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Posted (edited)

I'm trying to make bold some days of a calendar. I get those days from a SQLite database. Using the _GUICtrlMonthCal_SetDayState function I almost got it working. Please look at the following ugly code and help me to understand why when the variable $finalX is calculated by the script it doesn't work (no bolding days) but, if I declare the value of the same variable manually, it works... I'm sure I'm doing something stupid but can't see it.

;---- BUSY DAYS     
        if _SQLite_GetTable2d(-1,'select A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, ID from mydatabase where DEADLINE like "%' & "-" & $tTeste & "-" & '%" ORDER BY 1 D, C;', $arows, $irows, $icols) = $SQLITE_OK Then
            Local $final[ubound($arows)]
            Local $finalX = ""
            Local $tempDay = ""
            Local $val_hex[ubound($arows)]
            Local $val_pre = ""
            for $1 = 1 to ubound($arows) - 1
                _GUICtrlListView_AddItem($lvList, $arows[$1][0])
                    for $2 = 1 to ubound($arows,2) - 1
                        _GUICtrlListView_AddsubItem($lvList,$1-1, $arows[$1][$2], $2) 
                $tempDay = StringLeft(($arows[$1][3]), 2)
                $val_pre = Number($tempDay); + 0
                ConsoleWrite("val_pre: " & $val_pre & @CRLF)
                $val_hex[$1] = "BitShift(0x0001,-" & "(" & $val_pre & "-1)" & ")"
                ConsoleWrite("val_hex[$1]: " & $val_hex[$1] & @CRLF)
                ConsoleWrite("===========================" & @CRLF)
                $final = _ArrayUnique($val_hex)
                $finalX = _ArrayToString($final, " + ", 1)              
                $finalX = StringTrimLeft($finalX, 3); <<------ COMPUTED $finalX doesn't work
                ConsoleWrite("FinalX:"&$finalX & @CRLF)
                ;------>> When I declare the same value as the computed above, it WORKS.. --->> $finalX = BitShift(0x0001,-(28-1)) + BitShift(0x0001,-(29-1)) + BitShift(0x0001,-(30-1)) + BitShift(0x0001,-(15-1)) + BitShift(0x0001,-(7-1)) + BitShift(0x0001,-(24-1)) + BitShift(0x0001,-(1-1)) + BitShift(0x0001,-(11-1)) + BitShift(0x0001,-(2-1))

     Local $aMasks[_GUICtrlMonthCal_GetMonthRangeSpan($idMonthCal, True)]
        $aMasks[1] = $finalX; <<<-------- bold days
       _GUICtrlMonthCal_SetDayState($idMonthCal, $aMasks)

    GUICtrlSetState($tabCalendar, $GUI_SHOW)

EndFunc   ;==>BusyDays


Edited by arts
Posted (edited)

Try this:

#include <SQLite.au3>
#include <SQLite.dll.au3>
#include <GUIMonthCal.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <String.au3>

$hDB = _SQLite_Open()

_SQLite_Exec($hDB,'CREATE TABLE Days(dt datetime)')
_SQLite_Exec($hDB,"INSERT INTO Days SELECT '2015-06-15'")
_SQLite_Exec($hDB,"INSERT INTO Days SELECT '2015-06-18'")
_SQLite_Exec($hDB,"INSERT INTO Days SELECT '2015-06-21'")
_SQLite_Exec($hDB,"INSERT INTO Days SELECT '2015-06-23'")
_SQLite_Exec($hDB,"INSERT INTO Days SELECT '2015-06-29'")

$hMain = GUICreate('Test')
$hCal = _GUICtrlMonthCal_Create($hMain, 100,100, $MCS_DAYSTATE)
SetBoldDays($hDB,$hCal,"SELECT strftime('%d',dt) AS Day FROM Days")




Func SetBoldDays($hDB,$hCal,$sQuery)
    Local $aResult, $iRows, $iColumns
    $iRval = _SQLite_GetTable2d($hDB, $sQuery , $aResult, $iRows, $iColumns)
    If $iRval = $SQLITE_OK Then
        Local $Mask = _StringRepeat('0',31)
        For $Index = 1 To UBound($aResult)-1
            $Mask = StringLeft($Mask,$aResult[$Index][0]-1) & '1' & StringRight($Mask,31-$aResult[$Index][0]-1)
        Local $aMasks[_GUICtrlMonthCal_GetMonthRangeSpan($hCal, True)]
        $aMasks[1] = Bin2Dec(StringReverse($Mask))
        _GUICtrlMonthCal_SetDayState($hCal, $aMasks)

Func Bin2Dec($B)
    ; Thanks to kaesereibe
    Return BitOr((StringLen($B) > 1 ? BitShift(Bin2Dec(StringTrimRight($B, 1)), -1) : 0), StringRight($B, 1))


Edited by Andreik
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