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Hi all,

As a newby i need some help.

I am trying to add time stamps to file names.

But it has to do it only once. So i made a check on lenght of filename.

If filename extention and Lenght  is correct it renames the file with a time stamp.

I use a ini file for settings. and extentions what needs to be renamed.

The script works but only once.

it renames all the  files that are in the ini . like test.txt to text050102.txt

But when there is 2 files. Like test.txt and  text050102.txt

It does not rename the test.txt file

where am i doing this wrong?



#include <Array.au3>
#include <File.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <WinAPIFiles.au3>

$path = IniRead("RenameFiles.ini","General","InputFolder","Error")
$TimeOption = IniRead("RenameFiles.ini","General","TimeOption","Error")
Local $aArray = iniReadSection("RenameFiles.ini","EXT")
    For $i = 1 To $aArray[0][0]
    $search01 = FileFindFirstFile($path&"*"&$aArray[$i][0])
If $aArray="" Then
    MsgBox(0,"Error","Check RenameFiles.ini","","")

While 1

    $File = FileFindNextFile($search01)
    $StringLenght= StringLen ($File)
if $StringLenght= $aArray[$i][1] Then
    $FileSplit= StringSplit($File,".")
    $Time=FileGetTime ( $File ,$TimeOption ,0 )
    If @error Then ExitLoop
    FileMove($path & $File, $path & $FileSplit[1] & $Time[3] & $Time[4] & $Time[5] & $aArray[$i][0], 0)

Ini file looks like:

;Enter folder where the files are located: 
;Example C:\test\

;Enter the option you want to use, for timestamp
;0 = Last modified (default)
;1 = Created
;2 = Last accessed

;Enter Files extensions that needs a timestamp.
;FileExtention=FileNameLenght (characters)
;Example .TRX.MAU (Dont forget the leading point)
;FileNameLenght = how many characters the filename contains. Including "."  
;If filename is longer or shorter it wil not rename the file.
;Example TR150730.TRX.MAU = 16 characters. 




As an option, instead looking for the lenght of the name, try to add some symbol before the timestamp (can be configured on the ini), then just check if the symbol exist (with StringInStr or RegEx) to don't rename again.

About the two files don't be renamed, try to look if they have diferent timestamp, as @jguinch said.


Now i have it working. Even with a backup 2 a zip file option.


#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <File.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
#include <WinAPIFiles.au3>
#include "Zip.au3"

$path = IniRead("BackupRename.ini","General","InputFolder","Error");Read input folder for renaming from BackupRename.ini.
$TimeOption = IniRead("BackupRename.ini","General","TimeOption","Error");Read time option path from BackupRename.ini.
$aArray = iniReadSection("BackupRename.ini","EXT");Read Extentions from BackupRename.ini.
$BackupFolder=IniRead("BackupRename.ini","General","BackupFolder","Error");Read Backupfolder path from BackupRename.ini.

If not $BackupFolder="" Then ;If Backupfolder is not empty in BackupRename.ini then create a zip.
    $Zip = _Zip_Create($BackupFolder&"Backup["&@YEAR&@MON&@MDAY&"]["&@HOUR&@MIN&@SEC&"].zip")


Func Rename()

    For $i = 1 To $aArray[0][0]
    Local $hSearch = FileFindFirstFile($path&"*"&$aArray[$i][0]); Assign a Local variable the search handle of all files in the current directory.
    Local $sFileName = "", $iResult = 0; Assign a Local variable the empty string which will contain the files names found.
    While 1
        $sFileName = FileFindNextFile($hSearch)
            ; If there is no more file matching the search.
            If @error Then ExitLoop

        $Time=FileGetTime ( $path&$sFileName ,$TimeOption ,0 );Find the Timestamp from file
            if @error = 1 then
                ;msgbox(0,'','Bad return from filegettime'&$sFileName)

        $StringLenght= StringLen ($sFileName);find string lenght from filename
            if $StringLenght= $aArray[$i][1] Then
        $FileSplit= StringSplit($sFileName,".");Split file name where there is a "."
            if @error = 1 then
                ;msgbox(0,'','Bad return from Stringsplit')

            If not $BackupFolder="" Then; if BackupFolder is not empty add file to sip.
            FileMove($path & $sFileName, $path & $FileSplit[1] & $Time[3] & $Time[4] & $Time[5] & $aArray[$i][0], 1)

    FileClose($hSearch); Close the search handle.
    next;Go to next file

EndFunc   ;==>Rename

if _Zip_Count($Zip) ="0" Then ;If no files are added to zip file. Delete the zip
    FileDelete ($Zip)
;Enter folder where the files are located: 
;Example C:\test\
;Enter the option you want to use, for timestamp
;0 = Last modified (default)
;1 = Created
;2 = Last accessed

;Enter Files extensions that needs a timestamp.
;FileExtention=FileNameLenght (characters)
;Example .TRX.MAU (Dont forget the leading point)
;FileNameLenght = how many characters the filename contains. Including "."  
;If filename is longer or shorter it wil not rename the file.
;Example TR150730.TRX.MAU = 16 characters. 


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