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Posted (edited)

Hello guys,

I want script that locate text box on webpage and write text in it, problem is that, that website is changing their ID of text boxes.Problem.thumb.jpg.0ae92b689aeb39dd4b2903

The last few digits of ID(highlighted yellow one) is changing every single time, so i would like to ask if there is way how to solve this. /// It is possible to use only part of ID to localize the text box ?


Edited by AnakondaSK

I asked on this issue on one other forum and no one answered (same situation as here).

I dont know if I am asking wrong or there is no solution for locating text box or button on webpage which is changing part of their ID every single time I open it.

So I would like to ask for closeing this topic, Guess there is no reason for letting it open.


because you ask the wrong way, every one else is probably too bored to try something for you, if you on the other hand try to read the help file, and then try to come up with something, even if you fail to get it right, you will probably get better results here than just asking the way you did

post the code using the add code <> (in text toolbar) so it is easyer to try someting,(the same goes for example code) you can probably get the changing id buy capturing the inerhtml in to a $variable then use stringbetween "<input etcetcetrcValue_" as the start and '" style=ETCETCETCETCETCETC""></input>' as the end to extract the changing id name then go hit it up with _iegetobjbyID

Posted (edited)

It would be easier if you put here this HTML snippet here as a text instead image.

But I would do it in this way:

Func _Example(ByRef $oIE)
    Local $sHTML_DocContents  = _IEDocReadHTML($oIE)
    Local $aHTML_Element = StringRegExp($sHTML_DocContents,'id="(header_processSearchValue_\d+?)"',$STR_REGEXPARRAYGLOBALMATCH )
    if @error Then
        Return SetError(@error, @extended, '')
        Return SetError(0,0,$aHTML_Element[0])


Edited by mLipok

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Signature last update: 2023-04-24


You can do through the class name instead of ID using this function:

; Function Name:    _IEGetObjByClass()
; Description:      Returns an object variable by Class
; Parameter(s):     $o_object   - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application, Window or Frame object
;                   $s_Class    - Specifies class of the object you wish to match
;                   $i_index    - Optional: If the class occurs more than once, specify which instance by 0-based index
; Requirement(s):   AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher
; Return Value(s):  On Success  - Returns an object variable pointing to the specified Object
;                   On Failure  - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR
;                   @ERROR      - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error
;                               - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type
;                               - 7 ($_IEStatus_NoMatch) = No Match
;                   @Extended   - Contains invalid parameter number
; Author(s):        Bob Anthony (big_daddy)
Func _IEGetObjByClass(ByRef $o_object, $s_Class, $i_index = 0)
    If Not IsObj($o_object) Then
        __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEGetObjByClass", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType")
        SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1)
        Return 0
    If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browserdom") Then
        __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEGetObjByClass", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType")
        SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1)
        Return 0
    Local $i_found = 0
    $o_tags = _IETagNameAllGetCollection($o_object)
    For $o_tag In $o_tags
        If String($o_tag.className) = $s_Class Then
            If ($i_found = $i_index) Then
                Return $o_tag
                $i_found += 1
    __IEErrorNotify("Warning", "_IEGetObjByClass", "$_IEStatus_NoMatch", $s_Class)
    SetError($_IEStatus_NoMatch, 2)
    Return 0
EndFunc   ;==>_IEGetObjByClass



Thank you very much for all answeres you all helped me a lot especially this one:

It would be easier if you put here this HTML snippet here as a text instead image.

But I would do it in this way:

Func _Example(ByRef $oIE)
    Local $sHTML_DocContents  = _IEDocReadHTML($oIE)
    Local $aHTML_Element = StringRegExp($sHTML_DocContents,'id="(header_processSearchValue_\d+?)"',$STR_REGEXPARRAYGLOBALMATCH )
    if @error Then
        Return SetError(@error, @extended, '')
        Return SetError(0,0,$aHTML_Element[0])


Now I am able to track ID even if its it changing. So thank you one more time !

If I can ask you I have one more problem. I need to click on button, I have for sure the right ID of it but my code its not working, not sure why,I check id multiple times and I am not able find the problem why.

HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate")
Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2)

#include <IE.au3>

Call ("CREW") ;call function

Func CREW()
    Global $oIE = _IECreate("www.nameofweb.com",1) ;open then website
    Local $sHTML_DocContents  = _IEDocReadHTML($oIE)
    Local $aHTML_Element = StringRegExp($sHTML_DocContents,'mainProperties_assignedTo_clear_\d+',1) 
    If @error == 0 Then
         Local $WOW = $aHTML_Element[0] ;now I have right ID of button (I check id through MSgBox and its the rifght one)

Local $id = _IEGetObjById ($oIE, $WOW)
    _IEAction ($id, "click") ; Calling for click but its not working, dont know why
    _IELoadWait ($oIE)

Func Terminate()
Exit 0

Thank you for your time and help I really appreciate it!

;now I have right ID of button (I check id through MSgBox and its the rifght one)

try to spot the problem, all i can think of atm is check if $id is an object, try with IsObj($id) try ConsoleWrite('$id='&IsObj($id)&@lf) or use msgbox. if the result is 0 then its not an object, and you'll have to spot the object or element above that one before you get to that one


try to spot the problem, all i can think of atm is check if $id is an object, try with IsObj($id) try ConsoleWrite('$id='&IsObj($id)&@lf) or use msgbox. if the result is 0 then its not an object, and you'll have to spot the object or element above that one before you get to that one

I add this in my code as you recommended:

if not IsObj($id) Then
        MsgBox(0,"Error", "No object")
        MsgBox(0, "Error","Is object")

And result in MsgBox was "Is Object", so now we know its object but still there is a question why my code dont want to click on it :/

Posted (edited)

Consolewrite id.html or id.name ir id.innerHTML to see if you have the right object. Also get an array of all buttons to see if you have the right one.

Look I made this super easy script for filling username and password then clicking on button "Prihlás" on public page.

#include <IE.au3>

Global $oIE = _IECreate("http://www.zoznam.sk/",1)

$username = _IEGetObjByName($oIE, "login")
$password = _IEGetObjByName($oIE, "password")
$oForm = _IEGetObjByName ($oIE, "prihlas")

_IEFormElementSetValue ($username, "123456")
_IEFormElementSetValue ($password, "654321")

_IEAction($oForm, "click")

What it does...it fill username and password but does not click on button. Its possible that something is blocking my script ? some IE interface or something ?

Thank for help


Edited by AnakondaSK

you write a super simple script with confusing variable names

$oForm gives a suggestion to click on a form and not on a buttion so $oButton seems more logical.
anyway with any object/element searching you somehow should validate if you have the right object thats what I tried to say

so consolewrite any informational property from http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/dom_obj_all.asp 





And I would not be surprised if you have to write

_IEAction($oForm[0],"click") or $oForm[0].click() or $oForm.click()


I would like to thank all for help. I finally find out where the problem was. I was testing my simple script at home and everything works fine, so I asked one IT guy in my company and he said that they have restriction in settings in case of scripts.

So I can only fill text to text-boxes but I am unable to click on button by using_IE functions. I guess there is only option for me and that is to use mouseclick.

So thank you all for help once more ! :)


i would encourage you to install a debugbar, it will help you a lot with IE stuff, I usually use the firebug one on firefox because i understand it better than the others and don't give up so easily could you post your complete script that did work up until mouse click?
here is what i was playing with, and it clicks the button


#include <IE.au3>

Local $oIE = _IECreate("http://www.zoznam.sk/",1,1,1)
$form=_IEGetObjByName($oIE, "login-form")
;~ ConsoleWrite($form.innerhtml)
;~ ConsoleWrite($form.id&@CRLF)

$div = _IETagNameGetCollection($form,'input')
for $items in $div

;   my firt try failed
;~  if $items.id = 'mailUsername' Then
;~      $items.innertext='USERNAME'
;~      ConsoleWrite($items.innerhtml&@CRLF)
;~  EndIf

    ;this one worked
    if $items.id = 'loginid' Then
;~      ConsoleWrite($items.innerhtml&@CRLF)

    if $items.id = 'passwordid' Then
;~      ConsoleWrite($items.innerhtml&@CRLF)

    ;the button to click, in this case the button show up after user and pass are set
    ;so there is no problem clicking in the same 'for in' loop
    if $items.id = 'prihlas' Then



Try a javascript in your addressbar like:


I tried but does not work :/

i would encourage you to install a debugbar, it will help you a lot with IE stuff, I usually use the firebug one on firefox because i understand it better than the others and don't give up so easily could you post your complete script that did work up until mouse click?
here is what i was playing with, and it clicks the button


#include <IE.au3>

Local $oIE = _IECreate("http://www.zoznam.sk/",1,1,1)
$form=_IEGetObjByName($oIE, "login-form")
;~ ConsoleWrite($form.innerhtml)
;~ ConsoleWrite($form.id&@CRLF)

$div = _IETagNameGetCollection($form,'input')
for $items in $div

;   my firt try failed
;~  if $items.id = 'mailUsername' Then
;~      $items.innertext='USERNAME'
;~      ConsoleWrite($items.innerhtml&@CRLF)
;~  EndIf

    ;this one worked
    if $items.id = 'loginid' Then
;~      ConsoleWrite($items.innerhtml&@CRLF)

    if $items.id = 'passwordid' Then
;~      ConsoleWrite($items.innerhtml&@CRLF)

    ;the button to click, in this case the button show up after user and pass are set
    ;so there is no problem clicking in the same 'for in' loop
    if $items.id = 'prihlas' Then


Your script is working perfect on my Home pc but not ony my Working PC, as I said before, in company where I work there are restrictions in settings as I find out, so sadly all scripts I tried are not working properly. (For example your script just open IE with website and then it ends).

No matter what, I would like to thank all people that helped me, I learned a lot in these few days! :)

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