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Posted (edited)

Hi all,

Ive made a script that scrapes an xml off the web code below

-<members date="2015-07-18" daytag="Today" count="11" day="8" night="9" ooa="0" s44="" na="0">
<qualification abbrev="2YR" name="2 Years Experience" category="Ability" count="4" day="3" night="3" ooa="0" s44="0"na="0"/>
<qualification abbrev="BA" name="Breathing Apparatus Operator" category="Operator" count="4" day="3" night="4" ooa="0"s44="0" na="0"/>
-<members date="2015-07-19" daytag="Tomorrow" count="11" day="8" night="11" ooa="0" s44="0" na="0">
<qualification abbrev="2YR" name="2 Years Experience" category="Ability" count="4" day="4" night="4" ooa="0" s44="0"na="0"/>
<qualification abbrev="BA" name="Breathing Apparatus Operator" category="Operator" count="6" day="6" night="4" ooa="0"s44="0" na="0"/>
</members>                                                                                                                                      <availability>


My script is meant to scrape the "today" section. The first part of my script works and picks up the correct "day" count but when its comes to the "breathing Apparatus Operator" it collects the number from "tomorrow" how can I fix this? My code below



$sXML = BinaryToString(InetRead($Site))

  $day = StringRegExpReplace($sXML, '(?is).*<availability.*?day="([^"]+).*</availability.*', '$1')

  $BA = StringRegExpReplace($sXML, '(?is).*<members.*? name="Breathing Apparatus Operator".*?day="([^"]+).*</members.*', '$1');this gets the info we need


Edited by shaggy89
coding from mobile SUCKS

You must rewrite you answer. make cleaner. You should show what ouput expect for.




Errr ok? Queation and code seemed clear to me.Basically the output I want is the "day" number from "Breathing Appetatus Operators" from today.


So from my example I want 3 not 6

Posted (edited)

Change the regular expression for $BA from (?is).* to (?is).*? (/edit: because currently it picks up the last members instead of the first one.)

That's the quickfix. But I agree with using a real XML parser if you want this to be more robust. Parsing xml with regex is just shaky.

Edited by SadBunny

Roses are FF0000, violets are 0000FF... All my base are belong to you.

Posted (edited)

I would do it like this. If anything, it's not "shaky":

; $sXML = BinaryToString(InetRead(...))

$sXML = '-<availability>' & _
        '-<members date="2015-07-18" daytag="Today" count="11" day="8" night="9" ooa="0" s44="" na="0">' & _
        '<qualification abbrev="2YR" name="2 Years Experience" category="Ability" count="4" day="3" night="3" ooa="0" s44="0"na="0"/>' & _
        '<qualification abbrev="BA" name="Breathing Apparatus Operator" category="Operator" count="4" day="3" night="4" ooa="0"s44="0" na="0"/>' & _
        '</members>' & _
        '-<members date="2015-07-19" daytag="Tomorrow" count="11" day="8" night="11" ooa="0" s44="0" na="0">' & _
        '<qualification abbrev="2YR" name="2 Years Experience" category="Ability" count="4" day="4" night="4" ooa="0" s44="0"na="0"/>' & _
        '<qualification abbrev="BA" name="Breathing Apparatus Operator" category="Operator" count="6" day="6" night="4" ooa="0"s44="0" na="0"/>' & _
        '</members>' & _

MsgBox(4096, "bzz...", "daytag = Today, abbrev = BA, day = " & ThatThingFromXML($sXML, "Today"))
MsgBox(4096, "bzz...", "daytag = Tomorrow, abbrev = BA, day = " & ThatThingFromXML($sXML, "Tomorrow"))

Func ThatThingFromXML($sXML, $sDayTag, $sAbbrev = "BA", $sAttrib = "day")
    ; Clean the XML
    $sXML = StringRegExpReplace($sXML, "(?s)<!--.*?-->", "") ; removing comments
    $sXML = StringRegExpReplace($sXML, "(?s)<!\[CDATA\[.*?\]\]>", "") ; removing CDATA

    ; Find all members
    Local $aMembers = StringRegExp($sXML, "(?si)<\s*members(?:[^\w])\s*(.*?)(?:(?:<\s*/members\s*>)|\Z)", 3)
    If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") ; There are no members available

    Local $sMember, $sAttributes, $aDesc

    ; Loop through members
    For $iMemberOrdinal = 0 To UBound($aMembers) - 1
        $sMember = $aMembers[$iMemberOrdinal] ; currently examined member

        $sAttributes = StringRegExp($sMember, "(?s)(.*?)>", 3)
        If Not @error Then $sAttributes = $sAttributes[0]

        If AttribVal($sAttributes, "daytag") = $sDayTag Then
            $aDesc = StringRegExp($sMember, "(?si)<\h*(?:qualification|whatever)\h*(.*?)/*\h*>", 3)
            For $i = 0 To UBound($aDesc) - 1
                If AttribVal($aDesc[$i], "abbrev") = $sAbbrev Then
                    Return AttribVal($aDesc[$i], $sAttrib)
                    ExitLoop 2




    Return SetError(2, 0, "") ; Conditions not met

Func AttribVal($sIn, $sAttrib)
    Local $aArray = StringRegExp($sIn, '(?i).*?' & $sAttrib & '\h*=(\h*"(.*?)"|' & "\h*'(.*?)'|" & '\h*(.*?)(?: |\Z))', 3) ; e.g. id="abc" or id='abc' or id=abc

    If @error Then Return ""
    Return $aArray[UBound($aArray) - 1]


Edited by trancexx




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