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Posted (edited)

*Requires that you are a client of SCCM in order for SMS_ to exist/populate

This is an exercise in formatting data returned from CIM via powershell via Autoit.  Should get you the meat:  name, version, location, installdate, and uninstall string. 

Short Version:  Grouped by Program



$iPid = run("powershell (Get-CimInstance -Namespace root\cimv2\sms -ClassName SMS_InstalledSoftware | fl ProductName,InstallDate,InstalledLocation,ProductVersion,UninstallString | out-string).trim()", "" , @SW_HIDE , 0x2)

$sOutput = ""

 While ProcessExists($iPid)
        $sOutput &= StdoutRead($iPID)

$aOutput = stringsplit($sOutput, @LF , 2)


Long Version: Each Category in its own column, modular pieces.



$iPid = run("powershell Get-CimInstance -Namespace root\cimv2\sms -ClassName SMS_InstalledSoftware | select ProductName" , "" , @SW_HIDE , 0x2)

$sOutput = ""

 While 1
        $sOutput &= StdoutRead($iPID)
        If @error Then

$aProductName = stringsplit($sOutput , @CR , 2)


$iPid = run("powershell Get-CimInstance -Namespace root\cimv2\sms -ClassName SMS_InstalledSoftware | select InstallDate" , "" , @SW_HIDE , 0x2)

$sOutput = ""

 While 1
        $sOutput &= StdoutRead($iPID)
        If @error Then

$aInstallDate = stringsplit($sOutput , @CR , 2)


$iPid = run("powershell Get-CimInstance -Namespace root\cimv2\sms -ClassName SMS_InstalledSoftware | select InstalledLocation" , "" , @SW_HIDE , 0x2)

$sOutput = ""

 While 1
        $sOutput &= StdoutRead($iPID)
        If @error Then

$aInstalledLocation = stringsplit($sOutput , @CR , 2)


$iPid = run("powershell Get-CimInstance -Namespace root\cimv2\sms -ClassName SMS_InstalledSoftware | select ProductVersion" , "" , @SW_HIDE , 0x2)

$sOutput = ""

 While 1
        $sOutput &= StdoutRead($iPID)
        If @error Then

$aProductVersion = stringsplit($sOutput , @CR , 2)


$iPid = run("powershell Get-CimInstance -Namespace root\cimv2\sms -ClassName SMS_InstalledSoftware | select UninstallString" , "" , @SW_HIDE , 0x2)

$sOutput = ""

 While 1
        $sOutput &= StdoutRead($iPID)
        If @error Then

$aUninstallString = stringsplit($sOutput , @CR , 2)


Local $aOut[ubound($aProductName)][5]

For $i = 0 to ubound($aProductName) - 1
    $aOut[$i][0] = $aProductName[$i]
    $aOut[$i][1] = $aInstallDate[$i]
    $aOut[$i][2] = $aInstalledLocation[$i]
    $aOut[$i][3] = $aProductVersion[$i]
    $aOut[$i][4] = $aUninstallString[$i]

_ArrayDisplay($aOut , "SMS Installed Software")


Edited by iamtheky
added short form

,-. .--. ________ .-. .-. ,---. ,-. .-. .-. .-.
|(| / /\ \ |\ /| |__ __||| | | || .-' | |/ / \ \_/ )/
(_) / /__\ \ |(\ / | )| | | `-' | | `-. | | / __ \ (_)
| | | __ | (_)\/ | (_) | | .-. | | .-' | | \ |__| ) (
| | | | |)| | \ / | | | | | |)| | `--. | |) \ | |
`-' |_| (_) | |\/| | `-' /( (_)/( __.' |((_)-' /(_|
'-' '-' (__) (__) (_) (__)

Posted (edited)

I am just awful at powershell, and these old WMI or registry queries is how I am forcing myself to learn.  Many of these are small slices of larger scripts that pool data from Splunk/Lancope/Forti*/etc...   AutoIt is my only real option for automating the manipulation of data into different formats from many different sources.

Edited by boththose

,-. .--. ________ .-. .-. ,---. ,-. .-. .-. .-.
|(| / /\ \ |\ /| |__ __||| | | || .-' | |/ / \ \_/ )/
(_) / /__\ \ |(\ / | )| | | `-' | | `-. | | / __ \ (_)
| | | __ | (_)\/ | (_) | | .-. | | .-' | | \ |__| ) (
| | | | |)| | \ / | | | | | |)| | `--. | |) \ | |
`-' |_| (_) | |\/| | `-' /( (_)/( __.' |((_)-' /(_|
'-' '-' (__) (__) (_) (__)


Does not format the output for me (running on window 10 pro x86) So why no use IEnumInstalledApps directly on AutoIt.






Does not format the output for me (running on window 10 pro x86) So why no use IEnumInstalledApps directly on AutoIt.





Because the method  posted here requires "System Center Configuration Manager" installed. Most private users don't have that software, which means boththose probably uses machine which is part of some bigger system.




Posted (edited)

So why no use IEnumInstalledApps directly on AutoIt.

I dont know how and a search for "IEnumInstalledApps" in the forums returns only your reply to this thread.

And I am on Win 8.1, PS 4.0.   And I am not doing any ps formatting on the long form, just reading arrays into an array, certainly odd if that fails.


Because the method  posted here requires "System Center Configuration Manager" installed

True that.  I will amend to reflect the prereq.


Edited by boththose

,-. .--. ________ .-. .-. ,---. ,-. .-. .-. .-.
|(| / /\ \ |\ /| |__ __||| | | || .-' | |/ / \ \_/ )/
(_) / /__\ \ |(\ / | )| | | `-' | | `-. | | / __ \ (_)
| | | __ | (_)\/ | (_) | | .-. | | .-' | | \ |__| ) (
| | | | |)| | \ / | | | | | |)| | `--. | |) \ | |
`-' |_| (_) | |\/| | `-' /( (_)/( __.' |((_)-' /(_|
'-' '-' (__) (__) (_) (__)


True that.  I will amend to reflect the prereq.


I'm sure you knew this, but doing it directly from AutoItwithout the PowerShell and using the same algo would be:

ConsoleWrite("@error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & Hex(@extended) & @CRLF)

Func PrintBoththosesThingInAutoItWithoutUsingPowerShell()
    Local $oErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", PrintBoththosesThingInAutoItWithoutUsingPowerShell)
    Local $oWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2\sms") ; dot means "this comp"
    If @error Then Return SetError(1, @error, "")
    Local $oItems = $oWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT ProductName,InstallDate,InstalledLocation,ProductVersion,UninstallString FROM SMS_InstalledSoftware")
    If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, "")
    For $oItem In $oItems
        ConsoleWrite($oItem.ProductName & @CRLF)
        ConsoleWrite(@TAB & $oItem.InstallDate & @CRLF)
        ConsoleWrite(@TAB & $oItem.InstalledLocation & @CRLF)
        ConsoleWrite(@TAB & $oItem.ProductVersion & @CRLF)
        ConsoleWrite(@TAB & $oItem.UninstallString & @CRLF)

That's why it wasn't clear to me why you used PowerShell.





ah yes, to answer that I have been on a powershell kick as of late due to projects for other business units.  Win 8 powershell made DISM stuff sexy, so being able to mount/apply/interrogate packages with a bunch of one liners would be useful for their future maintenance.


,-. .--. ________ .-. .-. ,---. ,-. .-. .-. .-.
|(| / /\ \ |\ /| |__ __||| | | || .-' | |/ / \ \_/ )/
(_) / /__\ \ |(\ / | )| | | `-' | | `-. | | / __ \ (_)
| | | __ | (_)\/ | (_) | | .-. | | .-' | | \ |__| ) (
| | | | |)| | \ / | | | | | |)| | `--. | |) \ | |
`-' |_| (_) | |\/| | `-' /( (_)/( __.' |((_)-' /(_|
'-' '-' (__) (__) (_) (__)


... ...
 Local $oItems = $oWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT ProductName,InstallDate,InstalledLocation,ProductVersion,UninstallString FROM SMS_InstalledSoftware")
... ...

How about Win32_Product

#include "Array.au3"

Global $_nice_COMerrorArray, $_nice_COMerrorObj
_nice_COMerrorHandler(1) ; COM error handler.

ToolTip("mouse over the trayicon for debug info.", @DesktopWidth - 30,@DesktopHeight - 130, "ScriptOMatic - Win32_Product",1,4)

Local $a = _WMI_Win32_Product()
If @error Then
    MsgBox( 262144 ,"WMI Output","No WMI Objects Found for class: " & "Win32_Product" )
    Switch @extended
        Case 0
            ToolTip("Done.", @DesktopWidth - 30,@DesktopHeight - 130, "ScriptOMatic - Win32_Product",1,4)
        Case 1
            ToolTip("Nothing, you've got nothing."&@CR&@CR&"Adjust the query", @DesktopWidth - 30,@DesktopHeight - 130, "ScriptOMatic - Win32_Product",2,4)
        Case 2
            ToolTip("More than you can chew."&@CR&@CR&"Adjust the ""$iLimit"" or the query", @DesktopWidth - 30,@DesktopHeight - 130, "ScriptOMatic - Win32_Product",2,4)
    If $_nice_COMerrorArray[0][0] Then _nice_COMerrorHandler(2)
    _Array_Rotate2D( $a )
    _ArrayDisplay( $a ,"ScriptOMatic - ""Win32_Product""")

Func _WMI_Win32_Product( $iLimit = 1000 , $sComputer = "." , $sUser = "" , $sPassword = "" )

    ; Generated by AutoIt ScriptOMatic

    ; Description: Instances of this class represent products as they are installed by MSI.
    ;          A product generally correlates to a single installation package.

    ; Class Methods:
    ; Install
    ; Admin
    ; Advertise
    ; Reinstall
    ; Upgrade
    ; Configure
    ; Uninstall

    Local $wbemFlagReturnImmediately = 0x10
    Local $wbemFlagForwardOnly = 0x20
    Local $colItems = ""
    Local $sReturn=""
    Local $iExt = 0
    If 1 > Int( $iLimit ) Then $iLimit = 1
    Local $aReturn[1000][ Int( $iLimit ) + 1]
    $aReturn[0][0] = 0
    $aReturn[0][1] = 0

    If $sComputer & $sUser & $sPassword = "." Then
        ToolTip("...ObjGet", @DesktopWidth - 30,@DesktopHeight - 130, "ScriptOMatic - Win32_Product",1,4)
        Local $oWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:\\" & $sComputer & "\root\CIMV2")
        ToolTip("...ObjCreate", @DesktopWidth - 30,@DesktopHeight - 130, "ScriptOMatic - Win32_Product",1,4)
        Local $wmiLocator = ObjCreate("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
        ToolTip("...ConnectServer", @DesktopWidth - 30,@DesktopHeight - 130, "ScriptOMatic - Win32_Product",1,4)
        Local $oWMIService = $wmiLocator.ConnectServer($sComputer, "\root\CIMV2", $sUser, $sPassword)

    ToolTip("...ExecQuery", @DesktopWidth - 30,@DesktopHeight - 130, "ScriptOMatic - Win32_Product",1,4)
    Local $colItems = $oWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Product", _
                         "WQL", $wbemFlagReturnImmediately + $wbemFlagForwardOnly)

    ToolTip("...ExecQuery executed."& @CR &"...waiting for data.", @DesktopWidth - 30,@DesktopHeight - 130, "ScriptOMatic - Win32_Product",1,4)
    If IsObj($colItems) Then

        ; Class Properties: Names:

        $aReturn[  1 ][ 0 ] = "AssignmentType"
        $aReturn[  2 ][ 0 ] = "Caption"
        $aReturn[  3 ][ 0 ] = "Description"
        $aReturn[  4 ][ 0 ] = "HelpLink"
        $aReturn[  5 ][ 0 ] = "HelpTelephone"
        $aReturn[  6 ][ 0 ] = "IdentifyingNumber"
        $aReturn[  7 ][ 0 ] = "InstallDate"
        $aReturn[  8 ][ 0 ] = "InstallDate2"
        $aReturn[  9 ][ 0 ] = "InstallLocation"
        $aReturn[ 10 ][ 0 ] = "InstallSource"
        $aReturn[ 11 ][ 0 ] = "InstallState"
        $aReturn[ 12 ][ 0 ] = "Language"
        $aReturn[ 13 ][ 0 ] = "LocalPackage"
        $aReturn[ 14 ][ 0 ] = "Name"
        $aReturn[ 15 ][ 0 ] = "PackageCache"
        $aReturn[ 16 ][ 0 ] = "PackageCode"
        $aReturn[ 17 ][ 0 ] = "PackageName"
        $aReturn[ 18 ][ 0 ] = "ProductID"
        $aReturn[ 19 ][ 0 ] = "RegCompany"
        $aReturn[ 20 ][ 0 ] = "RegOwner"
        $aReturn[ 21 ][ 0 ] = "SKUNumber"
        $aReturn[ 22 ][ 0 ] = "Transforms"
        $aReturn[ 23 ][ 0 ] = "URLInfoAbout"
        $aReturn[ 24 ][ 0 ] = "URLUpdateInfo"
        $aReturn[ 25 ][ 0 ] = "Vendor"
        $aReturn[ 26 ][ 0 ] = "Version"
        $aReturn[ 27 ][ 0 ] = "WordCount"
        $aReturn[0][0] = 27
        For $objItem In $colItems
            $aReturn[0][1] = $aReturn[0][1] + 1
            If Not Mod( $aReturn[0][1] , 100 ) Then ToolTip("...adding "& $aReturn[0][1] &" of "&$iLimit &" ??", @DesktopWidth - 30,@DesktopHeight - 130, "ScriptOMatic - Win32_Product",1,4)
            If $aReturn[0][1] > $iLimit Then
                $iExt = 2

            ; Class Properties: Values:

            $aReturn[  1 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.AssignmentType
            $aReturn[  2 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.Caption
            $aReturn[  3 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.Description
            $aReturn[  4 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.HelpLink
            $aReturn[  5 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.HelpTelephone
            $aReturn[  6 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.IdentifyingNumber
            $aReturn[  7 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.InstallDate
            $aReturn[  8 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = WMIDateStringToDate( $objItem.InstallDate2 )
            $aReturn[  9 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.InstallLocation
            $aReturn[ 10 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.InstallSource
            $aReturn[ 11 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = Win32_Product_PropertyValues_InstallState( $objItem.InstallState )
            $aReturn[ 12 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.Language
            $aReturn[ 13 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.LocalPackage
            $aReturn[ 14 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.Name
            $aReturn[ 15 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.PackageCache
            $aReturn[ 16 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.PackageCode
            $aReturn[ 17 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.PackageName
            $aReturn[ 18 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.ProductID
            $aReturn[ 19 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.RegCompany
            $aReturn[ 20 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.RegOwner
            $aReturn[ 21 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.SKUNumber
            $aReturn[ 22 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.Transforms
            $aReturn[ 23 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.URLInfoAbout
            $aReturn[ 24 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.URLUpdateInfo
            $aReturn[ 25 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.Vendor
            $aReturn[ 26 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.Version
            $aReturn[ 27 ][ $aReturn[0][1] ] = $objItem.WordCount
        If $aReturn[0][1] = 0  Then $iExt = 1
        ReDim $aReturn[$aReturn[0][0] + 1][$aReturn[0][1] + 1]
        Return SetError( 0 , $iExt , $aReturn )
        ReDim $aReturn[1][2]
        Return SetError( 1 , 99 , $aReturn )

Func WMIDateStringToDate($dtmDate)
    Return (StringMid($dtmDate, 5, 2) & "/" & _
        StringMid($dtmDate, 7, 2) & "/" & StringLeft($dtmDate, 4) _
        & " " & StringMid($dtmDate, 9, 2) & ":" & StringMid($dtmDate, 11, 2) & ":" & StringMid($dtmDate,13, 2))

Func _Array_Rotate2D(ByRef $a)
    Local $u1 = UBound($a, 1) - 1
    If @error Then Return SetError(1)
    Local $u2 = UBound($a, 2) - 1
    If @error Then
        Local $n, $m, $u2 = 1
        Local $b[$u2][$u1 + 1]
        For $n = 0 To $u1
            For $m = 0 To 0
                $b[$m][$n] = $a[$n]
        Local $n, $m
        Local $b[$u2 + 1][$u1 + 1]
        For $n = 0 To $u1
            For $m = 0 To $u2
                $b[$m][$n] = $a[$n][$m]
    $a = $b
EndFunc   ;==>_Array_Rotate2D

Func Win32_Product_PropertyValues_InstallState( $value )
    Switch $value
        Case "-6"
            Return "-6 = Bad Configuration"
        Case "-2"
            Return "-2 = Invalid Argument"
        Case "-1"
            Return "-1 = Unknown Package"
        Case "1"
            Return "1 = Advertised"
        Case "2"
            Return "2 = Absent"
        Case "5"
            Return "5 = Installed"
        Case Else
            Return $value&" = ???"

Func _nice_COMerrorHandler($i = 0)
    If $i == 1 Then
        Dim $_nice_COMerrorArray[301][9]
        $_nice_COMerrorArray[0][0] = 0
        $_nice_COMerrorObj = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "_nice_COMerrorHandler")
    If $i == 2 Then
        If Not @Compiled Then
            Local $s = FileRead(@ScriptFullPath)
            Local $a = StringSplit($s, @CRLF, 1)
            For $s = 1 To $_nice_COMerrorArray[0][0]
                If Int($_nice_COMerrorArray[$s][7]) > $a[0] Then ContinueLoop
                $_nice_COMerrorArray[$s][8] = StringStripWS($a[Int($_nice_COMerrorArray[$s][7])], 3)
        ReDim $_nice_COMerrorArray[$_nice_COMerrorArray[0][0] + 1][9]
        _ArrayDisplay($_nice_COMerrorArray, "ScriptOMatic - COM Errors intercepted ( the script will continue after this screen )")
    If $_nice_COMerrorArray[0][0] = 300 Then
        $_nice_COMerrorArray[0][8] = "ScriptLine: only first 300 errors shown !!!"
    $i = $_nice_COMerrorArray[0][0] + 1
    $_nice_COMerrorArray[0][0] = $i
    $_nice_COMerrorArray[$i][1] = "0x" & Hex($_nice_COMerrorObj, 8)
    $_nice_COMerrorArray[$i][2] = $_nice_COMerrorObj.windescription
    $_nice_COMerrorArray[$i][3] = $_nice_COMerrorObj.source
    $_nice_COMerrorArray[$i][4] = $_nice_COMerrorObj.helpfile
    $_nice_COMerrorArray[$i][5] = $_nice_COMerrorObj.helpcontext
    $_nice_COMerrorArray[$i][6] = $_nice_COMerrorObj.lastdllerror
    $_nice_COMerrorArray[$i][7] = $_nice_COMerrorObj.scriptline
    If $i == 1 Then
        $_nice_COMerrorArray[0][1] = "ErrorNumber:"
        $_nice_COMerrorArray[0][2] = "WinDescription:"
        $_nice_COMerrorArray[0][3] = "Source:"
        $_nice_COMerrorArray[0][4] = "HelpFile:"
        $_nice_COMerrorArray[0][5] = "HelpContext:"
        $_nice_COMerrorArray[0][6] = "LastDLLerror:"
        $_nice_COMerrorArray[0][7] = "ScriptLineNumber:"
        $_nice_COMerrorArray[0][8] = "ScriptLine:"
EndFunc   ;==>_nice_COMerrorHandler


List of all the Properties and Methods for \root\CIMV2:Win32_Product

Win32_Product Class Qualifiers

1. Description = Instances of this class represent products as they are installed by MSI.  A product generally correlates to a single installation package.
2. dynamic = -1
3. Locale = 1033
4. MappingStrings = Microsoft.MSI
5. provider = MSIProv
6. SupportsUpdate = -1
7. UUID = {CE3324AA-DB34-11d2-85FC-0000F8102E5F}

Win32_Product Class Properties and Property Qualifiers

1. AssignmentType
1.1. CIMTYPE = uint16
1.2. Description = Assignment type of the product.
1.3. read = -1
1.4. Values = Per-user,Per-machine

2. Caption
2.1. CIMTYPE = string
2.2. Description = A short textual description (one-line string) for the Product.
2.3. MaxLen = 64
2.4. read = -1

3. Description
3.1. CIMTYPE = string
3.2. Description = A textual description of the product.
3.3. read = -1

4. HelpLink
4.1. CIMTYPE = string
4.2. Description = The support link for the product.
4.3. read = -1

5. HelpTelephone
5.1. CIMTYPE = string
5.2. Description = The support telephone for the product.
5.3. read = -1

6. IdentifyingNumber
6.1. CIMTYPE = string
6.2. Description = Product identification such as a serial number on software, a die number on a hardware chip, or (for non-commercial Products) a project number.
6.3. key = -1
6.4. MappingStrings = MIF.DMTF|ComponentID|001.4
6.5. MaxLen = 64
6.6. read = -1

7. InstallDate
7.1. CIMTYPE = string
7.2. DEPRECATED = -1
7.3. Description = The installation date.  The InstallDate property has been deprecated in favor of the InstallDate2 property which is of type DateTime rather than String. New implementations should use the InstallDate2 property.
7.4. read = -1

8. InstallDate2
8.1. CIMTYPE = datetime
8.2. Description = The InstallDate2 property represents the installation date of the product.
8.3. read = -1

9. InstallLocation
9.1. CIMTYPE = string
9.2. Description = The location of the installed product.
9.3. read = -1

10. InstallSource
10.1. CIMTYPE = string
10.2. Description = The installation source directory of the product.
10.3. read = -1

11. InstallState
11.1. CIMTYPE = sint16
11.2. Description = The installed state of the product.
11.3. read = -1
11.4. ValueMap = -6,-2,-1,1,2,5
11.5. Values = Bad Configuration,Invalid Argument,Unknown Package,Advertised,Absent,Installed

12. Language
12.1. CIMTYPE = string
12.2. Description = The language of the product.
12.3. read = -1

13. LocalPackage
13.1. CIMTYPE = string
13.2. Description = The location of the locally cached package for this product.
13.3. read = -1

14. Name
14.1. CIMTYPE = string
14.2. Description = Commonly used product name.
14.3. key = -1
14.4. MappingStrings = MIF.DMTF|ComponentID|001.2
14.5. MaxLen = 256
14.6. read = -1

15. PackageCache
15.1. CIMTYPE = string
15.2. Description = The location of the locally cached package for this product.
15.3. read = -1

16. PackageCode
16.1. CIMTYPE = string
16.2. Description = The identifier for the package from which this product was installed.
16.3. read = -1

17. PackageName
17.1. CIMTYPE = string
17.2. Description = The original package name for the product.
17.3. read = -1

18. ProductID
18.1. CIMTYPE = string
18.2. Description = The product ID.
18.3. read = -1

19. RegCompany
19.1. CIMTYPE = string
19.2. Description = The company registered to use the product.
19.3. read = -1

20. RegOwner
20.1. CIMTYPE = string
20.2. Description = The owner registered to use the product.
20.3. read = -1

21. SKUNumber
21.1. CIMTYPE = string
21.2. Description = Product SKU (stock keeping unit) information.
21.3. MaxLen = 64
21.4. read = -1

22. Transforms
22.1. CIMTYPE = string
22.2. Description = The transforms of the product.
22.3. read = -1

23. URLInfoAbout
23.1. CIMTYPE = string
23.2. Description = The URL information for the product.
23.3. read = -1

24. URLUpdateInfo
24.1. CIMTYPE = string
24.2. Description = The URL update information the product.
24.3. read = -1

25. Vendor
25.1. CIM_Key = -1
25.2. CIMTYPE = string
25.3. Description = The name of the Product's supplier, or entity selling the Product (the manufacturer, reseller, OEM, etc.). Corresponds to the Vendor property in the Product object in the DMTF Solution Exchange Standard.
25.4. MappingStrings = MIF.DMTF|ComponentID|001.1
25.5. MaxLen = 256
25.6. read = -1

26. Version
26.1. CIMTYPE = string
26.2. Description = Product version information.  Corresponds to the Version property in the product object in the DMTF Solution Exchange Standard.
26.3. key = -1
26.4. MappingStrings = MIF.DMTF|ComponentID|001.3
26.5. MaxLen = 64
26.6. read = -1

27. WordCount
27.1. CIMTYPE = uint32
27.2. Description = Summary information word count for the product
27.3. read = -1

Win32_Product Class Methods and Method Qualifiers

1. Install
1.1. Description = This method Will install an associated Win32_Product using the installation package provided through PackageLocation and any command line options that are supplied. The method can return the following values:
0 - Success.
2147549445 - RPC Server Fault Error. 
Other - For integer values other than those listed above, refer to the documentation on error codes returned by the Windows Installer API and the Win32 error codes.
1.2. Implemented = -1
1.3. static = -1
1.4. ValueMap = 0,2147549445,..
1.5. Values = Success,RPC Server Fault Error,Other

2. Admin
2.1. Description = This method will preform an administrative install of an associated Win32_Product using the installation package provided through PackageLocation and any command line options that are supplied. The method can return the following values:
0 - Success.
2147549445 - RPC Server Fault Error. 
Other - For integer values other than those listed above, refer to the documentation on error codes returned by the Windows Installer API and the Win32 error codes.
2.2. Implemented = -1
2.3. static = -1
2.4. ValueMap = 0,2147549445,..
2.5. Values = Success,RPC Server Fault Error,Other

3. Advertise
3.1. Description = This method will advertise an associated Win32_Product using the installation package provided through PackageLocation and any command line options that are supplied. The method can return the following values:
0 - Success.
2147549445 - RPC Server Fault Error. 
Other - For integer values other than those listed above, refer to the documentation on error codes returned by the Windows Installer API and the Win32 error codes.
3.2. Implemented = -1
3.3. static = -1
3.4. ValueMap = 0,2147549445,..
3.5. Values = Success,RPC Server Fault Error,Other

4. Reinstall
4.1. Description = This method will reinstall the associated instance of Win32_Product using the specified reinstallation mode. The method can return the following values:
0 - Success.
2147549445 - RPC Server Fault Error. 
Other - For integer values other than those listed above, refer to the documentation on error codes returned by the Windows Installer API and the Win32 error codes.
4.2. Implemented = -1
4.3. ValueMap = 0,2147549445,..
4.4. Values = Success,RPC Server Fault Error,Other

5. Upgrade
5.1. Description = This method will upgrade the associated Win32_Product using the upgrade package provided through PackageLocation and any command line options that are supplied. The method can return the following values:
0 - Success.
2147549445 - RPC Server Fault Error. 
Other - For integer values other than those listed above, refer to the documentation on error codes returned by the Windows Installer API and the Win32 error codes.
5.2. Implemented = -1
5.3. ValueMap = 0,2147549445,..
5.4. Values = Success,RPC Server Fault Error,Other

6. Configure
6.1. Description = This method will configure the associated instance of Win32_Product to the specified install state and level. The method can return the following values:
0 - Success.
2147549445 - RPC Server Fault Error. 
Other - For integer values other than those listed above, refer to the documentation on error codes returned by the Windows Installer API and the Win32 error codes.
6.2. Implemented = -1
6.3. ValueMap = 0,2147549445,..
6.4. Values = Success,RPC Server Fault Error,Other

7. Uninstall
7.1. Description = This method will uninstall the associated instance of Win32_Product. The method can return the following values:
0 - Success.
2147549445 - RPC Server Fault Error. 
Other - For integer values other than those listed above, refer to the documentation on error codes returned by the Windows Installer API and the Win32 error codes.
7.2. Implemented = -1
7.3. ValueMap = 0,2147549445,..
7.4. Values = Success,RPC Server Fault Error,Other



Follow the link to my code contribution ( and other things too ).
FAQ - Please Read Before Posting.


That's awesome.  Seems faster than all the regread threads I played in.

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