net user at command prompt yields this info... C:\Users\Name>net user Guest
User name Guest
Full Name
Comment Built-in account for guest access to the computer/domain
User's comment
Country/region code 000 (System Default)
Account active No
Account expires Never
Password last set 19/10/2015 03:12:25
Password expires Never
Password changeabl
Yes, you can set an account to have it where the user cannot change the password after it is set by an admin, and do other things. Personally I like using the LocalAccount UDF, instead of net user for things like this.
Here are a few examples.
#include <LocalAccount.au3>
;Set password, and make it so will not expire.
_AccountSetPassword("UserName", "Password", "0")
;Set password, and make it expire tomorrow at 12:00 AM