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Hi everyone, 

I'm currently writing a script that will execute some Robocopy batches among what has been ticked by the Technician.

The script is divided in two files (the main & the functions) but the thing is that I have to write multiple lines for all controls, as you can see in the functions file.

1- Is there a way to shorten this?

2- To avoid writing bunch of lines to check whether checkboxes are checked and to lunch appropriate bat, is there also a way to go quicker when clicking on the submit button? (will be implemented in the SubmitCopyChoice() Function)

Thanks guys for all the help you can offer :)




~~~ Doom Shall Never Die, Only The Players ~~~


You need to use an array and a loop, look :

; declaring the global variables at the beginning of the script is a good practice
Global $aCheckBox = [ "Contacts Folder Only", "Desktop Folder Only", "Downloads Folder Only", "Favorites Folder Only", "My Documents Folder Only", "My Music Folder Only", "My Pictures Folder Only", "My Videos Folder Only", "Searches Folder Only", "Sticky Notes Only", "SAP Logon INI Only", "SAP Logon INI Only"]
Global $aCheckBoxIDs[ UBound($aCheckBox) ]
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; [...]
For $i = 0 To UBound($aCheckBox) - 1
    $aCheckBoxIDs[$i] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox($aCheckBox[$i], 5, 270 + $i * 10 * 2, 300)

and to change to the state in the different functions, another loop :

For $i = 0 To UBound($aCheckBox) - 1
    $aCheckBoxIDs[$i] = GUICtrlSetState($aCheckBox[$i], $GUI_UNCHECKED + $GUI_ENABLE)


Thanks for your answers, that's a good point. 

But, the trick is that for example, is the tech only checks (for example) My Documents + My Videos + Sticky Notes, how's possible for the script to know what to execute of checkboxes do not have "names"?

Here's my function after submitting:

Func SubmitCopyChoice()
; Global $s_RobocopyOptions = "/R:15 /W:3"
If _IsChecked($chk_Contacts) Then 
$s_Source = $s_Drive & "Users\" & @Username & "\Contacts"
$s_Dest = @UserProfileDir & "\Contacts"
RunWait(@ComSpec & ' /k robocopy.exe "' & $s_Source & '" "' & $s_Dest & ' ' & $s_RobocopyOptions, @SystemDir)

I think I may have no other choices than creating my robocopy job for each checkbox with some if and elseif... At least you have another idea ^^


~~~ Doom Shall Never Die, Only The Players ~~~

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