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HI. I was needing to add a program to Tarkbar(an easy way without using objectcreateinterface :wub:)   so I found this. So then I deduced how to add to the StartMenu while I see the shell32 in hex editor search for taskbarunpin|taskbarpin string. I found another two interesting string (startpin|startunpin) So I try out and they work too but to add to StartMenu.

This is not an official way to do this, however it works.

$sFileLnk parameter must be Link(.lnk) to our program.

;~ Success: True.
;~ Failure: False.

Func DeleteFromTaskBar($sFileLnk)
Return _WinAPI_ShellExecute($sFileLnk,"","", "taskbarunpin")

Func AddToTaskBar($sFileLnk)
Return _WinAPI_ShellExecute($sFileLnk,"","", "taskbarpin")

Func AddToStartMenu($sFileLnk)
Return _WinAPI_ShellExecute($sFileLnk,"","", "startpin")

Func DeleteFromStartMenu($sFileLnk)
Return _WinAPI_ShellExecute($sFileLnk,"","", "startunpin")




You can use ShellExecute for avoid to use WinAPIShellEx.au3 as done here.

I know. But if you pass a file path to ShellExecute instead of a .lnk will show an MessageBox.



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