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Hello good friends of Autoit, so I am making a chatbot using Autoit but I got stuck on this part:

I already have stringright($var,stringlen($var) - stringlen(" = ") - StringInStr($var," = ") + 1) the program is made to read a text file and extract from a specific line the text after = and before =, for example:

example line of text file: something = okay this is a text

and I needed to extract the right part (which I already have done) and the left part (which I need help with) so how can you make stringleft to get all text before "="?

Thanks in advance.

Here's my code if you need it:

#include <EditConstants.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <File.au3>
#include <Misc.au3>
#Include <Array.au3>

Global $BrainLocation = @ScriptDir & "\brain.txt"
Global $FormName = "Project Lisa"
Global $ReatInput = "null"
Global $Memory[100]
Global $BrainLineCount = 1
Global $Random[100]
Global $RandomCount = 0
Global $SplitInput[100]
Global $BrainCount = 0


Func Loader()

    Global $Form = GUICreate($FormName, 417, 279, 192, 124)
    Global $Output = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 8, 8, 401, 225, BitOR($ES_AUTOVSCROLL,$ES_AUTOHSCROLL,$ES_WANTRETURN,$WS_HSCROLL),0)
    Global $Input = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 104, 240, 209, 21)



func Main()

    While 1
        $nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
        Switch $nMsg
            Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE


Func SendText()

    $ReatInput = GUICtrlRead($Input)
    GUICtrlSetData($Output,@CRLF & "You > " & $ReatInput,1)



Func CreateRandoms()

    While $RandomCount <> 100
        $Random[$RandomCount] = Random(1,$RandomCount,1)
        $RandomCount += 1
    $RandomCount = 0



Func BrainLoader()

    $ReatBrain = FileReadLine($Brainlocation,$BrainLineCount)
    $BrainStringRight = stringright($ReatBrain,stringlen($ReatBrain) - stringlen(" = ") - StringInStr($ReatBrain," = ") + 1)
    $BrainStringLenRight = Stringlen($brainstringright)
    $BrainActualString = 0 + $BrainStringLenRight - 10
    $test = StringLeft($ReatBrain,$brainactualstring)
    $BrainSplitedStrings = StringSplit($BrainStringRight,",")

    If $BrainSplitedStrings[1] <> "" Then
        $_1 = "true"
        $BrainCount += 1

    If $ReatInput = $BrainActualString Then
        $BrainRan = Random(1,$braincount)
        GUICtrlSetData($output,@CRLF & "Lisa > " & $BrainSplitedStrings[$BrainRan],1)
        $BrainLineCount = 1
    $BrainLineCount += 1



If in someway I have helped, please consider liking my post(s).

The formula for the right answer: You + Right Question = Answer

(Think) BEFORE you post.


Holy cow! HOW DID I DIDN'T THINK OF THAT? how stupid of me. Thank you good friend.


If in someway I have helped, please consider liking my post(s).

The formula for the right answer: You + Right Question = Answer

(Think) BEFORE you post.


Thank you guys.


If in someway I have helped, please consider liking my post(s).

The formula for the right answer: You + Right Question = Answer

(Think) BEFORE you post.

Posted (edited)

Sorry that didn't work out... I need the opposite ( the left version ) of this one : stringright($var,stringlen($var) - stringlen(" = ") - StringInStr($var," = ") + 1)

I need to stringleft after/before a specific character(s) for example in the one above is after =, the one I need should be Get all text BEFORE =.

anyone? thanks in advance :)

Edited by TheNewHunter


If in someway I have helped, please consider liking my post(s).

The formula for the right answer: You + Right Question = Answer

(Think) BEFORE you post.


Okay I got it guys.


If in someway I have helped, please consider liking my post(s).

The formula for the right answer: You + Right Question = Answer

(Think) BEFORE you post.


StringSplit all the way my friend, Even if it's just for ease of reading when you come back to a code a few months later (it's amazing how a solution to a problem you face can seem innovative at the time, But then Jargon when you come back to the code.) Even if you're just looking for the left part of the string, StringSplit can accomplish this:

$text = "some = text"
$Left = StringSplit($text,"=")[1] ;Notice the array number
$Right = StringSplit($text,"=")[2] ;These run the stringsplit command, And then return that element to the variable from the resulting array

Just a handy little trick I discovered after a while of using AutoIt, The same applies to any commands that return arrays.



give a man an application, and he'll be frustrated for the day, Teach him how to program applications and he'll be frustrated for a lifetime.


@TheNewHunter Make sure you post your solution, so that anyone that has the same problem can see how you solved it. ;)

Snips & Scripts

My Snips: graphCPUTemp ~ getENVvars
My Scripts: Short-Order Encrypter - message and file encryption V1.6.1 ~ AuPad - Notepad written entirely in AutoIt V1.9.4

Feel free to use any of my code for your own use.                                                                                                                                                           Forum FAQ



Also look at the Regular Expressions?

Using a regular expression allows control over optional spaces before and after the equal sign, and having those spaces (if they exist) not appearing in the required 'before and after' text.

$text = "some = text"

; These StringRegExpReplace replaces all text matched with nothing, "".   (Match the characters to be deleted)

$Left = StringRegExpReplace($text, "\h*=.*$", "")
; "\h*"  Match all spaces (if they exist) immediately before "=".   Note:- A space is a character, and can be classified as a horizontal whitespace character.
; "="    Match the equal character.
; ".*$"  Match all characters (if any exist) to the end of the test string (from immediately after "=").

$Right = StringRegExpReplace($text, "^.*=\h*", "")
; "^.*"  Match all characters (if any exist) from the beginning of the test string to immediately before "=".
; "="    Match the equal character.
; "\h*"  Match all spaces (if they exist) immediately after "=".
; See AutoIt help file under StringRegExp for regular expression syntax.

ConsoleWrite("Left:  " & $Left & @LF)
ConsoleWrite("Right: " & $Right & @LF)

Another handy little trick, if you are writing your scripts in SciTE, is to type in lower case "cw ".  That is, type"cw" followed by a space. This is the SciTE4AutoIt3 abbreviation for "ConsoleWrite(| & @LF) ".  I use it often.  
The complete list of SciTe-AutoIt abbreviations can be found in the SciTe help file > under the "Index" tab  > SciTE4AutoIt3-AbbreviationList.


Just a handy little trick I discovered after a while of using AutoIt, The same applies to any commands that return arrays.

You have no validation that stringsplit succeeded and risk throwing an exception attempting to access an element that does not exist, so you may want to do a stringinstr to verify an equals sign is present prior to running that.  or just split it once and check for an error then access the elements.

,-. .--. ________ .-. .-. ,---. ,-. .-. .-. .-.
|(| / /\ \ |\ /| |__ __||| | | || .-' | |/ / \ \_/ )/
(_) / /__\ \ |(\ / | )| | | `-' | | `-. | | / __ \ (_)
| | | __ | (_)\/ | (_) | | .-. | | .-' | | \ |__| ) (
| | | | |)| | \ / | | | | | |)| | `--. | |) \ | |
`-' |_| (_) | |\/| | `-' /( (_)/( __.' |((_)-' /(_|
'-' '-' (__) (__) (_) (__)

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