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Hello all,

I am trying to enter some data to an existing web site. after investigating i realized the the form does not have a name. therefore i cannot enter the data automatically,

or identify the input or select field.

in my code i can see the labels but i cannot differentiate between one another.

#include <Array.au3>
$oIE=_IECreate($sURL,0, 1, 1, 1)
$colForms = _IEFormGetCollection ($oIE)
For $oForm In $colForms ; loop over form collection

    ConsoleWrite("---- FORM " & $oForm.name & " --------------------" & @CRLF)
    $oFormElements = _IEFormElementGetCollection($oForm) ; get all elements

    For $oFormElement In $oFormElements ; loop over element collection

        If StringLower($oFormElement.tagName) == 'input' Then ; it is an input
            ConsoleWrite("> input." & $oFormElement.type & " " & $oFormElement.name & @CRLF)
            _IEFormElementSetValue($oFormElement, "2", 0) ; set value of the field

        ElseIf StringLower($oFormElement.tagName) == 'textarea' Then ; it is a textarea
            ConsoleWrite("> textarea." & $oFormElement.type & @CRLF)
            _IEFormElementSetValue($oFormElement, "1", 0) ; set value of the field

        ElseIf StringLower($oFormElement.tagName) == 'select' Then ; it is a select
            ConsoleWrite("> select." & $oFormElement.type & @CRLF)




 Thanks in advance...




$form = _IEFormGetObjByName($oIE, "measure_wizard_form")

$name = _IEFormElementGetObjByName($form, "title")
_IEFormElementSetValue($name, "mikell")

$height = _IEFormElementGetObjByName($form, "feet")
_IEFormElementOptionSelect($height, "6")

_IEFormElementRadioSelect($form, "straight", "param_shoulders")

; etc




thanks to u mikell i have managed to enter data from excel file by a loop.

now i need to retrieve the data. i wanted to use _IEFormElementGetValue, but it shows me only the object and not the form.

any ideas?


many thanks.




The problem is that these values aren't present in the inputs (source code) because they are internally javascript-generated
so I had a little try in the site to get some more infos :D
... and found the values you're looking for in a json part at the bottom of the page

<script type="text/javascript">ga_callbacks.push(['set','dimension4','wizard_D']);var num_measures_required='7';ga_callbacks.push(['set','dimension6',num_measures_required]);ga_callbacks.push(['set','dimension7','man_jacket']);var options={'region':'en-us','gender':'man','product_type':'','profile':{"next":"1.0","id_shop_customer_profile":"","id_profile_manager":null,"gender":"man","measures_calc":null,"constitution":null,"title":"mikell","height":"180","weight":"80","param_shoulders":"normal","param_abdomen":"normal","param_chest":"normal","param_stance":"normal","body_length":"77.6","sleeves_length":"64.5","shoulders":"48.9","chest":"103.3","stomach":"93.5","hips":"102.1","biceps":"33.6","length_units":"cm","weight_units":"kg","profile_name":"mikell"},etc etc

Then to get the data you must grab the html source and extract them using a nice little regex   ;)


Hi Mikell, 

i am trying to pull out the JSON file that you motioned.

i tries all bunch of function but none of them are getting me the results i wanted.

i used:

_IEBodyReadHTML, _IEBodyReadText, _IEDocReadHTML, _IEFormGetObjByName.


This way could be a workaround - sort of

$w = "150"
$h = "6"

$url = "http://www.tailor4less.com/en-us/man/measures/estimate?weight_units=lb&length_units=in&weight=" & $w & "&height=" & $h & _ 

$hr = ObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
$hr.Open("GET", $url)
$hr.SetRequestHeader("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:14.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/14.0.1")
$hr.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8")
$hr.SetRequestHeader("Referer", "http://www.tailor4less.com/en-us/checkout/measures/?step=measures")
If $hr.Status = 200 Then
    $r = $hr.ResponseBody()
    FileWrite("1.txt", $r)


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