Hay ther i try to get the current date from the internet for a login system.
for now im using @mon @year ... to get current date but you could easily crack this system.
it would be nice if i could get the current date from a website or something to avoid this problem
if anyone has an idee pls tell me
gretz usbstick
sry for my bad english
#Include <Date.au3>
#Include <StructureConstants.au3>
#Include <WinAPIMisc.au3>
Func _NTP_FT($sServer, $fLocal = True)
;~ http://book.itep.ru/4/44/sntp4416.htm
Local $tNTP = DllStructCreate('byte Header[4];byte RootDelay[4];byte RootDispersion[4];byte ReferenceIdentifier[4];byte ReferenceTimestamp[8];byte OriginateTimestamp[8];byte ReceiveTimestamp[8];byte TransmitTimestamp[8];byte KeyIdentifier[4];byte MessageDigest[16]')
Local $tPacket = DllStructCreate('byte Packet[68]'