Azureus Posted July 10, 2015 Posted July 10, 2015 I'm trying to teach myself screen capturing, and different stuff to do with it.How would I go about making it record my screen instead of just images?Any ideas?
UEZ Posted July 10, 2015 Posted July 10, 2015 (edited) Look here AVIWriter Extented.au3I used that UDF for Windows Screenshooter Edited July 10, 2015 by UEZ Please don't send me any personal message and ask for support! I will not reply! Selection of finest graphical examples at The own fart smells best! ✌Her 'sikim hıyar' diyene bir avuç tuz alıp koşma!¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ૐ
Azureus Posted July 10, 2015 Author Posted July 10, 2015 Look here AVIWriter Extented.au3I used that UDF for Windows ScreenshooterI can't really understand that. I just need something to simply record the screen and save the file, nothing fancy.
UEZ Posted July 10, 2015 Posted July 10, 2015 I will create an example which captures the desktop for some seconds. When done I will post it here. Please don't send me any personal message and ask for support! I will not reply! Selection of finest graphical examples at The own fart smells best! ✌Her 'sikim hıyar' diyene bir avuç tuz alıp koşma!¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ૐ
Azureus Posted July 10, 2015 Author Posted July 10, 2015 (edited) I will create an example which captures the desktop for some seconds. When done I will post it here.Thank you so much, that is really appreciated!That is so nice of you! Edited July 10, 2015 by Azureus
UEZ Posted July 10, 2015 Posted July 10, 2015 (edited) Here an older example which captures the desktop for 15 seconds at 5 fps using the built-in Microsoft Video 1 codec. expandcollapse popup;captures whole desktop and saves it as an AVI file using Microsoft Video 1 codec #include <ScreenCapture.au3> #region structs and constans Global Const $OF_CREATE = 0x00001000 Global Const $AVIIF_KEYFRAME = 0x00000010 Global Const $ICMF_CHOOSE_KEYFRAME = 1, $ICMF_CHOOSE_DATARATE = 2 Global Const $AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED = 0x80044065 Global Const $AVIERR_BADPARAM = 0x80044066 Global Const $AVIERR_MEMORY = 0x80044067 Global Const $AVIERR_NOCOMPRESSOR = 0x80044071 Global Const $AVIERR_CANTCOMPRESS = 0x80044075 Global Const $AVIERR_ERROR = 0x800440C7 Global Const $AVIERR_OK = 0 Global $Avi32_Dll Global Const $ICINFO = _ "DWORD dwSize;DWORD fccType;DWORD fccHandler;DWORD dwFlags;DWORD dwVersion;DWORD dwVersionICM;" & _ "WCHAR szName[16];WCHAR szDescription[128];WCHAR szDriver[128];" ; Global Const $BITMAPFILEHEADER = "WORD bfType;DWORD bfSize;WORD bfReserved1;WORD bfReserved2;DWORD bfOffBits;" ;~ Global Const $BITMAPFILEHEADER = "align 2;char magic[2];int size;short res1;short res2;ptr offset;" ; Global Const $BITMAPINFOHEADER = _ "dword biSize;long biWidth;long biHeight;short biPlanes;short biBitCount;dword biCompression;" & _ "dword biSizeImage;long biXPelsPerMeter;long biYPelsPerMeter;dword biClrUsed;dword biClrImportant;" ; Global Const $AVISTREAMINFO = _ "dword fccType;dword fccHandler;dword dwFlags;dword dwCaps;short wPriority;short wLanguage;dword dwScale;" & _ "dword dwRate;dword dwStart;dword dwLength;dword dwInitialFrames;dword dwSuggestedBufferSize;dword dwQuality;" & _ "dword dwSampleSize;int rleft;int rtop;int rright;int rbottom;dword dwEditCount;dword dwFormatChangeCount;wchar[64];" ; Global Const $AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS = _ "DWORD fccType;DWORD fccHandler;DWORD dwKeyFrameEvery;DWORD dwQuality;DWORD dwBytesPerSecond;" & _ "DWORD dwFlags;PTR lpFormat;DWORD cbFormat;PTR lpParms;DWORD cbParms;DWORD dwInterleaveEvery;" #endregion Global $rec_duration = 15 Global $fps = 5 Global $iW = @DesktopWidth, $iH = @DesktopHeight _StartAviLibrary() FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "\Test.avi") Global $aAVI = _CreateAvi(@ScriptDir & "\Test.avi", $fps, $iW - 1, $iH - 1) Global $fSleep = 1000 / $fps, $t, $td Global $total_FPS = $rec_duration * $fps, $fps_c = 1 Global $k32_dll = DllOpen("kernel32.dll") Do $fTimer = TimerInit() $hBmp = _ScreenCapture_Capture("", 0, 0, $iW - 1, $iW - 1) _AddHBitmapToAvi($aAVI, $hBmp) _WinAPI_DeleteObject($hBmp) $fps_c += 1 $td = $fSleep - TimerDiff($fTimer) If $td > 0 Then DllCall($k32_dll, "none", "Sleep", "dword", $td) EndIf If $fps_c > $total_FPS Then ExitLoop EndIf Until False _CloseAvi($aAVI) _StopAviLibrary() ConsoleWrite("Done!" & @LF) DllClose($k32_dll) Exit #region AVIWriter UDF ; Func _Create_mmioFOURCC($FOURCC) ;coded by UEZ If StringLen($FOURCC) <> 4 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $aFOURCC = StringSplit($FOURCC, "", 2) Return BitOR(Asc($aFOURCC[0]), BitShift(Asc($aFOURCC[1]), -8), BitShift(Asc($aFOURCC[2]), -16), BitShift(Asc($aFOURCC[3]), -24)) EndFunc ;==>_Create_mmioFOURCC Func _DecodeFOURCC($iFOURCC);coded by UEZ If Not IsInt($iFOURCC) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Return Chr(BitAND($iFOURCC, 0xFF)) & Chr(BitShift(BitAND(0x0000FF00, $iFOURCC), 8)) & Chr(BitShift(BitAND(0x00FF0000, $iFOURCC), 16)) & Chr(BitShift($iFOURCC, 24)) EndFunc ;==>_DecodeFOURCC ;monoceres, Prog@ndy, UEZ Func _CreateAvi($sFilename, $FrameRate, $Width, $Height, $BitCount = 24, $mmioFOURCC = "MSVC", $iQuality = 3333, $iKeyFrameEvery = 10) ;$iQuality from -1 to 10000 Local $RetArr[6] ;avi file handle, compressed stream handle, bitmap count, BitmapInfoheader, Stride, stream handle Local $aRet, $pFile, $tASI, $tACO, $pStream, $psCompressed Local $stride = BitAND(($Width * ($BitCount / 8) + 3), BitNOT(3)) Local $tBI = DllStructCreate($BITMAPINFOHEADER) DllStructSetData($tBI, "biSize", DllStructGetSize($tBI)) DllStructSetData($tBI, "biWidth", $Width) DllStructSetData($tBI, "biHeight", $Height) DllStructSetData($tBI, "biPlanes", 1) DllStructSetData($tBI, "biBitCount", $BitCount) DllStructSetData($tBI, "biSizeImage", $stride * $Height) $tASI = DllStructCreate($AVISTREAMINFO) ; DllStructSetData($tASI, "fccType", _Create_mmioFOURCC("vids")) DllStructSetData($tASI, "fccHandler", _Create_mmioFOURCC($mmioFOURCC)) DllStructSetData($tASI, "dwScale", 1) DllStructSetData($tASI, "dwRate", $FrameRate) DllStructSetData($tASI, "dwQuality", $iQuality) ;Quality is represented as a number between 0 and 10,000. For compressed data, this typically represents the value of the quality parameter passed to the compression software. If set to -1, drivers use the default quality value. DllStructSetData($tASI, "dwSuggestedBufferSize", $stride * $Height) DllStructSetData($tASI, "rright", $Width) DllStructSetData($tASI, "rbottom", $Height) $tParms = DllStructCreate($ICINFO) DllCall("Msvfw32.dll", "BOOL", "ICInfo", "DWORD", _Create_mmioFOURCC("vids"), "DWORD", _Create_mmioFOURCC($mmioFOURCC), "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tParms)) $tACO = DllStructCreate($AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS) ; DllStructSetData($tACO, "fccType", _Create_mmioFOURCC("vids")) DllStructSetData($tACO, "fccHandler", _Create_mmioFOURCC($mmioFOURCC)) DllStructSetData($tACO, "dwKeyFrameEvery", $iKeyFrameEvery) DllStructSetData($tACO, "dwQuality", $iQuality) DllStructSetData($tACO, "dwBytesPerSecond", 0) DllStructSetData($tACO, "dwFlags", 8) DllStructSetData($tACO, "lpFormat", 0) DllStructSetData($tACO, "cbFormat", 0) DllStructSetData($tACO, "lpParms", DllStructGetPtr($tParms)) DllStructSetData($tACO, "cbParms", DllStructGetSize($tParms)) DllStructSetData($tACO, "dwInterleaveEvery", 0) ;~ $tACO = DllStructCreate($AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS) ;~ DllStructSetData($tACO, "fccType", _Create_mmioFOURCC("vids")) ;~ DllStructSetData($tACO, "fccHandler", _Create_mmioFOURCC($mmioFOURCC)) ;~ DllStructSetData($tACO, "dwKeyFrameEvery", $iKeyFrameEvery) $aRet = DllCall($Avi32_Dll, "int", "AVIFileOpenW", "ptr*", 0, "wstr", $sFilename, "uint", $OF_CREATE, "ptr", 0) $pFile = $aRet[1] $aRet = DllCall($Avi32_Dll, "int", "AVIFileCreateStream", "ptr", $pFile, "ptr*", 0, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tASI)) $pStream = $aRet[2] ;~ $aRet = DllCall($Avi32_Dll, "int_ptr", "AVISaveOptions", "hwnd", 0, "uint", BitOR($ICMF_CHOOSE_DATARATE, $ICMF_CHOOSE_KEYFRAME), "int", 1, "ptr*", $pStream, "ptr*", DllStructGetPtr($tACO)) ;~ If $aRet[0] <> 1 Then ;~ $RetArr[0] = $pFile ;~ $RetArr[1] = $pStream ;~ $RetArr[2] = 0 ;~ $RetArr[3] = $tBI ;~ $RetArr[4] = $Stride ;~ $RetArr[5] = $pStream ;~ Return SetError(1, 0, $RetArr) ;~ EndIf ;~ ConsoleWrite(_DecodeFOURCC(DllStructGetData($tACO, "fccHandler")) & @CRLF) ; $aRet = DllCall($Avi32_Dll, "int", "AVIMakeCompressedStream", "ptr*", 0, "ptr", $pStream, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tACO), "ptr", 0) If $aRet[0] <> $AVIERR_OK Then $RetArr[0] = $pFile $RetArr[1] = $pStream $RetArr[2] = 0 $RetArr[3] = $tBI $RetArr[4] = $stride $RetArr[5] = $pStream Return SetError(2, 0, $RetArr) EndIf $psCompressed = $aRet[1] ;The format for the stream is the same as BITMAPINFOHEADER $aRet = DllCall($Avi32_Dll, "int", "AVIStreamSetFormat", "ptr", $psCompressed, "long", 0, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tBI), "long", DllStructGetSize($tBI)) $RetArr[0] = $pFile $RetArr[1] = $psCompressed $RetArr[2] = 0 $RetArr[3] = $tBI $RetArr[4] = $stride $RetArr[5] = $pStream Return $RetArr EndFunc ;==>_CreateAvi ;Adds a bitmap file to an already opened avi file. ;monoceres, Prog@ndy Func _AddHBitmapToAvi(ByRef $Avi_Handle, $hBitmap) Local $DC = _WinAPI_GetDC(0) Local $hDC = _WinAPI_CreateCompatibleDC($DC) _WinAPI_ReleaseDC(0, $DC) Local $OldBMP = _WinAPI_SelectObject($hDC, $hBitmap) Local $bits = DllStructCreate("byte[" & DllStructGetData($Avi_Handle[3], "biSizeImage") & "]") _WinAPI_GetDIBits($hDC, $hBitmap, 0, Abs(DllStructGetData($Avi_Handle[3], "biHeight")), DllStructGetPtr($bits), DllStructGetPtr($Avi_Handle[3]), 0) _WinAPI_SelectObject($hDC, $OldBMP) _WinAPI_DeleteDC($hDC) DllCall($Avi32_Dll, "int", "AVIStreamWrite", "ptr", $Avi_Handle[1], "long", $Avi_Handle[2], "long", 1, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($bits), _ "long", DllStructGetSize($bits), "long", $AVIIF_KEYFRAME, "ptr*", 0, "ptr*", 0) $Avi_Handle[2] += 1 EndFunc ;==>_AddHBitmapToAvi ;Adds a bitmap file to an already opened avi file. Func _AddBitmapToAvi(ByRef $Avi_Handle, $sBitmap) Local $bm = LoadBitmap($sBitmap, True) DllCall($Avi32_Dll, "int", "AVIStreamWrite", "ptr", $Avi_Handle[1], "long", $Avi_Handle[2], "long", 1, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($bm[2]), _ "long", DllStructGetSize($bm[2]), "long", $AVIIF_KEYFRAME, "ptr*", 0, "ptr*", 0) $Avi_Handle[2] += 1 EndFunc ;==>_AddBitmapToAvi ;Returns array with 3 elements ;[0]=BITMAPFILEHEADER ;[1]=BITMAPINFOHEADER ;[2]=Bitmap data buffer (if specified) Func LoadBitmap($sFilename, $LoadData = False) Local $RetArr[3] Local $byref Local $tBIH, $tBFH, $buffer, $fhandle $tBFH = DllStructCreate($BITMAPFILEHEADER) $tBIH = DllStructCreate($BITMAPINFOHEADER) $fhandle = _WinAPI_CreateFile($sFilename, 2, 2, 0, 0) _WinAPI_ReadFile($fhandle, DllStructGetPtr($tBFH), DllStructGetSize($tBFH), $byref) _WinAPI_ReadFile($fhandle, DllStructGetPtr($tBIH), DllStructGetSize($tBIH), $byref) $RetArr[0] = $tBFH $RetArr[1] = $tBIH If Not $LoadData Then _WinAPI_CloseHandle($fhandle) Return $RetArr EndIf $buffer = DllStructCreate("byte[" & DllStructGetData($tBFH, "size") - 54 & "]") $RetArr[2] = $buffer _WinAPI_ReadFile($fhandle, DllStructGetPtr($buffer), DllStructGetSize($buffer), $byref) _WinAPI_CloseHandle($fhandle) Return $RetArr EndFunc ;==>LoadBitmap ;Init the avi library Func _StartAviLibrary() $Avi32_Dll = DllOpen("Avifil32.dll") DllCall($Avi32_Dll, "none", "AVIFileInit") EndFunc ;==>_StartAviLibrary ;Release the library Func _StopAviLibrary() DllCall($Avi32_Dll, "none", "AVIFileExit") DllClose($Avi32_Dll) EndFunc ;==>_StopAviLibrary Func _CloseAvi($Avi_Handle) DllCall($Avi32_Dll, "int", "AVIStreamRelease", "ptr", $Avi_Handle[1]) DllCall($Avi32_Dll, "int", "AVIStreamRelease", "ptr", $Avi_Handle[5]) DllCall($Avi32_Dll, "int", "AVIFileRelease", "ptr", $Avi_Handle[0]) EndFunc ;==>_CloseAvi #endregion AVIWriter UDFThe result will be saved to the script dir (Test.avi). No audio! Edited July 11, 2015 by UEZ yutijang 1 Please don't send me any personal message and ask for support! I will not reply! Selection of finest graphical examples at The own fart smells best! ✌Her 'sikim hıyar' diyene bir avuç tuz alıp koşma!¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ૐ
l3ill Posted July 11, 2015 Posted July 11, 2015 I used LICEcap to make the gifs in the demos of my scripts in my sig....Easy, straightforward, freeware ! My Contributions... SnippetBrowser NewSciTE PathFinder Text File Manipulation FTP Connection Tester / INI File - Read, Write, Save & Load Example
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