Beetlebailey Posted April 16, 2015 Posted April 16, 2015 Hello community. So I have written a simple code to launch some web based applications and send me feedback if they are experiencing issues. This runs off two GUI's and when I click the "page 2" button it launches the second gui. All is well until I try to close out the second gui. It then loops and launches the web based apps over and over again. This doesn't do it if I just close out the first GUI Any ideas as to what I've done wrong here? Much much thanks expandcollapse popup#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: Ryan Bailey Script Function: CS Application Launcher #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <INet.au3> #include <IE.au3> #include <Word.au3> #include <excel.au3> #include <ScreenCapture.au3> opt("MustDeclareVar" , 1) MainGUI() ;Name the Variables Func MainGUI() Global $gui2 , $hBmp , $SeondaryGUI , $Page2 , $hBmp , $Screen , $mygui , $newmsg , $Label3 , $Submit , $Edit , $Amysis , $CareManager , $CSA , $HealthX , $Kronos , $Google , $NCR , $NICEPerform , $NICEWFM , $MP , $ReportManager , $RXCLAIM Global $RxPortal , $ie , $Calc , $Password ,$IE , $Button14 , $HFHPAPP , $Button16 , $Label1 , $Label2 ,$Notepad , $Word , $Excel , $Groupwise, $Messenger , $HFlogo , $Button21 , $Pic1 , $CSapps , $msg ;Create the main GUI $mygui = GUICreate("Customer Service Omni-Tool", 514, 711, 258, 173) GUISetCursor (2) GUISetFont(10, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUISetBkColor(0xA6CAF0) ;Assign the Variables $Amysis = GUICtrlCreateButton("Amysis", 16, 72, 139, 25) $CareManager = GUICtrlCreateButton("Care Manager", 16, 104, 139, 25) $CSA = GUICtrlCreateButton("CSA", 16, 136, 139, 25) $HealthX = GUICtrlCreateButton("Health X", 16, 168, 139, 25) $Kronos = GUICtrlCreateButton("Kronos", 16, 200, 139, 25) $Google = GUICtrlCreateButton("Google", 16, 232, 139, 25) $NCR = GUICtrlCreateButton("NCR", 16, 264, 139, 25) $NICEPerform = GUICtrlCreateButton("NICE Perform", 16, 296, 139, 25) $NICEWFM = GUICtrlCreateButton("NICE WFM ", 16, 328, 139, 25) $MP = GUICtrlCreateButton("Market Prominence", 16, 360, 139, 25) $ReportManager = GUICtrlCreateButton("Report Manager", 16, 392, 139, 25) $RXCLAIM = GUICtrlCreateButton("Rx Claim", 16, 424, 139, 25) $IE = GUICtrlCreateButton("Internet Explorer", 16, 552, 139, 25) $Dashboard = GUICtrlCreateButton("Dashboard", 16, 488, 139, 25) $HFHPAPP = GUICtrlCreateButton("HP App page", 16, 520, 139, 25) $Screen = GUICtrlCreatePic("S:\Health Plans\Operations\RYANB\UBER\CS App Launcher\Images\Camera.jpg", 176, 288, 100, 60) $RxPortal = GUICtrlCreateButton("RxPortal", 16, 456, 139, 25) $Calc = GUICtrlCreateButton("Calculator", 192, 232, 83, 25) $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Applications", 8, 32, 141, 29) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 18, 800, 2, "Modern No. 20") $Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Tools", 200, 32, 62, 29) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 18, 800, 2, "Modern No. 20") $Notepad = GUICtrlCreateButton("Notepad", 192, 72, 83, 25) $Word = GUICtrlCreateButton("Word", 192, 104, 83, 25) $Excel = GUICtrlCreateButton("Excel", 192, 136, 83, 25) $Groupwise = GUICtrlCreateButton("Groupwise", 192, 168, 83, 25) $HFlogo = GUICtrlCreatePic("S:\Health Plans\Operations\RYANB\UBER\CS App Launcher\Images\HF logo.jpg", 288, 10, 180, 60) $Messenger = GUICtrlCreateButton("Messenger", 192, 200, 83, 25) $calendar = GUICtrlCreateMonthCal ("Calendar", 192 , 520 , 292 , 172 ) $Edit1 = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 288, 72, 217, 353) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "Notes:") $Page2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Page 2", 288, 432, 211, 57) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Password = GUICtrlCreatePic ("S:\Health Plans\Operations\RYANB\UBER\CS App Launcher\Images\word.jpg" , 24 , 624 , 116 , 76) $Label3 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Password Keeper", 24, 605, 136, 22) GUISetState() ;Run the gui until window is closed While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE exit Case $msg = $Notepad Run ("notepad.exe") Case $msg = $Calc Run ("calc.exe") Case $msg = $Amysis ShellExecute ("") Case $msg = $CareManager ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $CSA ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $HealthX ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $Kronos ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $Google ShellExecute ("") Case $msg = $NCR ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $NICEPerform ShellExecute("http://hfniceim1/NiceApplications/Desktop/WebPage/DeskTopWebForm.aspx") Case $msg = $NICEWFM ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $MP run ("MPC4Cunlock.exe") Case $msg = $ReportManager ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $RXCLAIM ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $IE ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $HFHPAPP ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $Word $Word = _WordCreate (@ScriptDir & "\Test.doc", 1) ; Check @extended return value to see if attach was successful If @extended Then MsgBox(0, "", "Attached to Existing Window") Else MsgBox(0, "", "Created New Window") EndIf Case $msg = $Excel $Excel = _ExcelBookNew() Case $msg = $Groupwise Run("grpwise.exe") Case $msg = $Messenger run("C:\Program Files (x86)\Novell\Messenger\NMCL32.exe") Case $msg = $Dashboard ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $Password ShellExecute( "S:\Health Plans\Operations\RYANB\UBER\CS App Launcher\Files\BLANK Password Keeper.doc") Case $msg = $HFlogo ShellExecute ("") Case $msg = $RxPortal ShellExecute("") ; Create screen shot to save to desktop Case $msg = $Screen $Screen = _ScreenCapture_SaveImage(@DesktopDir & "\new_screenshot.jpg", $hBmp) $hBmp = _ScreenCapture_Capture("") case $msg = $page2 while 1 $aMsg = GUIGetMsg(1) Switch $aMsg[1] case $mygui Switch $aMsg[0] case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop case $Page2 GUICtrlSetState ($Page2, $GUI_DISABLE) gui2() EndSwitch case $gui2 switch $aMsg [0] case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete($gui2) GUICtrlSetState($Page2, $GUI_ENABLE) EndSwitch EndSwitch WEnd EndSelect WEnd EndFunc Func gui2 () $gui2 = GUICreate("Customer Service Launcher", 514, 548, 304, 168) GUISetCursor (2) GUISetFont(10, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUISetBkColor(0xA6CAF0) $HFlogo = GUICtrlCreatePic("C:\Users\ry207033\Desktop\HF logo.jpg", 288, 8, 212, 60) $Page1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Page 1", 8, 488, 123, 41) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Application Issues and Feedback", 8, 8, 270, 24) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 24, 136, 465, 337) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xF4F7FC) $Submit = GUICtrlCreateButton("Submit", 368, 488, 123, 41) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Please leave feedback including Aplication/Time/Date/and issue ", 24, 104, 458, 20) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) EndFunc
MikahS Posted April 16, 2015 Posted April 16, 2015 (edited) You have two while loops jammed together, integrate it into one while loop and you should be golden. Edited April 16, 2015 by MikahS Snips & Scripts My Snips: graphCPUTemp ~ getENVvarsMy Scripts: Short-Order Encrypter - message and file encryption V1.6.1 ~ AuPad - Notepad written entirely in AutoIt V1.9.4 Feel free to use any of my code for your own use. Forum FAQ
Beetlebailey Posted April 16, 2015 Author Posted April 16, 2015 Thank you for the response! I took the second While loop and now the second GUI wont' load when the button is clicked expandcollapse popup#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: Ryan Bailey Script Function: CS Application Launcher #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <INet.au3> #include <IE.au3> #include <Word.au3> #include <excel.au3> #include <ScreenCapture.au3> opt("MustDeclareVar" , 1) MainGUI() ;Name the Variables Func MainGUI() Global $gui2 , $hBmp , $SeondaryGUI , $Page2 , $hBmp , $Screen , $mygui , $newmsg , $Label3 , $Submit , $Edit , $Amysis , $CareManager , $CSA , $HealthX , $Kronos , $Google , $NCR , $NICEPerform , $NICEWFM , $MP , $ReportManager , $RXCLAIM Global $RxPortal , $ie , $Calc , $Password ,$IE , $Button14 , $HFHPAPP , $Button16 , $Label1 , $Label2 ,$Notepad , $Word , $Excel , $Groupwise, $Messenger , $HFlogo , $Button21 , $Pic1 , $CSapps , $msg ;Create the main GUI $mygui = GUICreate("Customer Service Omni-Tool", 514, 711, 258, 173) GUISetCursor (2) GUISetFont(10, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUISetBkColor(0xA6CAF0) ;Assign the Variables $Amysis = GUICtrlCreateButton("Amysis", 16, 72, 139, 25) $CareManager = GUICtrlCreateButton("Care Manager", 16, 104, 139, 25) $CSA = GUICtrlCreateButton("CSA", 16, 136, 139, 25) $HealthX = GUICtrlCreateButton("Health X", 16, 168, 139, 25) $Kronos = GUICtrlCreateButton("Kronos", 16, 200, 139, 25) $Google = GUICtrlCreateButton("Google", 16, 232, 139, 25) $NCR = GUICtrlCreateButton("NCR", 16, 264, 139, 25) $NICEPerform = GUICtrlCreateButton("NICE Perform", 16, 296, 139, 25) $NICEWFM = GUICtrlCreateButton("NICE WFM ", 16, 328, 139, 25) $MP = GUICtrlCreateButton("Market Prominence", 16, 360, 139, 25) $ReportManager = GUICtrlCreateButton("Report Manager", 16, 392, 139, 25) $RXCLAIM = GUICtrlCreateButton("Rx Claim", 16, 424, 139, 25) $IE = GUICtrlCreateButton("Internet Explorer", 16, 552, 139, 25) $Dashboard = GUICtrlCreateButton("Dashboard", 16, 488, 139, 25) $HFHPAPP = GUICtrlCreateButton("HP App page", 16, 520, 139, 25) $Screen = GUICtrlCreatePic("S:\Health Plans\Operations\RYANB\UBER\CS App Launcher\Images\Camera.jpg", 176, 288, 100, 60) $RxPortal = GUICtrlCreateButton("RxPortal", 16, 456, 139, 25) $Calc = GUICtrlCreateButton("Calculator", 192, 232, 83, 25) $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Applications", 8, 32, 141, 29) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 18, 800, 2, "Modern No. 20") $Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Tools", 200, 32, 62, 29) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 18, 800, 2, "Modern No. 20") $Notepad = GUICtrlCreateButton("Notepad", 192, 72, 83, 25) $Word = GUICtrlCreateButton("Word", 192, 104, 83, 25) $Excel = GUICtrlCreateButton("Excel", 192, 136, 83, 25) $Groupwise = GUICtrlCreateButton("Groupwise", 192, 168, 83, 25) $HFlogo = GUICtrlCreatePic("S:\Health Plans\Operations\RYANB\UBER\CS App Launcher\Images\HF logo.jpg", 288, 10, 180, 60) $Messenger = GUICtrlCreateButton("Messenger", 192, 200, 83, 25) $calendar = GUICtrlCreateMonthCal ("Calendar", 192 , 520 , 292 , 172 ) $Edit1 = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 288, 72, 217, 353) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "Notes:") $Page2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Page 2", 288, 432, 211, 57) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Password = GUICtrlCreatePic ("S:\Health Plans\Operations\RYANB\UBER\CS App Launcher\Images\word.jpg" , 24 , 624 , 116 , 76) $Label3 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Password Keeper", 24, 605, 136, 22) GUISetState() ;Run the gui until window is closed While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE exit Case $msg = $Notepad Run ("notepad.exe") Case $msg = $Calc Run ("calc.exe") Case $msg = $Amysis ShellExecute ("") Case $msg = $CareManager ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $CSA ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $HealthX ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $Kronos ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $Google ShellExecute ("") Case $msg = $NCR ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $NICEPerform ShellExecute("http://hfniceim1/NiceApplications/Desktop/WebPage/DeskTopWebForm.aspx") Case $msg = $NICEWFM ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $MP run ("MPC4Cunlock.exe") Case $msg = $ReportManager ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $RXCLAIM ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $IE ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $HFHPAPP ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $Word $Word = _WordCreate (@ScriptDir & "\Test.doc", 1) ; Check @extended return value to see if attach was successful If @extended Then MsgBox(0, "", "Attached to Existing Window") Else MsgBox(0, "", "Created New Window") EndIf Case $msg = $Excel $Excel = _ExcelBookNew() Case $msg = $Groupwise Run("grpwise.exe") Case $msg = $Messenger run("C:\Program Files (x86)\Novell\Messenger\NMCL32.exe") Case $msg = $Dashboard ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $Password ShellExecute( "S:\Health Plans\Operations\RYANB\UBER\CS App Launcher\Files\BLANK Password Keeper.doc") Case $msg = $HFlogo ShellExecute ("") Case $msg = $RxPortal ShellExecute("") ; Create screen shot to save to desktop Case $msg = $Screen $Screen = _ScreenCapture_SaveImage(@DesktopDir & "\new_screenshot.jpg", $hBmp) $hBmp = _ScreenCapture_Capture("") case $msg = $page2 $aMsg = GUIGetMsg(1) Switch $aMsg[1] case $mygui Switch $aMsg[0] case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop case $Page2 GUICtrlSetState ($Page2, $GUI_DISABLE) gui2() EndSwitch case $gui2 switch $aMsg [0] case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete($gui2) GUICtrlSetState($Page2, $GUI_ENABLE) EndSwitch EndSwitch EndSelect WEnd EndFunc Func gui2 () $gui2 = GUICreate("Customer Service Launcher", 514, 548, 304, 168) GUISetCursor (2) GUISetFont(10, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUISetBkColor(0xA6CAF0) $HFlogo = GUICtrlCreatePic("C:\Users\ry207033\Desktop\HF logo.jpg", 288, 8, 212, 60) $Page1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Page 1", 8, 488, 123, 41) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Application Issues and Feedback", 8, 8, 270, 24) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 24, 136, 465, 337) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xF4F7FC) $Submit = GUICtrlCreateButton("Submit", 368, 488, 123, 41) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Please leave feedback including Aplication/Time/Date/and issue ", 24, 104, 458, 20) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) EndFunc
MikahS Posted April 16, 2015 Posted April 16, 2015 It's still pretty much the same. Should be like this (untested): expandcollapse popup#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: Ryan Bailey Script Function: CS Application Launcher #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <INet.au3> #include <IE.au3> #include <Word.au3> #include <excel.au3> #include <ScreenCapture.au3> ;Opt("MustDeclareVar", 1) MainGUI() ;Name the Variables Func MainGUI() Global $gui2 = 9999, $hBmp, $SeondaryGUI, $Page2, $hBmp, $Screen, $mygui, $newmsg, $Label3, $Submit, $Edit, $Amysis, $CareManager, $CSA, $HealthX, $Kronos, $Google, $NCR, $NICEPerform, $NICEWFM, $MP, $ReportManager, $RXCLAIM Global $RxPortal, $ie, $page1 = 9999, $Calc, $Password, $ie, $Button14, $HFHPAPP, $Button16, $Label1 = 9999, $Label2, $Notepad, $Word, $Excel, $Groupwise, $Messenger, $HFlogo, $Button21, $Pic1, $CSapps, $msg ;Create the main GUI $mygui = GUICreate("Customer Service Omni-Tool", 514, 711, 258, 173) GUISetCursor(2) GUISetFont(10, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUISetBkColor(0xA6CAF0) ;Assign the Variables $Amysis = GUICtrlCreateButton("Amysis", 16, 72, 139, 25) $CareManager = GUICtrlCreateButton("Care Manager", 16, 104, 139, 25) $CSA = GUICtrlCreateButton("CSA", 16, 136, 139, 25) $HealthX = GUICtrlCreateButton("Health X", 16, 168, 139, 25) $Kronos = GUICtrlCreateButton("Kronos", 16, 200, 139, 25) $Google = GUICtrlCreateButton("Google", 16, 232, 139, 25) $NCR = GUICtrlCreateButton("NCR", 16, 264, 139, 25) $NICEPerform = GUICtrlCreateButton("NICE Perform", 16, 296, 139, 25) $NICEWFM = GUICtrlCreateButton("NICE WFM ", 16, 328, 139, 25) $MP = GUICtrlCreateButton("Market Prominence", 16, 360, 139, 25) $ReportManager = GUICtrlCreateButton("Report Manager", 16, 392, 139, 25) $RXCLAIM = GUICtrlCreateButton("Rx Claim", 16, 424, 139, 25) $ie = GUICtrlCreateButton("Internet Explorer", 16, 552, 139, 25) $Dashboard = GUICtrlCreateButton("Dashboard", 16, 488, 139, 25) $HFHPAPP = GUICtrlCreateButton("HP App page", 16, 520, 139, 25) $Screen = GUICtrlCreatePic("S:\Health Plans\Operations\RYANB\UBER\CS App Launcher\Images\Camera.jpg", 176, 288, 100, 60) $RxPortal = GUICtrlCreateButton("RxPortal", 16, 456, 139, 25) $Calc = GUICtrlCreateButton("Calculator", 192, 232, 83, 25) $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Applications", 8, 32, 141, 29) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 18, 800, 2, "Modern No. 20") $Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Tools", 200, 32, 62, 29) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 18, 800, 2, "Modern No. 20") $Notepad = GUICtrlCreateButton("Notepad", 192, 72, 83, 25) $Word = GUICtrlCreateButton("Word", 192, 104, 83, 25) $Excel = GUICtrlCreateButton("Excel", 192, 136, 83, 25) $Groupwise = GUICtrlCreateButton("Groupwise", 192, 168, 83, 25) $HFlogo = GUICtrlCreatePic("S:\Health Plans\Operations\RYANB\UBER\CS App Launcher\Images\HF logo.jpg", 288, 10, 180, 60) $Messenger = GUICtrlCreateButton("Messenger", 192, 200, 83, 25) $calendar = GUICtrlCreateMonthCal("Calendar", 192, 520, 292, 172) $Edit1 = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 288, 72, 217, 353) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "Notes:") $Page2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Page 2", 288, 432, 211, 57) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Password = 9999 $Password = GUICtrlCreatePic("S:\Health Plans\Operations\RYANB\UBER\CS App Launcher\Images\word.jpg", 24, 624, 116, 76) $Label3 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Password Keeper", 24, 605, 136, 22) GUISetState() ;Run the gui until window is closed While 1 $aMsg = GUIGetMsg(1) Switch $aMsg[1] Case $mygui Switch $aMsg[0] Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $Page2 GUICtrlSetState($Page2, $GUI_DISABLE) gui2() Case $msg = $Notepad Run("notepad.exe") Case $msg = $Calc Run("calc.exe") Case $msg = $Amysis ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $CareManager ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $CSA ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $HealthX ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $Kronos ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $Google ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $NCR ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $NICEPerform ShellExecute("http://hfniceim1/NiceApplications/Desktop/WebPage/DeskTopWebForm.aspx") Case $msg = $NICEWFM ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $MP Run("MPC4Cunlock.exe") Case $msg = $ReportManager ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $RXCLAIM ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $ie ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $HFHPAPP ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $Word $Word = _WordCreate(@ScriptDir & "\Test.doc", 1) ; Check @extended return value to see if attach was successful If @extended Then MsgBox(0, "", "Attached to Existing Window") Else MsgBox(0, "", "Created New Window") EndIf Case $msg = $Excel $Excel = _ExcelBookNew() Case $msg = $Groupwise Run("grpwise.exe") Case $msg = $Messenger Run("C:\Program Files (x86)\Novell\Messenger\NMCL32.exe") Case $msg = $Dashboard ShellExecute("") ;Case $msg = $Password ; ShellExecute("S:\Health Plans\Operations\RYANB\UBER\CS App Launcher\Files\BLANK Password Keeper.doc") ;Case $msg = $HFlogo ; ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $RxPortal ShellExecute("") ; Create screen shot to save to desktop Case $msg = $Screen $Screen = _ScreenCapture_SaveImage(@DesktopDir & "\new_screenshot.jpg", $hBmp) $hBmp = _ScreenCapture_Capture("") Case $msg = $Page2 EndSwitch Case $gui2 Switch $aMsg[0] Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete($gui2) GUICtrlSetState($Page2, $GUI_ENABLE) EndSwitch EndSwitch WEnd EndFunc ;==>MainGUI Func gui2() $gui2 = GUICreate("Customer Service Launcher", 514, 548, 304, 168) GUISetCursor(2) GUISetFont(10, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUISetBkColor(0xA6CAF0) $HFlogo = GUICtrlCreatePic("C:\Users\ry207033\Desktop\HF logo.jpg", 288, 8, 212, 60) $page1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Page 1", 8, 488, 123, 41) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Application Issues and Feedback", 8, 8, 270, 24) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 24, 136, 465, 337) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xF4F7FC) $Submit = GUICtrlCreateButton("Submit", 368, 488, 123, 41) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Please leave feedback including Aplication/Time/Date/and issue ", 24, 104, 458, 20) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) EndFunc ;==>gui2 It will run the pics I know that, right away because of how you have the event. Snips & Scripts My Snips: graphCPUTemp ~ getENVvarsMy Scripts: Short-Order Encrypter - message and file encryption V1.6.1 ~ AuPad - Notepad written entirely in AutoIt V1.9.4 Feel free to use any of my code for your own use. Forum FAQ
Developers Solution Jos Posted April 16, 2015 Developers Solution Posted April 16, 2015 (edited) I haven't tested but should the second gui selection look something like this?: Case $msg = $Page2 GUICtrlSetState($Page2, $GUI_Disable) Local $hGui2=gui2() $aMsg = GUIGetMsg($hGui2) Switch $aMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop EndSwitch GUIDelete($gui2) GUICtrlSetState($Page2, $GUI_ENABLE) Are you running au3check by using the full installer of SciTE4AutoIt3? I get some errors like: script.au3"(22,24) : error: Opt() called with illegal argument 1: "MustDeclareVar". Opt("MustDeclareVar", 1) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ which should be: "MustDeclareVars" Jos Edited April 16, 2015 by Jos Beetlebailey 1 SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
Beetlebailey Posted April 17, 2015 Author Posted April 17, 2015 Je maintiendrai I changed the scripting to this but now the second GUI won't launch pops up real quick then goes away. This is what I have so far expandcollapse popup#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: Ryan Bailey Script Function: CS Application Launcher #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <INet.au3> #include <IE.au3> #include <Word.au3> #include <excel.au3> #include <ScreenCapture.au3> opt("MustDeclareVar" , 1) MainGUI() ;Name the Variables Func MainGUI() Global $hGUI2 , $gui2 , $hBmp , $SeondaryGUI , $Page2 , $hBmp , $Screen , $mygui , $newmsg , $Label3 , $Submit , $Edit , $Amysis , $CareManager , $CSA , $HealthX , $Kronos , $Google , $NCR , $NICEPerform , $NICEWFM , $MP , $ReportManager , $RXCLAIM Global $RxPortal , $ie , $Calc , $Password ,$IE , $Button14 , $HFHPAPP , $Button16 , $Label1 , $Label2 ,$Notepad , $Word , $Excel , $Groupwise, $Messenger , $HFlogo , $Button21 , $Pic1 , $CSapps , $msg ;Create the main GUI $mygui = GUICreate("Customer Service Omni-Tool", 514, 711, 258, 173) GUISetCursor (2) GUISetFont(10, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUISetBkColor(0xA6CAF0) ;Assign the Variables $Amysis = GUICtrlCreateButton("Amysis", 16, 72, 139, 25) $CareManager = GUICtrlCreateButton("Care Manager", 16, 104, 139, 25) $CSA = GUICtrlCreateButton("CSA", 16, 136, 139, 25) $HealthX = GUICtrlCreateButton("Health X", 16, 168, 139, 25) $Kronos = GUICtrlCreateButton("Kronos", 16, 200, 139, 25) $Google = GUICtrlCreateButton("Google", 16, 232, 139, 25) $NCR = GUICtrlCreateButton("NCR", 16, 264, 139, 25) $NICEPerform = GUICtrlCreateButton("NICE Perform", 16, 296, 139, 25) $NICEWFM = GUICtrlCreateButton("NICE WFM ", 16, 328, 139, 25) $MP = GUICtrlCreateButton("Market Prominence", 16, 360, 139, 25) $ReportManager = GUICtrlCreateButton("Report Manager", 16, 392, 139, 25) $RXCLAIM = GUICtrlCreateButton("Rx Claim", 16, 424, 139, 25) $IE = GUICtrlCreateButton("Internet Explorer", 16, 552, 139, 25) $Dashboard = GUICtrlCreateButton("Dashboard", 16, 488, 139, 25) $HFHPAPP = GUICtrlCreateButton("HP App page", 16, 520, 139, 25) $Screen = GUICtrlCreatePic("S:\Health Plans\Operations\RYANB\UBER\CS App Launcher\Images\Camera.jpg", 176, 288, 100, 60) $RxPortal = GUICtrlCreateButton("RxPortal", 16, 456, 139, 25) $Calc = GUICtrlCreateButton("Calculator", 192, 232, 83, 25) $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Applications", 8, 32, 141, 29) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 18, 800, 2, "Modern No. 20") $Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Tools", 200, 32, 62, 29) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 18, 800, 2, "Modern No. 20") $Notepad = GUICtrlCreateButton("Notepad", 192, 72, 83, 25) $Word = GUICtrlCreateButton("Word", 192, 104, 83, 25) $Excel = GUICtrlCreateButton("Excel", 192, 136, 83, 25) $Groupwise = GUICtrlCreateButton("Groupwise", 192, 168, 83, 25) $HFlogo = GUICtrlCreatePic("S:\Health Plans\Operations\RYANB\UBER\CS App Launcher\Images\HF logo.jpg", 288, 10, 180, 60) $Messenger = GUICtrlCreateButton("Messenger", 192, 200, 83, 25) $calendar = GUICtrlCreateMonthCal ("Calendar", 192 , 520 , 292 , 172 ) $Edit1 = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 288, 72, 217, 353) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "Notes:") $Page2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Page 2", 288, 432, 211, 57) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Password = GUICtrlCreatePic ("S:\Health Plans\Operations\RYANB\UBER\CS App Launcher\Images\word.jpg" , 24 , 624 , 116 , 76) $Label3 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Password Keeper", 24, 605, 136, 22) GUISetState() ;Run the gui until window is closed While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE exit Case $msg = $Notepad Run ("notepad.exe") Case $msg = $Calc Run ("calc.exe") Case $msg = $Amysis ShellExecute ("") Case $msg = $CareManager ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $CSA ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $HealthX ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $Kronos ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $Google ShellExecute ("") Case $msg = $NCR ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $NICEPerform ShellExecute("http://hfniceim1/NiceApplications/Desktop/WebPage/DeskTopWebForm.aspx") Case $msg = $NICEWFM ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $MP run ("MPC4Cunlock.exe") Case $msg = $ReportManager ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $RXCLAIM ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $IE ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $HFHPAPP ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $Word $Word = _WordCreate (@ScriptDir & "\Test.doc", 1) ; Check @extended return value to see if attach was successful If @extended Then MsgBox(0, "", "Attached to Existing Window") Else MsgBox(0, "", "Created New Window") EndIf Case $msg = $Excel $Excel = _ExcelBookNew() Case $msg = $Groupwise Run("grpwise.exe") Case $msg = $Messenger run("C:\Program Files (x86)\Novell\Messenger\NMCL32.exe") Case $msg = $Dashboard ShellExecute("") Case $msg = $Password ShellExecute( "S:\Health Plans\Operations\RYANB\UBER\CS App Launcher\Files\BLANK Password Keeper.doc") Case $msg = $RxPortal ShellExecute("") ; Create screen shot to save to desktop Case $msg = $Screen $hBmp = _ScreenCapture_Capture("") $Screen = _ScreenCapture_SaveImage(@DesktopDir & "\new_screenshot.jpg", $hBmp) ExitLoop case $msg = $page2 GUICtrlSetState ($mygui, $GUI_DISABLE) local $hGUI2 = gui2() $aMsg = GUIGetMsg($hGUI2) Switch $aMsg case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop EndSwitch GUIDelete($gui2) GUICtrlSetState($Page2, $GUI_ENABLE) EndSelect WEnd EndFunc Func gui2() $gui2 = GUICreate("Customer Service Launcher", 514, 548, 304, 168) GUISetCursor (2) GUISetFont(10, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUISetBkColor(0xA6CAF0) $HFlogo = GUICtrlCreatePic("C:\Users\ry207033\Desktop\HF logo.jpg", 288, 8, 212, 60) $Page1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Page 1", 8, 488, 123, 41) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Application Issues and Feedback", 8, 8, 270, 24) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 24, 136, 465, 337) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xF4F7FC) $Submit = GUICtrlCreateButton("Submit", 368, 488, 123, 41) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Please leave feedback including Aplication/Time/Date/and issue ", 24, 104, 458, 20) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) EndFunc
Beetlebailey Posted April 17, 2015 Author Posted April 17, 2015 I figured it out, Had to delete the GUIDelete($gui2)
Beetlebailey Posted April 17, 2015 Author Posted April 17, 2015 Only problem remaining now is that when I Close the second GUI the first one closes as well. I'll have to figure out the scripting so where you when you click the "page1" button it closes the second GUI and keeps the first running
BrewManNH Posted April 17, 2015 Posted April 17, 2015 If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.Give a programmer the correct code and he can do his work for a day. Teach a programmer to debug and he can do his work for a lifetime - by Chirag GudeHow to ask questions the smart way! I hereby grant any person the right to use any code I post, that I am the original author of, on the forums, unless I've specifically stated otherwise in the code or the thread post. If you do use my code all I ask, as a courtesy, is to make note of where you got it from. Back up and restore Windows user files _Array.au3 - Modified array functions that include support for 2D arrays. - ColorChooser - An add-on for SciTE that pops up a color dialog so you can select and paste a color code into a script. - Customizable Splashscreen GUI w/Progress Bar - Create a custom "splash screen" GUI with a progress bar and custom label. - _FileGetProperty - Retrieve the properties of a file - SciTE Toolbar - A toolbar demo for use with the SciTE editor - GUIRegisterMsg demo - Demo script to show how to use the Windows messages to interact with controls and your GUI. - Latin Square password generator
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