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Hello again all!

Everyone has been a great help with my work so far, but I have come across something that hopefully has a simple solution.

I have a window that the Info tool can grab all control info from and easily identify the text of said controls. The window in question is below.


The text I am trying to grab are the acct, history and chart numbers. The output of the info tool is as follow:

>>>> Window <<<<
Title:   Admission/Registration Confirmation Screen
Position:   587, 307
Size:   764, 461
Style:  0x94C40000
ExStyle:    0x00000100
Handle: 0x00000000000E1134

>>>> Control <<<<
Instance:   29
ClassnameNN:    LSSTATIC29
Advanced (Class):   [CLASS:LSSTATIC; INSTANCE:29]
ID: 5
Text:   2000684
Position:   224, 39
Size:   60, 14
ControlClick Coords:    30, 7
Style:  0x5400008C
ExStyle:    0x00000004
Handle: 0x00000000000E1140

I have tried several variations of of things to get AutoIT to interact with the window. This was my latest

ControlFocus("Admission/Registration Confirmation Screen", "", "#327701")
;ControlClick("Admission/Registration Confirmation Screen", "", "LSBMPBUT4")
;Local $sText = ControlGetText("Admission/Registration Confirmation Screen","",     "[CLASS:LSSTATIC; INSTANCE:29]")
;Local $sText1 = WinGetTitle("Admission/Registration Confirmation Screen", "")
;MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "The text in LSSTATIC29 is: " & $sText)
;MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "The text in LSSTATIC29 is: " & $sText1)

I've also tried just having LSSTATIC29, etc.

After messing with everything for awhile, it seems AutoIt simply has issues working with this window at all as I can't get it to ControlClick the button either. All other windows of this nature have been completely usable. I noticed that with this particular window ,while I can identify the controls, when I click and hold - it allows me to drag a box across the window. Not sure if this matters or not, but thought it might be important for identifying the type of window.

I can't think of anything else I might be leaving out, but if there are any questions please let me know and I will get back to you as soon as I can. I will be working on the rest of this project on and off for the weekend. Thank you in advance for any help you might be able to give!


I have. I will try it again to be sure, but it still returned null. It just seems to have a problem with this window in particular. Is there any other way to get AutoIt to recognize it. It is driving me crazy since every other window has worked just fine. I don't know what could be different from the others.


What is the title of your window? There seems to be some characters before the "/"-character. Have you tried to identify the window with the last part of the title ("Registration Confirmation Screen")? Or directly with the window handle?


does the class and instance change if you hold it over different texts?
it could also be HTML inside a window, i have seen some software with that in the past, so what out for that too



build it in steps

First make sure you have the window itself

; Wait 10 seconds for the window to appear.
    Local $hWnd = WinWait("[REGEXPTITLE:.*Registration Confirmation Screen.*]", "", 10)

    ; Activate the window using the handle returned by WinWait.
    WinMove($hWnd, "", 10, 10)

and then just iterate over all children

As AU3Inf is seeing them properly it should be possible with the standard functions.

If not you could give a try to IUIAutomation in Examples section


Thank you all for the responses. I have been out and unable to continue work the last few days, but will give all of this a try and let you know what seems to be working.

@jvdsĀ Each label has its own instance and class name, but they are static in the sense that they are the same every time if that's what you are asking.


To sum up -

1) This particular window's issue was solved by identifying it asĀ "[REGEXPTITLE:.*Registration Confirmation Screen."

This allowed me to easily identify any of the buttons/labels I was having trouble with.

2) Additionally - I was having some other issues with identifying buttons in another window(I think it may have been hidden by a label in the application), but the child list/iteration helped me figure that out.

Thanks to everyone again, I'm super grateful for all the help you all have already provided!

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