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listview edit udf


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Signature last update: 2023-04-24

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  • 1 year later...


I am using your ListView Editing scripts, and I love it! Thank you so much for sharing this.

One thing I am trying to modify is to trap the TAB key in Edit mode, save the current Input, and focus on the next field to the right, opening it in Edit mode. If we are at the right-most field, then just act like the ENTER key was pressed. I have been through your scripts over and over, trying different ways, but I can't seem to capture the TAB key and make this happen. Any ideas on how to go about this?


Thanks in advance for your assistance!

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I changed some functions and wrote some new, now its possible, what you want to do :)

    __ListViewEditInput_InitializeKeys: Its now possile to add an Array with Accelerators when initializing
    __ListViewEditInput_WM_NOTIFY: outsourced Quellcode to another Function (__ListViewEditInput__EditItem)
    __ListViewEditInput_GetEditedCell: Returns the Ctrl,index and subindex of last edited/actual editing cell
    __ListViewEditInput__EditItem: Set Cell to edit, needs listviewcontrol, itemindex and subitemindex

For testing I wrote an Example.

Interesting for you is Line 14-16 and 45-52

MfG Kanashius :shifty:



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Hello again.

I reworked this UDF with maps and structs and a more simple way to interact with.

It now supports switching to the next cell with "TAB". Cancel with "ESC" and save with "ENTER" still works.

I updated the start post :)

PS: When changing the edited cell with the "Tab" key; the visuals of the cell are not correct until the mouse is moved over the cell... I have no idea what is happening there and tried to mitigate that with a window redraw of the area; Its better, but the focus color and the selection are not displayed correctly. Maybe someone has an idea, what to do about that.

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  • 1 year later...

Hello @Kanashius

Thank you for your effort.

I need to only edit the third column. So, I used your example and made the below change. I'm still able edit column zero. Thoughts?

;__ListViewEditInput_ListViewAdd($hGui, $iListView, "0,1,2")
__ListViewEditInput_ListViewAdd($hGui, $iListView, "2")


Edited by Saad
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I think I found the issue/resolution.

In the Return line, surround $iSubIndex with a String function. Also, surround $iIndex with a String function as well.

After the change, row 0 and col 0 are not editable unless included in the list.

Func __ListViewEditInput_isCellEditable($hListview, $iIndex, $iSubIndex)
    If Not IsHWnd($hListView) Then $hListView = GUICtrlGetHandle($hListView)
    If MapExists($__ListViewEditInput_arListViews, $hListview) Then
        Local $pListViewData = $__ListViewEditInput_arListViews[$hListview]
        Return ($pListViewData.allCols Or _ArraySearch(StringSplit($pListViewData.cols, ",", 1+2), String($iSubIndex))>=0) And _
               ($pListViewData.allRows Or _ArraySearch(StringSplit($pListViewData.rows, ",", 1+2), String($iIndex))>=0)
    return False


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  • 5 months later...


I'm trying to use your UDF but it's not working as expected. For example, to prevent edit column 1 from being edited, I changed your example from "0,1,2" to "1,2" and I'm still able edit column 0. Also, as @Saad said, allowing editing only one column ("1" or "2" in your example) also not work as expected. Can you please explain how to do it in right way 

I'm trying to use your UDF but it's not working as expected. For example, to prevent column 0 from being edited, I changed your example from "0,1,2" to "1,2" and I can still edit column 0. Also, as @Saad said, editing only one column (change "1" or "2" in your example) also do not work properly.

Can you please explain how to do this correctly?

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Hi :)
I did the complete rework using maps instead of dllstructs. This enables me to use them, to save the rows/cols in a map and check, if an index is in there.

This is faster and also fixes your problem, because the string is not parsed anymore.
A nice bonus: I use regexp for parsing them now, so its not limited to , seperated lists anymore. It simply parses all connected numbers as an index, with non number characters inbetween => "1,2,3" / "1 2 3" / "1.2.3" / ...

TLDR: Bug fixed 😄
You find the new version in the post at the top.

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Fixed that bug.

For some reason, the

_WinAPI_RegisterHotKey($hGui, BitOR(0x0100,$VK_ESCAPE), 0, $VK_ESCAPE)

Registeres the key globaly, not just for the $hGui, like I assumed. Not sure, if that is intended or a Bug.
The _WinProc then reports always with the $hGui, even if the Key was send with a different Gui active...

I avoided that thing entirely and use a global keyboard hook and filter for the active window now.

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Now it works great for me. 
There is still a "minor" bug that doesn't bother me in my current project - now hooked keys not work inside the GUI. Probably necessary check if the LV is in focus and release if not.

Thanks for sharing super easy to use UDF. I like it!

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Oh, yeah, I totally overlooked that, was a bit in a hurry 😅

But as compensation:
I found out, what to do to select the item again, after editing and added that to the next cell editing as well :)
Use _GUICtrlListView_SetItemSelected to set the selected item (not so new), but _GUICtrlListView_ClickItem after that brings the listview into focus again (GuiControlSetState(..., $GUI_FOCUS) did not do that for whatever reason...)

Edited by Kanashius
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Just tried last 3.0.2 version. 

1. After clicking 4:2 cell on the right LV and then Escape or click once on some row on the left LV - focus goes to 4:0 cell and then your example crashes

2. After once clicking on some row on the left LV and then on the right LV - the left LV always in focus 


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