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I have a server running Small Busines Server 2008.  On that server is a shared directory containing Microsoft Office templates in the normal directory setup; a bunch of templates, a Smart Art subdirectory, and a Document Themes subdirectory containing Theme Colors, Theme Effects, and Theme Fonts subdirectories.

My task is to create a program that copies all that to the local user's templates subdirectory.  It must work on the local network or over the VPN.  I am not allowed to wipe the local template directory. I may not assume that any drives are mapped, I have to use UNC paths to the server. So a .cmd file doesn't work because it doesn't do UNC paths, at least copy and xcopy and robocopy don't.

This morning I sat down with AutoIt and came up with:


#include <File.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
#include <FileConstants.au3>

$LocalPath = EnvGet("APPDATA") & "\Microsoft\Templates\"
$Result = DirCopy("\\\Users\<redacted>\<redacted>\<redacted>\<redacted> Templates 2",$LocalPath,$FC_OVERWRITE)

Works on the internal network. Works when I connect to our guest network (which is a different subnet) and connect to the (SoftEther) VPN.  Does not work when connected to the VPN on physically remote machines.



  • Developers

Guess you arent allowing something via vpn. Are all mickysoft required ports open and can you browse the fileshare with the explorer when connected via vpn?




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