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Rewrite of the PowerPoint UDF


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I use to be a C developer.  These Modern OO languages give me fits.  It have a hard time finding how to call a method properly and struggle to look up correctly :(

I got this VBA code (BELOW)  to work in Powerpoint as a macro.  What is the trick to translate it into autoit code?

 I greatly appreciate the help and  I am slowly picking up on how this stuff works.

- Rich



    Dim curSlide As Slide
    Dim curShape As Shape

    For Each curSlide In ActivePresentation.Slides
        For Each curShape In curSlide.Shapes
            With curShape

                .LockAspectRatio = msoFalse

                .ScaleHeight 3.38, msoTrue
                .ScaleWidth 5.13, msoTrue

                .Rotation = 0
                .Left = 0
                .Top = 0

            End With
        Next curShape
    Next curSlide

End Sub

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Should be something like this (untested):

; $oPPT is the PowerPoint application object returned by _PPT_Open


    Local $curSlide, $curShape

    For $curSlide In $oPPT.ActivePresentation.Slides
        For $curShape In $curSlide.Shapes
            With $curShape
                .LockAspectRatio = $msoFalse

                .ScaleHeight(3.38, $msoTrue)
                .ScaleWidth(5.13, $msoTrue)

                .Rotation = 0
                .Left = 0
                .Top = 0
        Next ; curShape
    Next ; curSlide



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You are awesome!  Thanks.  The only thing I changed was I $mosTrue and #msoFalse, I just used the Boolean True and False Constants

Thanks again.  I am going to see if I can add a little more automation to it and traverse a directory and fix all the files I have.   Its for a library of songs we use at my church.  Its an older library and everything is in 4x3.  It would take hours to open every one up and fix them, so I was wanting to use this to fix them all. :)

Have a Happy Newyear!

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Should be easy to do :)
_FileListToArray or _FileListToArrayRec (recursive Version) to get an array with all the files to process.

Happy New Year!

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Thought I would share with you the final version I have made.  I need to go out to the church building and run it on our computer out there.  I tested it with a couple scenarios and it seemed to work great!  Thanks again for the help!  I am going to find a way to share this with other churches as well who may own the older versions of the songs and are looking for a way to convert their files.

- Rich


#Include <PowerPoint.au3>
#include <Constants.au3>
#include <String.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
#include <File.au3>

Global $listing
Global $Total_Files
$directory = FileSelectFolder("Choose Folder to Search for Powerpoint Files", "")
   if @error then Exit

list($directory, 0)
$listing = StringTrimRight($listing, 1)
$listing = _StringExplode($listing, "|", 0)

MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "CONVERSION", "  " & $Total_Files & " PowerPoint Files Found" & @CRLF & "  Press OK To Begin")

For $iCount = 0 To $Total_Files - 1

;This Function builds a List of all the files to be converted including sub directories
Func list($path = "", $counter = 0)
  $counter = 0
  $path &= '\'
  Local $Check_File_Type
  Local $list_files = '', $file, $demand_file = FileFindFirstFile($path & '*')
  If $demand_file = -1 Then Return ''
  While 1
    $file = FileFindNextFile($demand_file)
    If @error Then ExitLoop

    If @extended Then
     If $counter >= 10 Then ContinueLoop
       list($path & $file, $counter + 1)
       $Check_File_Type = StringRight($file,5)
       if ($Check_File_Type = ".pptx") Then
          $Total_Files = $Total_Files + 1
          $listing &= $path & $file & "|"

;This Function Converts the Files from 4x3 to 16x9 and resizes the image in the file
Func File_Converter($File_Name)
   ; Set a variable to represent the 16x9 format
   Local Const $PpSlideSizeOnScreen16x9 = 15
   local $New_File_Name = $File_Name

   ;Create a Powerpoint object
   Local $oPPT = _PPT_Open()

   ;Set a variable with the file path and name to be opened
   Local $sPresentation = "C:\PowerPoint Converter\4by3.pptx"
   Local $sPresentation = $File_Name

   ;Open up the Powerpoint file
   Local $oPresentation = _PPT_PresentationOpen($oPPT, $sPresentation, True)
     if @error then ConsoleWrite ("Failed to Open Presentation"& @CRLF )

   ;Change the powerpoint to a 16 x 9 format
   $oPresentation.PageSetup.SlideSize = $PpSlideSizeOnScreen16x9

   ;Loop thtough all images and adjust them to the full screen size
   Local $curSlide, $curShape
     For $curSlide In $oPPT.ActivePresentation.Slides
         For $curShape In $curSlide.Shapes
             With $curShape
                 .LockAspectRatio = False
                 .ScaleHeight(3.38, True)
                 .ScaleWidth(5.13, True)
                 .Rotation = 0
                 .Left = 0
                 .Top = 0
         Next ; curShape
     Next ; curSlide

   ;Parse new File Name
   $New_File_Name = StringTrimRight($New_File_Name, 5)
   ;Save the Powerpoint with a new filename
   $New_File_Name = $New_File_Name & "(16x9).pptx"
   _PPT_PresentationSaveAs($oPresentation, $New_File_Name,$ppSaveAsPresentation, True)
     if @error then ConsoleWrite ("Failed to SaveAs Presentation"& @CRLF )

   ;Close the new Powerpoint file
     if @error then ConsoleWrite ("Failed to Close Presentation"& @CRLF )

   ;Close the Powerpoint program

PowerPoint 4x3 to 16x9 Converter.au3

Edited by JLogan3o13
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To speed up processing I suggest to call _PPT_Open once at the top of the script and _PPT_Close before you exit.
At the moment you do this for every presentation.

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Another idea is to add HotKeySet to your script.
This could be used to exit your script any time when you encounter problems.
HotKeySet calls a function which then could close the active presentation, close Powerpoint and then exit the script.

Other issues:

  • The ConsoleWrites should write the name of the file being processed to the Console as well. So you know which file causes the problem.
  • _PPT_PresentationClose should be called with parameter $bSave set to False. When _PPT_PresentationSaveAs returns an error you execute _PPT_PresentationClose with parameter $bSave = True. This will fail as well.


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I added in the ability to convert .ppt and .pptx files in case someone had old powerpoint files.

Did the Open once and close once as well.


#Include <PowerPoint.au3>
#include <Constants.au3>
#include <String.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
#include <File.au3>

;Main Code Body
Global $listing
Global $Total_Files
$directory = FileSelectFolder("Choose Folder to Search for Powerpoint Files", "")
   if @error then Exit

;Create an array of Files
list($directory, 0)
$listing = StringTrimRight($listing, 1)
$listing = _StringExplode($listing, "|", 0)

;Put a message box up prior to starting the conversion
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "CONVERSION", "  " & $Total_Files & " PowerPoint Files Found" & @CRLF & "  Press OK To Begin")

;Create a Powerpoint object
Global $oPPT = _PPT_Open()

;Main Loop that goes through each file and converts it from 4x3 to 16x9
For $iCount = 0 To $Total_Files - 1

;Close the Powerpoint program

;This Function builds a List of all the files to be converted including sub directories
Func list($path = "", $counter = 0)
  $counter = 0
  $path &= '\'
  Local $Check_File_Type_ppt
  Local $Check_File_Type_pptx
  Local $list_files = '', $file, $demand_file = FileFindFirstFile($path & '*')
  If $demand_file = -1 Then Return ''
  While 1
    $file = FileFindNextFile($demand_file)
    If @error Then ExitLoop

    If @extended Then
     If $counter >= 10 Then ContinueLoop
       list($path & $file, $counter + 1)
       $Check_File_Type_pptx = StringRight($file,5)
       $Check_File_Type_ppt = StringRight($file,4)
       if ($Check_File_Type_pptx = ".pptx" or $Check_File_Type_ppt = ".ppt") Then
          $Total_Files = $Total_Files + 1
          $listing &= $path & $file & "|"

;This Function converts the files from 4x3 to 16x9 and resizes the image in the file
Func File_Converter($File_Name)
   ; Set a variable to represent the 16x9 format
   Local Const $PpSlideSizeOnScreen16x9 = 15
   local $New_File_Name = $File_Name
   Local $Check_File_Type_ppt

   ;Set a variable with the file path and name to be opened
   Local $sPresentation = $File_Name

   ;Open up the Powerpoint file
   Local $oPresentation = _PPT_PresentationOpen($oPPT, $sPresentation, True)
     if @error then ConsoleWrite ("Failed to Open Presentation"& @CRLF )

   ;Change the powerpoint to a 16 x 9 format
   $oPresentation.PageSetup.SlideSize = $PpSlideSizeOnScreen16x9

   ;Loop thtough all images and adjust them to the full screen size
   Local $curSlide, $curShape
     For $curSlide In $oPPT.ActivePresentation.Slides
         For $curShape In $curSlide.Shapes
             With $curShape
                 ;Resize the image in the slide
                 .LockAspectRatio = False
                 .ScaleHeight(3.38, True)
                 .ScaleWidth(5.13, True)
                 .Rotation = 0
                 .Left = 0
                 .Top = 0
         Next ; curShape
     Next ; curSlide

   ;Parse new File Name
   $Check_File_Type_ppt = StringRight($New_File_Name, 3)
   ConsoleWrite ("Last 3 characters of a file"& $Check_File_Type_ppt & @CRLF )
   if ($Check_File_Type_ppt = "ppt") Then
     $New_File_Name = StringTrimRight($New_File_Name, 4)
     $New_File_Name = StringTrimRight($New_File_Name, 5)

   ;SaveAs the Powerpoint with a new filename
   $New_File_Name = $New_File_Name & "(16x9)"
   _PPT_PresentationSaveAs($oPresentation, $New_File_Name,$ppSaveAsPresentation, True)
     if @error then ConsoleWrite ("Failed to SaveAs Presentation"& @CRLF )

   ;Close the new Powerpoint file
     if @error then ConsoleWrite ("Failed to Close Presentation"& @CRLF )



Edited by JLogan3o13
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@alexanr1Please start utilizing the code brackets. Makes it so much easier to read.

"Profanity is the last vestige of the feeble mind. For the man who cannot express himself forcibly through intellect must do so through shock and awe" - Spencer W. Kimball

How to get your question answered on this forum!

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Got some feedback on my code formatting :)  I think I cleaned it up based on the editors settings for tab's


#Include <PowerPoint.au3>
#include <Constants.au3>
#include <String.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
#include <File.au3>

;Main Code Body
Global $listing
Global $Total_Files
$directory = FileSelectFolder("Choose Folder to Search for Powerpoint Files", "")
    if @error then Exit

;Create an array of files based on the parent directory you choose
list($directory, 0)
$listing = StringTrimRight($listing, 1)
$listing = _StringExplode($listing, "|", 0)

;Put a message box up prior to starting the conversion
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "CONVERSION", "  " & $Total_Files & " PowerPoint Files Found" & @CRLF & "  Press OK To Begin")

;Open Powerpoint Application
Global $oPPT = _PPT_Open()

;Main Loop that goes through each file and converts it from 4x3 to 16x9
For $iCount = 0 To $Total_Files - 1

;Close the Powerpoint Application

;This Function builds a List of all the files to be converted including sub directories
Func list($path = "", $counter = 0)
    $counter = 0
    $path &= '\'
    Local $Check_File_Type_ppt
    Local $Check_File_Type_pptx
    Local $list_files = '', $file, $demand_file = FileFindFirstFile($path & '*')
    If $demand_file = -1 Then Return ''
        While 1
            $file = FileFindNextFile($demand_file)
                If @error Then ExitLoop
            If @extended Then
                If $counter >= 10 Then ContinueLoop
                    list($path & $file, $counter + 1)
                    $Check_File_Type_pptx = StringRight($file,5)
                    $Check_File_Type_ppt = StringRight($file,4)
                if ($Check_File_Type_pptx = ".pptx" or $Check_File_Type_ppt = ".ppt") Then
                    $Total_Files = $Total_Files + 1
                    $listing &= $path & $file & "|"

;This Function converts the files from 4x3 to 16x9 and resizes the image in the file
Func File_Converter($File_Name)
    Local Const $PpSlideSizeOnScreen16x9 = 15 ;Set a variable to represent the 16x9 format
    Local $New_File_Name = $File_Name
    Local $Check_File_Type_ppt

    ;Set a variable with the file path and name to be opened
    Local $sPresentation = $File_Name

    ;Open up the Powerpoint file
    Local $oPresentation = _PPT_PresentationOpen($oPPT, $sPresentation, True)
        if @error then ConsoleWrite ("Failed to Open Presentation"& @CRLF )

    ;Change the powerpoint to a 16 x 9 format
    $oPresentation.PageSetup.SlideSize = $PpSlideSizeOnScreen16x9

    ;Loop thtough all images and adjust them to the full screen size
    Local $curSlide, $curShape
    For $curSlide In $oPPT.ActivePresentation.Slides
        For $curShape In $curSlide.Shapes
            With $curShape
                ;Resize the image in the slide
                .LockAspectRatio = False
                .ScaleHeight(3.38, True)
                .ScaleWidth(5.13, True)
                .Rotation = 0
                .Left = 0
                .Top = 0
        Next ; curShape
    Next ; curSlide

    ;Parse new File Name
    $Check_File_Type_ppt = StringRight($New_File_Name, 3)
    ConsoleWrite ("Last 3 characters of a file"& $Check_File_Type_ppt & @CRLF )
    if ($Check_File_Type_ppt = "ppt") Then
        $New_File_Name = StringTrimRight($New_File_Name, 4)
        $New_File_Name = StringTrimRight($New_File_Name, 5)

    ;SaveAs the Powerpoint with a new filename
    $New_File_Name = $New_File_Name & "(16x9)"
    _PPT_PresentationSaveAs($oPresentation, $New_File_Name,$ppSaveAsPresentation, True)
        if @error then ConsoleWrite ("Failed to SaveAs Presentation"& @CRLF )

    ;Close the new Powerpoint file
        if @error then ConsoleWrite ("Failed to Close Presentation"& @CRLF )

PowerPoint Converter (4x3 to 16x9).au3

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#Include <PowerPoint.au3>
#include <Constants.au3>
#include <String.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
#include <File.au3>

;Main Code Body
Global $listing
Global $Total_Files
$directory = FileSelectFolder("Choose Folder to Search for Powerpoint Files", "")
    if @error then Exit

;Create an array of files based on the parent directory you choose
list($directory, 0)
$listing = StringTrimRight($listing, 1)
$listing = _StringExplode($listing, "|", 0)

;Put a message box up prior to starting the conversion
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "CONVERSION", "  " & $Total_Files & " PowerPoint Files Found" & @CRLF & "  Press OK To Begin")

;Open Powerpoint Application
Global $oPPT = _PPT_Open()

;Main Loop that goes through each file and converts it from 4x3 to 16x9
For $iCount = 0 To $Total_Files - 1

;Close the Powerpoint Application

;This Function builds a List of all the files to be converted including sub directories
Func list($path = "", $counter = 0)
    $counter = 0
    $path &= '\'
    Local $Check_File_Type_ppt
    Local $Check_File_Type_pptx
    Local $list_files = '', $file, $demand_file = FileFindFirstFile($path & '*')
    If $demand_file = -1 Then Return ''
        While 1
            $file = FileFindNextFile($demand_file)
                If @error Then ExitLoop
            If @extended Then
                If $counter >= 10 Then ContinueLoop
                    list($path & $file, $counter + 1)
                    $Check_File_Type_pptx = StringRight($file,5)
                    $Check_File_Type_ppt = StringRight($file,4)
                if ($Check_File_Type_pptx = ".pptx" or $Check_File_Type_ppt = ".ppt") Then
                    $Total_Files = $Total_Files + 1
                    $listing &= $path & $file & "|"

;This Function converts the files from 4x3 to 16x9 and resizes the image in the file
Func File_Converter($File_Name)
    Local Const $PpSlideSizeOnScreen16x9 = 15 ;Set a variable to represent the 16x9 format
    Local $New_File_Name = $File_Name
    Local $Check_File_Type_ppt

    ;Set a variable with the file path and name to be opened
    Local $sPresentation = $File_Name

    ;Open up the Powerpoint file
    Local $oPresentation = _PPT_PresentationOpen($oPPT, $sPresentation, True)
        if @error then ConsoleWrite ("Failed to Open Presentation"& @CRLF )

    ;Change the powerpoint to a 16 x 9 format
    $oPresentation.PageSetup.SlideSize = $PpSlideSizeOnScreen16x9

    ;Loop thtough all images and adjust them to the full screen size
    Local $curSlide, $curShape
    For $curSlide In $oPPT.ActivePresentation.Slides
        For $curShape In $curSlide.Shapes
            With $curShape
                ;Resize the image in the slide
                .LockAspectRatio = False
                .ScaleHeight(3.38, True)
                .ScaleWidth(5.13, True)
                .Rotation = 0
                .Left = 0
                .Top = 0
        Next ; curShape
    Next ; curSlide

    ;Parse new File Name
    $Check_File_Type_ppt = StringRight($New_File_Name, 3)
    ConsoleWrite ("Last 3 characters of a file"& $Check_File_Type_ppt & @CRLF )
    if ($Check_File_Type_ppt = "ppt") Then
        $New_File_Name = StringTrimRight($New_File_Name, 4)
        $New_File_Name = StringTrimRight($New_File_Name, 5)

    ;SaveAs the Powerpoint with a new filename
    $New_File_Name = $New_File_Name & "(16x9)"
    _PPT_PresentationSaveAs($oPresentation, $New_File_Name,$ppSaveAsPresentation, True)
        if @error then ConsoleWrite ("Failed to SaveAs Presentation"& @CRLF )

    ;Close the new Powerpoint file
        if @error then ConsoleWrite ("Failed to Close Presentation"& @CRLF )


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  • 1 year later...

thanks for the UDF water!

is there a way to set font size? or font type?

dont see any reference in the current version of the udf - but given the topic title "rewrite of the udf" maybe it existed before on a previous version of the udf?

not sure if this was a previous version - but see the ability to specify font size here

thanks again

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@gcue Try this:

#include <PowerPoint.au3>

$oPPT = _PPT_Open()
$oPresentation = _PPT_PresentationNew($oPPT)
$oSlide = _PPT_SlideAdd($oPresentation, 1)
$aShapes = _PPT_ShapeList($oPresentation, 1)
If IsArray($aShapes) Then
    MsgBox(0, '', 'Before')
    Local $oShape = $aShapes[0][0]
    $oShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 24
    MsgBox(0, '', 'After')


When the words fail... music speaks.

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  • 4 weeks later...

trying to figure out how to change the theme of a presentation to a predefined one. was hoping powerpoint came with a macros recorder so i could peek at the vba to see the predefined themed names for the ones i picked - no luck

found these but was not able to translate to autoit but the syntax did not work



$oPresentation.SlideMaster.Theme.ThemeColorScheme("msoThemeAccent1") = 0x0000ff
$oPresentation.SlideMaster.Theme.ThemeColorScheme("msoThemeAccent2") = 0xff0000
$oPresentation.SlideMaster.Theme.ThemeColorScheme("msoThemeAccent3") = 0xff0000
$oPresentation.SlideMaster.Theme.ThemeColorScheme("msoThemeAccent4") = 0xff0000
$oPresentation.SlideMaster.Theme.ThemeColorScheme("msoThemeAccent5") = 0xff0000
$oPresentation.SlideMaster.Theme.ThemeColorScheme("msoThemeAccent6") = 0xff0000
$oPresentation.SlideMaster.Theme.ThemeColorScheme("msoThemeDark1") = 0xff0000
$oPresentation.SlideMaster.Theme.ThemeColorScheme("msoThemeDark2") = 0xff0000

any help is greatly appreciated!

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