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This seems to be much better and doesn't increase memory like your example:

#include <Constants.au3> ;This allows the use of the $STDERR_MERGED variable
HotKeySet("{ESC}","MyExit")  ; This lets you easily get out of the While loop by using the ESC key

While 1
    $pid = Run("notepad.exe","",@SW_SHOW,$STDERR_MERGED)  ;It doesn't matter what program you run here.
    ProcessWait($pid) ;Wait until the exe starts
    ProcessClose($pid) ;Close the exe
    ProcessWaitClose($pid) ;Wait until the exe is actually closed
    StdioClose($pid) ;Close the StdIO to the exe to release the handles and memory 
    Sleep(1000) ;Wait 1 second, it doesn't really matter how long you wait here.
Func MyExit() ;Exit the program


Interesting, I do not see any memory increase with your example.  It looks like the only difference is that you processclose before stdioclose.  Why should the order of those 2 things matter?



Posted (edited)

I can confirm that the reproducer provided by ferbfletcher does indeed have a memory leak, but only when used with $STDERR_MERGED. We probably should treat this as a bug from here on out so I have created ticket https://www.autoitscript.com/trac/autoit/ticket/3135 

You can try to run the following simplified code and observe the memory usage:

#include <Constants.au3>

While 1
    $pid = Run("ping localhost","", @SW_HIDE, $STDERR_MERGED)

@ferbfletcher Many thanks for taking the time to provide a reproduction script to get to the bottom of this. It is very much appreciated and we'll take it from here, assuming your problem is solved adequately.

Edited by jvanegmond

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