I have created few ini files. When I start to use Au3.3.14.0 then all file operations change behavior as it was described in SCRIPT BREAKING CHANGE. Maybe there is something that I did not understand or forgot, I do not know. But it is at the moment is not important to me. It was bring me to a problem and I am looking for how to solve it. this INI should contain such a but acutally this contain something like this: So I want to ask: What happend ? What I miss ? Is there any way or what I can
Seems like a lot of code when all you need to do is this: #include <fileconstants.au3>
Local $sSection = "section_αβγδεζηθ"
Local $sKey = "key_ЖЗИЙЛЦЩ"
FileClose(FileOpen("test.ini", $FO_UTF16_LE + $FO_OVERWRITE)) ; all the magic is done here
IniWrite("test.ini", $sSection, $sKey, "value_ℂℍℕℙℚℝℤ")
Local $sValue = IniRead("test.ini", $sSection, $sKey, "Failure")
MsgBox(0, "", "Section = " & $sSection & @LF & "Key = " & $sKey & @LF & "Val