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how to pixelsearch click in middle area?


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my script is working fine but it mostly clicks only in the sides and corner of green square (which is the first pixels it detects i guess) any idea how can I click the middle area inside of pixelsearch? heres what i done but it wont work 

$greenbox = PixelSearch(0, 0, @DesktopWidth, @DesktopHeight, 0x00FF00)
If isArray($greenbox) then
newX := greenbox[0] + 25
newY := greenbox[1] + 25
MouseMove($newX[0],$newY[1], 0)


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my script is working fine but it mostly clicks only in the sides and corner of green square (which is the first pixels it detects i guess) any idea how can I click the middle area inside of pixelsearch? heres what i done but it wont work 

$greenbox = PixelSearch(0, 0, @DesktopWidth, @DesktopHeight, 0x00FF00)
If isArray($greenbox) then
MouseMove($greenbox[0]+25,$greenbox[1]+25, 0)



You were close :) 


:= doesn't assign. use = or +=

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