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I'm currently working a script to adjust settings to the WinXP taskbar and start menu...over all I'm crusing along fine...how ever I've hit a sticky spot, and thats being able to drag the taskbar to different locations about the desktop...programmically.

Thus far none of the code I've written seems to be doing the trick...at all...I'm probably missing some thing some where thats dead simple.

Also to add to things I've noticed that @DesktopWidth & likely @DesktopHeight as well reports only the values for the current monitor and not the whole of the desktop....should one be running more than one monitor...so placement would have to work off the array of :

$size = WinGetPos ( "Program Manager" )

$size[2] ; Width

$size[3] ; Height

Well if any one has some time to burn the help would be most welcome.

I'll keep bashing my head in all the same. Well thanks to all that take the time to read\reply to this. ;)



Heh well I was expecting that to be some kind of weird hook into the taskbar. ;)

Moving general windows isn't the problem...its moving the taskbar that is.


this move my task"Bar" on win xp

;$pos = MouseGetPos()
;MsgBox(0, "Mouse x,y:", $pos[0] & "," & $pos[1])

MouseMove(766,753); ($pos[0],$pos[1]); for testing
MouseDown ( "left" )



Posted (edited)

Well that works...I had code along those lines prior...but for some reason it didn't take.

Well I guess I'll just have to see how far I can go now that I got a working starting point finally. ;)

Well thanks for your time and effort on this. :P

hehe better test code

Opt ("WinTitleMatchMode",   4)

$z = 0

$size = WinGetPos ( "classname=Shell_TrayWnd" , "Running Applications" )
$x = $size[0] + $size[2] / 2
$y = $size[1] + $size[3] / 2
If $size[1] = @DesktopHeight Then $z = 0 + $size[3] / 2
If $size[1] = 0 Then $z = @DesktopHeight - $size[3] / 2
MouseClickDrag ( "Left" , $x , $y , $x , $z , 2 )

Oh if you got some time...I got a odd hang in the orginal script when it goes to apply the changes...mainly when dealing with classic...maybe you'll spot the error...hehe another hiccup in this script. :mad2:

Edited by Nologic

Well that works...Well thanks for your time and effort on this. ;)

Oh if you got some time...I got a odd hang in the orginal script when it goes to apply the changes...mainly when dealing with classic...maybe you'll spot the error...hehe another hiccup in this script. :P

Your Welcome.... glad i could help

I am not real sharp on the classic stuff... but i would suggest you make a new post that others will look at also

good luck



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