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9 hours ago, water said:


; Example: Paste the clipboard content to the TextFrame in Slide 2, Shape 3 of the Presentation
$oObject = $oPresentation.Slides(2).Shapes(3).TextFrame.TextRange


How do I use this piece of code with _PPT_TextFindReplace?

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6 minutes ago, Floppy said:

How do I use this piece of code with _PPT_TextFindReplace?

You can't. As I described in a previous post this function only works with strings.
To handle this problem we need at least an example PPT presentation to test :) 

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for my late reply. I have been very busy and needed a vacation too.
Will work on this issue now and reply as soon as possible.

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I had a look and noticed that there is yet no find function that just returns the shape where the text has been found.
The Word UDF comes with a similar function.
Starting with tomorrow I no longer have a Windows / Office PC available to play with.
This means: I can still write code for PowerPoint but I can't test it :( 

If you take the task of testing the code I will do my very best and provide code to solve your problem.

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36 minutes ago, water said:

I had a look and noticed that there is yet no find function that just returns the shape where the text has been found.
The Word UDF comes with a similar function.
Starting with tomorrow I no longer have a Windows / Office PC available to play with.
This means: I can still write code for PowerPoint but I can't test it :( 

If you take the task of testing the code I will do my very best and provide code to solve your problem.

Sure! I can test it

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  • 2 weeks later...

First try for the find function. Returns an array with the objects of the Slide, Shape and TextRange where the text has been found.

; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _PPT_TextFind
; Description ...: Find text on a single or selected slides.
; Syntax.........: _PPT_TextFind($oPresentation, $sFindText[, $vSlides = 0[, $vShapes = 0[, $iOccurrence = 0[, $bMatchCase = False[, $bWholeWords = False]]]]])
; Parameters ....: $oPresentation - Object of the presentation to process.
;                  $sFindText     - The text to be searched for.
;                  $vSlides       - [optional] Slides to process. See Remarks (default = 0 = all Slides).
;                  $vShapes       - [optional] Shapes to process on each selected Slide. See Remarks (default = 0 = all Shapes).
;                  $iOccurrence   - [optional] Number of times to search for $sFindText in a TextFrame (default = 0 = all occurrences).
;                  $bMatchCase    - [optional] Determines whether a distinction is made on the basis of case (default = False).
;                  $bWholeWords   - [optional] Determines whether only whole words are found (default = False).
; Return values .: Success - a two-dimensional zero based array with the following information:
;                  |0 - Object of the Slide where the text has been found
;                  |1 - Object of the Shape where the text has been found
;                  |2 - Object of the TextRange where the text has been found
;                  Failure - 0 and sets @error.
;                  |1 - $oPresentation is not an object or not a presentation object
;                  |2 - $sFindText is empty
;                  |3 - Error occurred creating the SlideRange from $vSlides. @extended is set to the error code returned by _PPT_SlideRangeSet
;                  |4 - Error occurred creating the ShapeRange from $vShapes. @extended is set to the error code returned by _PPT_ShapeRangeSet
;                  |5 - Number of Slides is > 1 but $vShapes is not one of the allowed values: 0, >0 or a string
; Author ........: water
; Modified ......:
; Remarks .......: Parameter $vSlides: See _PPT_SlideRangeSet for the format of this parameter
;                  Parameter $vShapes:
;                    If Number of Slides is = 1: All values for _PPT_ShapeRangeSet are valid. See _PPT_ShapeRangeSet for the format of this parameter
;                    If Number of Slides is > 1: only 0 (all Shapes), integer (ID of the Shape) or a string (Name of the Shape) are valid
;                  While looping through the Shapes of a Slide errors are ignored and processing continues with the next Shape.
; Related .......:
; Link ..........: https://www.thespreadsheetguru.com/the-code-vault/find-and-replace-all-powerpoint-vba-macro
; Example .......: Yes
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _PPT_TextFind($oPresentation, $sFindText, $vSlides = Default, $vShapes = Default, $iOccurrence = Default, $bMatchCase = Default, $bWholeWords = Default)
    Local $oSlide, $oSlideRange, $oShape, $oShapeRange, $oShapeTextFrame, $oTextRange, $sShapeText, $oTempText, $iFindCountTotal = 0, $iFindCount = 0, $aResult[10000][3]
    If $bMatchCase = Default Then $bMatchCase = False
    If $bWholeWords = Default Then $bWholeWords = False
    If $iOccurrence = Default Then $iOccurrence = 0
    If $vSlides = Default Then $vSlides = 0
    If $vShapes = Default Then $vShapes = 0
    If Not IsObj($oPresentation) Or ObjName($oPresentation, 1) <> "_Presentation" Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
    If StringStripWS($sFindText, $STR_STRIPALL) = "" Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0)
    $oSlideRange = _PPT_SlideRangeSet($oPresentation, $vSlides)
    If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0)
    If $oSlideRange.Count > 1 And _
            Not ($vShapes = 0 Or $vShapes > 0 Or IsString($vShapes)) Then     ; Check allowed values: 0 (all Slides), integer (single Slide), String (SlideName)
        Return SetError(5, 0, 0)
    ; Loop through the specified Slides
    For $oSlide In $oSlideRange
        ; Get the ShapeRange for every specified Slide
        $oShapeRange = _PPT_ShapeRangeSet($oPresentation, $oSlide, $vShapes)
        If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0)
        For $oShape In $oShapeRange
            ; Get the TextFrame. If the Shape contains no TextFrame continue with the next Shape
            $oShapeTextFrame = $oShape.TextFrame
            If @error Then ContinueLoop
            ; Get TextRange of the TextFrame. If there is an error continue with the next Shape
            $oTextRange = $oShapeTextFrame.TextRange
            If @error Then ContinueLoop
            ; Get the Text of the TextRange
            $sShapeText = $oTextRange.Text
            If @error Then ContinueLoop
            ; Ensure there is text to search through
            If $sShapeText <> "" Then
                ; Find first instance of "FindText"
            ;   $oTempText = $oTextRange.Replace($sFindText, $sReplaceText, Default, $bMatchCase, $bWholeWords)
                $oTempText = $oTextRange.Find($sFindText, Default, $bMatchCase, $bWholeWords)
                If IsObj($oTempText) Then
                    $aResult[$iFindCountTotal][0] = $oSlide
                    $aResult[$iFindCountTotal][1] = $oShape
                    $aResult[$iFindCountTotal][2] = $oTempText
                    $iFindCountTotal += 1
                    $iFindCount = 1
                ; Find any additional instances of "Findtext" (if exists)
                While IsObj($oTempText)
                    If $iFindCount >= $iOccurrence Then ExitLoop
                    $oTextRange = $oTextRange.Characters($oTempText.Start + $oTempText.Length, $oTextRange.Length)
                ;   $oTempText = $oTextRange.Replace($sFindText, $sReplaceText, Default, $bMatchCase, $bWholeWords)
                    $oTempText = $oTextRange.Find($sFindText, Default, $bMatchCase, $bWholeWords)
                    $aResult[$iFindCountTotal][0] = $oSlide
                    $aResult[$iFindCountTotal][1] = $oShape
                    $aResult[$iFindCountTotal][2] = $oTempText
                    If IsObj($oTempText) Then
                        $iFindCountTotal += 1
                        $iFindCount += 1
    ReDim $aResult[$iFindCountTotal][UBound($iFindCountTotal, 2)]
    Return $aResult
EndFunc   ;==>_PPT_TextFind


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  • 1 month later...

I am looking for a powerpoint function to change the presentation from 4:3 to 16:9.  I thought I would find it within the PowerPoint.au3 but can't seem to find an routine that has the ability to change this for the presentation.  Help?

Thanks in advance, Rich

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Never tried it myself so I had to ask Google. At the moment I have no access to a Windows PC with PPT, hence the following code is untested:

Global Const $PpSlideSizeOnScreen = 1
Global Const $PpSlideSizeOnScreen16x10 = 16
Global Const $PpSlideSizeOnScreen16x9 = 15

$oPresentation.PageSetup.SlideSize = $PpSlideSizeOnScreen16x9


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Getting an error.  It seems like it wants me to build a complete new object and then update the values within the new object?  Am I mis-intrepreting the error?


"C:\PowerPoint Converter\My Code to fix slides.au3" (13) : ==> Variable must be of type "Object".:
$presentation.PageSetup.SlideSize = $PpSlideSizeOnScreen16x9
$presentation^ ERROR
->11:20:37 AutoIt3.exe ended.rc:1
+>11:20:37 AutoIt3Wrapper Finished.

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$presentation has to be the PowerPoint Presentation object. In my example I use $oPresentation.
As you didn't post your script I only can guess that you do not use $presentation when opening an existing or creating a new presentation.

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#include <Constants.au3>
#Include <PowerPoint.au3>

Global $presentation
Global Const $PpSlideSizeOnScreen = 1
Global Const $PpSlideSizeOnScreen16x10 = 16
Global Const $PpSlideSizeOnScreen16x9 = 15

_PPT_PresentationOpen($presentation, "C:\PowerPoint Converter\4by3.pptx")
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "OUTPUT", "Opening Pres" & @CRLF )

$presentation.PageSetup.SlideSize = $PpSlideSizeOnScreen16x9
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "OUTPUT", "Setting Slide Size" & @CRLF )

_PPT_PresentationSaveAs($presentation,"C:\PowerPoint Converter\16x9.pptx")
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "OUTPUT", "Doing a Save AS" & @CRLF )

MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "OUTPUT", "Closing File" & @CRLF )

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"C:\PowerPoint Converter\My Code to fix slides.au3" (13) : ==> Variable must be of type "Object".:
$presentation.PageSetup.SlideSize = $PpSlideSizeOnScreen16x9
$presentation^ ERROR
->16:54:39 AutoIt3.exe ended.rc:1
+>16:54:39 AutoIt3Wrapper Finished.
>Exit code: 1    Time: 3.112

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Thanks for helping BTW.  I appreciate it!.  I am new to AutoIT. 

One additional assumption.  When I "open" up an existing powerpoint, the $presentation variable I am using is just a pointer to the file.  

What I was thinking I would need to do is "read in" the slides and then manipulate each accordingly. 

I probably don't fully understand the AUTOIT language.

Edited by alexanr1
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I see (at least) two problems:

  • You do not call _PPT_Open to start the PowerPoint application (or to connect to an already running instance)
  • You do not store the presentation object returned by _PPT_PresentationOpen in variable $presentation

Please have a look at example script _PPT_PresentationOpen.au3 that comes with the UDF.

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Got it to work!   My only new challenge is the image on the Powerpoint slide is not being maximized.  Curious if that is a paramater I can pass?


Here is the test code BTW...


#Include <PowerPoint.au3>
#include <Constants.au3>
#include <File.au3>

Global $oPPT = _PPT_Open()
Global $sPresentation = "C:\PowerPoint Converter\4by3.pptx"
Global Const $PpSlideSizeOnScreen = 1
Global Const $PpSlideSizeOnScreen16x10 = 16
Global Const $PpSlideSizeOnScreen16x9 = 15

ConsoleWrite ("@error=" & @error & @CRLF )
Global $oPresentation = _PPT_PresentationOpen($oPPT, $sPresentation, True)
ConsoleWrite ("Opening Presentation" & @CRLF )
ConsoleWrite ("@error=" & @error & @CRLF )
if @error then ConsoleWrite ("Failed to Open Presentation"& @CRLF )

$oPresentation.PageSetup.SlideSize = $PpSlideSizeOnScreen16x9

_PPT_PresentationSaveAs($oPresentation, "C:\PowerPoint Converter\16by9",$ppSaveAsPresentation, True)
ConsoleWrite ("Doing a Save AS" & @CRLF )
ConsoleWrite ("@error=" & @error & @CRLF  )

ConsoleWrite ("Closing File" & @CRLF )
ConsoleWrite ("@error=" & @error & @CRLF  )

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