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I have an issue with mouseclick on windows 7 64bit, it simply dosen't work. I'm trying to send mouseclick on a fullscreen window. 

What have i tried:

-  Run as admin

-  Tryed different Opt mouse coords modes and pixel as well

-  Compile it 32 and 64 bit same result, not working


And i ran out of ideas, does anyone know what is going on with windows 7 and mouseclicks!


Nothing is going on, it's perfectly fine.

Post the exact code you're having trouble with.

#include <Misc.au3>
#include <ButtonConstants.au3>
#include <EditConstants.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <StaticConstants.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>

Opt("MouseCoordMode", 0)
Opt("PixelCoordMode", 0)
Opt("MouseClickDelay", 0)

;MsgBox(4096, "", "")

If Not _Singleton(@Scriptname, 1) Then
    MsgBox(4096, "Is Running", "Program is already running .-.")
Global $searchcolor = 0xF24A17
Global $dll = DllOpen("user32.dll")

#Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=
Global $Form1 = GUICreate("Clicker", 351, 86, 556, 458)
$Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Set sleep delay", 8, 8, 288, 17)
Global $Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Start", 8, 56, 339, 25)
Global $Input = GUICtrlCreateInput("25", 8, 32, 337, 21)
#EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ###

While 1
    $nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $nMsg
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
        Case $Button1
            $Read = GUICtrlRead($Input)
            Global $Sleep = $Read
            If $Read = "" Then
                MsgBox(4096, "Error", "You cannot leave this space empty!")

Func Check()
If WinExists("[class:46813]") Then
    MsgBox(4096, "clicker", "Waiting for app to start")



Func clicker()

While WinExists("[class:46813]") = True
$pos = MouseGetPos()
$coord = PixelSearch(($pos[0] - 100) , ($pos[1] - 100) , ($pos[0] + 100) , ($pos[1] + 100), $searchcolor)
If _IsPressed(72, $dll) Then
If IsArray($coord) = 1 Then
    MouseClick("Left", Default, Default, 1, 0)


Are you expecting the mouse to move somewhere? because you have default for both x and y, meaning mouse will click at current position.

No, i don't want it to move. But i can tell you that it works fine on my sisters laptop with win 8.1 64 bit but not on win 7 64bit, i have no idea why...


What about just. MouseClick("Left", Default, Default, 1, 0)

Does not work "MouseClick("Left", Default, Default, 1, 0)" but everything else does work, i have been testing each one.


I suggest if you have not already, that you restart your computer because it sounds pretty odd.

Restarted Pc 1000 times, and tried on other PC's same result, i guess it can't be solved..

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