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Resize Current Window


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Totally new to AutoIt, but have created a few basic scripts.

How can I resize the current window (or should I say most recently clicked window)? I am using a desktop shortcut to do this so as soon as I click it, I lose the focus of the window.

Thanks :)

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WinMove and 'ACTIVE'. See the help file for more details.

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Updated: 22/04/2018

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That would just return the desktop though. It would probably be easiest to let the script run in the background and use a hotkey to run your resize code. Look up 


And then use the code from guinness


P.S. Welcome to the forum!


Edited by AdmiralAlkex
made it clearer (I hope)
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Yeah, that was the issue I originally had. I was using code from this link and it moved the desktop icons. I actually got WinMove to work if I first run a program since it is automatically active. But I can't do that in this case since the window already exists.

I will have a look at the HotKeySet, but was really wanting to create an icon to handle.


Edited by LT2000
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Well since I am not a coder, I just hacked my way through it. This works. Basically I realized that the alt-tab structure always forces the most current window to the left of the list. So I used a send key to "activate" it and then applied the resize. Surely not best practice, but good enough for me.


WinMove("", "", 0, 0, 900, 1367)


P.S. Not always 100% reliable (guess due to the alt-tab left and a timing issue) but usually works, so close enough for now at least.

Edited by LT2000
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Definitely a reliability issue with the following command. Most of the time it finds the right window, but a lot of times it does not. Any idea why that is? Is that just asking too much from the string? I suspect if there was a delay between the alt-tab and left keys then it would be robust, but can't see how to make that happen.


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Yup, very unreliable...

consider using the suggestions given above.

HotKeySet("{F2}", "_activate")

While 1

Func _activate()
WinMove("[ACTIVE]", "", 0, 0, 900, 1367)


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Thanks, that does work great! However, I am still wanting not quite ready to give up on the icon approach. This approach has some quirks, but works 100% so far. The major downside is the window has to be at the center of the screen. But not a terrible trade off.

MouseClick("left",1280,720,1,0) ; selects window at center of screen
WinMove("", "", 0, 0, 900, 1367)
MouseClick("left",2300,1380,1,0) ; reposition mouse


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