South St - Closed due to roadwork.</Description>










Here is my code

#include <_XMLDomWrapper.au3>

            $Xml = _XMLFileOpen("http://dev.virtualearth.net/REST/v1/Traffic/Incidents/40.590923,-73.564859,41.145923,-74.119859?&output=xml&key=DELETED")
ConsoleWrite("+ " & $Xml & @CRLF)

            $count = _XMLGetNodeCount ("//Response/ResourceSets/ResourceSet/Resources/TrafficIncident/*")
ConsoleWrite("> " & $count & @CRLF)

            $XmlLat = _XMLGetValue ("//Response/ResourceSets/ResourceSet/Resources/TrafficIncident/Point/Latitude")
ConsoleWrite("! " & $XmlLat & @CRLF)


Edited by Champak
Posted (edited)
$sXML = FileRead("your.xml")

Local $oXML = ObjCreate("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
$oIncidents = $oXML.SelectNodes("//Response/ResourceSets/ResourceSet/Resources/TrafficIncident")

For $oIncident In $oIncidents
    $oLatitude = $oIncident.SelectSingleNode("./Point/Latitude")
    ConsoleWrite($oLatitude.text & @CRLF)


Edited by jdelaney
IEbyXPATH-Grab IE DOM objects by XPATH IEscriptRecord-Makings of an IE script recorder ExcelFromXML-Create Excel docs without excel installed GetAllWindowControls-Output all control data on a given window.

Thanks. I guess the original domwrapper wont work on this. How do you do this its a web page? Without using IE. While I wait for the answer ill take the udf apart and see. Thanks.


figured it out

$sXML = "http://dev.virtualearth.net/REST/v1/Traffic/Incidents/40.590923,-73.564859,41.145923,-74.119859?&output=xml&key=DELETED"

Local $oXML = ObjCreate("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
$oXML.async = False
$oIncidents = $oXML.SelectNodes("//Response/ResourceSets/ResourceSet/Resources/TrafficIncident")
;ConsoleWrite($oXML.parseError.reason & @LF)

For $oIncident In $oIncidents

    $oLatitude = $oIncident.SelectSingleNode("./Point/Latitude")
    $oLongitude = $oIncident.SelectSingleNode("./Point/Longitude")
    ConsoleWrite($oLatitude.text & ", ")
    ConsoleWrite($oLongitude.text & @CRLF)

Actual bing key deleted so this wont work, but this is an example for anyone else.

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