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I was working on something last night and decided to use StringRegExpReplace() for a config file, I never noticed that you cant just "overwrite" the file with the update so easily it required a few more pieces of code to work properly.

Is this the simplest way (what I used) and while I searched for it and did not find it do we have or will we have a RegEx equivalent for _ReplaceStringInFile()?

$sFile = FileRead(@ScriptDir & "\test.txt")
$hFile = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\test.txt", 2)
$sNewContent = StringRegExpReplace($sFile, "(test)", "new$1")
FileWrite($hFile, $sNewContent)



The simplest way IS the current _ReplaceStringInFile() , which uses a StringReplace along with all the needed error checkings and options
Using a regex would not make it simpler  :)


What I am asking is if you need regex, is what I posted above account for the simplest way to accomplish the same task but with regex capability.  

My config file did not have a static string, it has varying length and values so I needed regex to ensure capture/replacement (IP Address + NIC Adapter)


Ah, now I understand  :)
In this case, yes your code seems to be the most proper way... read file, then regex, then write file, could you do it otherwise ?


It's not redundant !
Did you have a look at the _ReplaceStringInFile func in File.au3 ? if you open a file in read mode (as FileRead does) you must close it and reopen to write inside it

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