jefhal Posted October 14, 2005 Posted October 14, 2005 In order to talk to each other in our house, we have to yell at the top of your lungs. We invested a few hundred dollars in Radio Shack intercoms, but they make a lot of noise and don't work in all parts of the house. I just realized that most of us spend a lot of time in front of the computer, so I put together a really rudimentary instant messenger for the home network. (AIM was just too complex to use, and my kids would not use another commercial IM program). So here it is: Improvements are needed and welcome! expandcollapse popup#include <Constants.au3> #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <misc.au3> dim $line, $varcomputer, $vartext, $indexoff dim $message = "", $v_dll = 'user32.dll' Global $sender $defaultuser = IniRead("c:\FH-IM.ini","FH-IM Settings","DefaultUser","Choose User") MsgBox(4096,"Default user",$defaultuser) GUICreate("FH-IM",180,180,100,100) GUISetState() $dad = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Dad",5,5,40,15) $mom = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Mom",50,5,40,15) $fam = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Family Room",95,5,85,15) $kid1 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("kidone",5,25,60,15) $kid2 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("kidtwo",65,25,60,15) $evy = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Everyone",5,45,70,15) $mess = GUICtrlCreateInput("",5,65,170,70,0x0004) $send = GUICtrlCreateButton("Send",5,145,170,25) $from = GUICtrlCreateCombo ($defaultuser, 110,41,65,11); create first item GUICtrlSetData(-1,"Mom|Dad|Kid1|Kid2"); add other item snd set a new default ControlFocus ( "FH-IM", "", 10 ) While 1 ; Wait for user to select checkboxes and then press the "Go" button to begin routines $msg = guigetmsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE; If user closes the dialog box the program is ended Exit ; ExitLoop ;ControlFocus ( "FH-IM", "", 10 ) Case $msg = $send ; If user selects the Go button, all checked tasks will be run ;if _IsPressed("0d",$v_dll) then $sender = GUICtrlRead(11) IniWrite("c:\FH-IM.ini","FH-IM Settings","DefaultUser",$sender) if(GuiCtrlRead($dad) = 1) then $to = "dadcomputer" EndIf if(GuiCtrlRead($mom) = 1) then $to = "momcomputer" EndIf if(GuiCtrlRead($fam) = 1) then $to = "familycomputer" EndIf if(GuiCtrlRead($tey) = 1) then $to = "kidone EndIf if(GuiCtrlRead($par) = 1) then $to = "kidtwo" EndIf if(GuiCtrlRead($evy) = 1) then $to = "*" EndIf ;MsgBox(4096,"$mess is: ",guictrlread($mess)) ;msgbox(4096,"next is: ",StringInStr(guictrlread($mess),@CRLF,0,-1)) if stringinstr(guictrlread($mess),@CRLF) <> 0 then $message = $sender & "> " & stringright(guictrlread($mess),StringInStr(guictrlread($mess),@CRLF,0,-1)-1) & @CRLF Else $message = guictrlread($mess) & @CRLF EndIf ;MsgBox(4096,"Message = :",$message) $pid = run(@comspec & ' /c ' & "net send " & $to & ' "' & $message & '"',@tempdir,@sw_hide,$stdout_child) While 1 $line &= StdoutRead($pid) If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop Wend MsgBox(0, "STDOUT read:", $line) GUICtrlSetData(9,$message,"") $line = "" EndSelect WEnd Enjoy! the way, it's pronounced: "JIF"... Bob Berry --- inventor of the GIF format
Valuater Posted October 15, 2005 Posted October 15, 2005 (edited) hey.... its cool that you want to change the names and $Kid1 and kidone but you should check the script first for errors... so i cleaned it up expandcollapse popup#include <Constants.au3> #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <misc.au3> dim $line, $varcomputer, $vartext, $indexoff dim $message = "", $v_dll = 'user32.dll' Global $sender $defaultuser = IniRead("c:\FH-IM.ini","FH-IM Settings","DefaultUser","Choose User") MsgBox(4096,"Default user",$defaultuser) GUICreate("FH-IM",180,180,100,100) GUISetState() $dad = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Dad",5,5,40,15) $mom = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Mom",50,5,40,15) $fam = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Family Room",95,5,85,15) $kid1 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("kidone",5,25,60,15) $kid2 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("kidtwo",65,25,60,15) $evy = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Everyone",5,45,70,15) $mess = GUICtrlCreateInput("",5,65,170,70,0x0004) $send = GUICtrlCreateButton("Send",5,145,170,25) $from = GUICtrlCreateCombo ($defaultuser, 80,41,85,11); create first item GUICtrlSetData(-1,"Mom|Dad|Kid1|Kid2"); add other item snd set a new default ControlFocus ( "FH-IM", "", 10 ) While 1 ; Wait for user to select checkboxes and then press the "Go" button to begin routines $msg = guigetmsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE; If user closes the dialog box the program is ended Exit ; ExitLoop ;ControlFocus ( "FH-IM", "", 10 ) Case $msg = $send ; If user selects the Go button, all checked tasks will be run ;if _IsPressed("0d",$v_dll) then $sender = GUICtrlRead(11) IniWrite("c:\FH-IM.ini","FH-IM Settings","DefaultUser",$sender) if(GuiCtrlRead($dad) = 1) then $to = "dadcomputer" EndIf if(GuiCtrlRead($mom) = 1) then $to = "momcomputer" EndIf if(GuiCtrlRead($fam) = 1) then $to = "familycomputer" EndIf if(GuiCtrlRead($kid1) = 1) then $to = "kidone" EndIf if(GuiCtrlRead($kid2) = 1) then $to = "kidtwo" EndIf if(GuiCtrlRead($evy) = 1) then $to = "*" EndIf ;MsgBox(4096,"$mess is: ",guictrlread($mess)) ;msgbox(4096,"next is: ",StringInStr(guictrlread($mess),@CRLF,0,-1)) if stringinstr(guictrlread($mess),@CRLF) <> 0 then $message = $sender & "> " & stringright(guictrlread($mess),StringInStr(guictrlread($mess),@CRLF,0,-1)-1) & @CRLF Else $message = guictrlread($mess) & @CRLF EndIf ;MsgBox(4096,"Message = :",$message) $pid = run(@comspec & ' /c ' & "net send " & $to & ' "' & $message & '"',@tempdir,@sw_hide,$stdout_child) While 1 $line &= StdoutRead($pid) If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop Wend MsgBox(0, "STDOUT read:", $line) GUICtrlSetData(9,$message,"") $line = "" EndSelect WEnd it works now 8) Edited October 15, 2005 by Valuater
Valuater Posted October 15, 2005 Posted October 15, 2005 (edited) i made one for our office that looks for the computer name maybe there is something in here you would like to add to yours??? expandcollapse popupDim $un = @UserName Dim $QT_web = "" $ver = "1.0" ;delete last listing Filedelete(@TempDir & "\b.tmp") ; make sure net send is running RunWait("net start messenger","",@SW_HIDE) ;gets the computer list and a few other things RunWait(@ComSpec & ' /c net view > ' & @TempDir & '\a.tmp',"", @SW_HIDE) Sleep(300) ;open the file for working $file = FileOpen(@TempDir & "\a.tmp", 0) ; Check if file opened for reading OK If $file = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "QT - Error", "Unable to open file.") Exit EndIf ;Creates new file in which the result will be written FileOpen(@TempDir & "\b.tmp", 1) ; Read in lines of text until the EOF is reached in file a.tmp While 1 $line = FileReadLine($file) If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop ;find the string "\\" $result = StringInStr($line,"\\") if $result = 1 Then ;find next blank $blankpos = StringInStr($line," ") ;Find length of line $len = StringLen($line) ;calculate from what position to Trim string to the right $len = $len - $blankpos ;Trim all characters after the computer name $line = StringTrimRight($line, $len) ;Trim the // $line = StringTrimLeft($line,2) ;Write line to file, adding "|" FileWrite(@TempDir & "\b.tmp", $line & "|") EndIf Wend FileClose($file) FileDelete(@TempDir & "\a.tmp") $file2 = FileReadline(@TempDir & "\b.tmp", 1) ;install pics $Time_Logo = @TempDir & "\Time-logo.jpg" FileInstall("C:\XPClean-web\Settings\XPClean-pics\Time.jpg", $Time_Logo) $Time_icon = @TempDir & "\Time-Icon.ico" FileInstall("C:\XPClean-web\Settings\XPClean-pics\Time-Icon.ico", $Time_icon) $Sound_clk = @TempDir & "\Sound_clk.wav" FileInstall("C:\XPClean-web\Settings\XPClean-pics\Sounds\Clickerx.wav", $Sound_clk) $Sound_grp = @TempDir & "\Sound_grp.wav" FileInstall("C:\XPClean-web\Settings\XPClean-pics\Sounds\Group_open.wav", $Sound_grp) $Sound_bar = @TempDir & "\Sound_bar.wav" FileInstall("C:\XPClean-web\Settings\XPClean-pics\Sounds\xpinfbar.wav", $Sound_bar) $Sound_lnk = @TempDir & "\Sound_lnk.wav" FileInstall("C:\XPClean-web\Settings\XPClean-pics\Sounds\Notify.wav", $Sound_lnk) ;GUI Start #include "GUIConstants.au3" ;#include <Process.au3> ;Set GUI Opt("GUICoordMode", 1) ;Opt("GUINotifyMode", 1) $Dummy_win = GUICreate('') $Tmesg_win = GuiCreate("*QTime Station* - PC Messenger ver " & $ver, 482, 335, -1, -1,-1,$WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES,$Dummy_win);, $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) GUISetFont(9, 400, -1, "MS Sans Serif") GUISetIcon($Time_icon) $Icon_1 = GUICtrlCreatePic($Time_Logo, 393, 10, 75, 70) GUICtrlSetCursor(-1, 0) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "QTasc") $Group_1A = GuiCtrlCreateGroup( "Message from: ", 20, 10, 350, 50) GUICtrlCreateLabel( $un, 40, 30, 150, 20) ;Create 1 combo box, give focus and populate with contents of b.tmp $Group_1A = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("Message to: ",20, 70, 350, 50) $combo_1 = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 130, 87, 120, 20) GUICtrlSetState(-1,$GUI_FOCUS) GUICtrlSetData(-1,$file2) $label_1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel( "C&hoose the PC", 40, 90, 150, 20) $Group_4 = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("Last Message Sent", 20, 270, 350, 50) $MSent = GUICtrlCreateLabel("No Recent Messages", 40, 288, 320, 28) ;Create buttons $button_1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("S&end", 390, 190, 80, 30) GUICtrlSetState(-1,$GUI_DEFBUTTON) $button_2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Set-Up", 390, 275, 80, 20) $button_3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("C&ancel", 390, 300, 80, 20) ;create text input $Group_3 = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("Message Text", 20, 140, 350, 120) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Please Type in Your Test Message in the Box Below", 40, 165, 310, 20) GUICtrlCreateLabel("The Message includes the Time, Date, PC and Sender Name", 40, 185, 320, 20) $text = GUICtrlCreateInput("Message", 40, 215, 310, 20) ;Show the GUI GuiSetState (@SW_SHOW) SoundPlay ($Sound_lnk,1) ;sets tray icon opt("TrayMenuMode", 1) ; Default tray menu items (Script Paused/Exit) will not be shown. opt("TrayOnEventMode", 1) ;TraySetClick (16); right click $show_tray = TrayCreateItem ("Show *QTime Station*") TrayItemSetOnEvent (-1, "Set_Show") TrayCreateItem ("") $upgrade_tray = TrayCreateItem ("Check New Releases") TrayItemSetOnEvent (-1, "Set_Update") TrayCreateItem ("") $setup_tray = TrayCreateItem ("Net-Send Setup") TrayItemSetOnEvent (-1, "Set_Setup") TrayCreateItem ("") $about_tray = TrayCreateItem ("About QTasc") TrayItemSetOnEvent (-1, "Set_QT") TrayCreateItem ("") $exit_tray = TrayCreateItem ("Exit *QTime Station*") TrayItemSetOnEvent (-1, "Set_Exit") TraySetState () $msg = 0 While 1; $msg <> -3 $msg = GuiGetMsg() Select case $msg = $button_3 Or $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Tmesg_win) SoundPlay ($Sound_grp,1) case $msg = $button_2 ;SoundPlay ($Sound_clk,1) Call("Set_Setup") case $msg = $button_1 SoundPlay ($Sound_clk,1) $CPUID = GuictrlRead($combo_1) If $CPUID = "" Then MsgBox(64,"Send Error 1"," Please choose a PC to *Send* to... ") ContinueLoop EndIf $msg1 = GuictrlRead($text) If $msg1 = "" Or $msg1 = "Message" Then MsgBox(64,"Send Error 2"," Please Type a *Text Message* First... " ) ContinueLoop EndIf $runvar =RunWait(@comspec & " /c net send " & $CPUID & $un & " says: " & $msg1,"",@sw_hide) ;MsgBox(0,"",$runvar) If $runvar > 0 Then MsgBox(64,"Send Error 3"," Your Message *Could Not Be Sent* " & @CRLF & @CRLF & " Please press the *Set-Up* Button " & @CRLF & @CRLF & "and press *Set-Up* on " & $CPUID & " " ) ContinueLoop EndIf GUICtrlSetData ( $MSent, $msg1) EndSelect WEnd Exit ;---------------------------- FUNCTIONS ---------------------- Func Set_Update() SoundPlay ($Sound_clk,1) Run(@ProgramFilesDir & "\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe " & $QT_web) WinWaitActive("") EndFunc Func Set_Show() SoundPlay ($Sound_grp,1) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $Tmesg_win) EndFunc Func Set_QT() SoundPlay ($Sound_grp,1) $iMsgBoxAnswer = MsgBox(32, "*QTime Station* , by QTasc", "WHO IS, QT APPRAISAL SERVICE CO ?" & @CRLF & "" & @CRLF & "We are a Real Estate Appraisal Company based in Riverside, California. " & @CRLF & "" & @CRLF & "Thank you." & @CRLF & "" & @CRLF & "", 60) Select Case $iMsgBoxAnswer = -1;Timeout EndSelect SoundPlay ($Sound_grp,1) EndFunc Func Set_Exit() SoundPlay ($Sound_lnk,1) Exit EndFunc ;==>Set_Exit Func Set_Setup() SoundPlay ($Sound_clk,1) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Tmesg_win) Run("mmc Services.msc -k netsvcs", @SystemDir) WinWaitActive("Services") Sleep(300) Send("{TAB}") Sleep(300) Send("Messenger") Sleep(300) Send("{ENTER}") Sleep(300) Send("!e") Sleep(300) Send("A") Sleep(300) Send("!A") Sleep(300) Send("!S") Sleep(2000) MsgBox(64,"Finished Set-up"," If all settings are satisfactory... " & @CRLF & " Please press *OK* ") While 3 If Not WinExists("Messenger Properties") Then ExitLoop Sleep(100) WEnd Sleep(100) WinClose("Services") EndFunc ;==>Set_Exit 8) Edited October 15, 2005 by Valuater
jefhal Posted October 15, 2005 Author Posted October 15, 2005 (edited) i made one for our office that looks for the computer namemaybe there is something in here you would like to add to yours???Thanks Valuater-I realized after I pasted my original code that I didn't want to show my kids names. I appreciate you doing a "touch up". I definitely plan to steal the way you populate the "TO" field from the "net view" command. Also, the way you make sure that messenger service is turned on is a great idea. I had to do it manually on all but one machine. On your code, for some reason, the list of machines in there keeps duplicating itself. You have a command to delete b.txt, but it doesn't seem to work on my setup. (WinXP HE)I'm also still trying to find the best way to have the script on one machine be "aware" of the script running on another. Right now, of course, the message is sent, but does not end up in the same window as the script... Edited October 15, 2005 by jefhal the way, it's pronounced: "JIF"... Bob Berry --- inventor of the GIF format
Valuater Posted October 15, 2005 Posted October 15, 2005 Right now, of course, the message is sent, but does not end up in the same window as the script... this one does
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