argumentum Posted January 6, 2018 Posted January 6, 2018 (edited) 16 hours ago, farouk12 said: that sad because its take less then 5 sec with backtracking algorithm built in autoit well, it takes forever ( 307 sec. ) to solve "Hardest" from the OP =/ PS: tweaked your code to speed up the process ( you had too many GUI updates ) Spoiler tho, it would be nice to integrate the @jchd sqlite way to your GUI PS2: below is the results of the sqlite output ( and the code ) Spoiler expandcollapse popupEasy problem ┏━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┓ ┃5│3│.┃.│7│.┃.│.│.┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃6│.│.┃1│9│5┃.│.│.┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃.│9│8┃.│.│.┃.│6│.┃ ┣━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━┫ ┃8│.│.┃.│6│.┃.│.│3┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃4│.│.┃8│.│3┃.│.│1┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃7│.│.┃.│2│.┃.│.│6┃ ┣━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━┫ ┃.│6│.┃.│.│.┃2│8│.┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃.│.│.┃4│1│9┃.│.│5┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃.│.│.┃.│8│.┃.│7│9┃ ┗━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┛ Easy solution ┏━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┓ ┃5│3│4┃6│7│8┃9│1│2┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃6│7│2┃1│9│5┃3│4│8┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃1│9│8┃3│4│2┃5│6│7┃ ┣━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━┫ ┃8│5│9┃7│6│1┃4│2│3┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃4│2│6┃8│5│3┃7│9│1┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃7│1│3┃9│2│4┃8│5│6┃ ┣━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━┫ ┃9│6│1┃5│3│7┃2│8│4┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃2│8│7┃4│1│9┃6│3│5┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃3│4│5┃2│8│6┃1│7│9┃ ┗━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┛ 0.006 sec. to solve Sqlite problem ┏━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┓ ┃1│.│.┃.│.│7┃.│9│.┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃.│3│.┃.│2│.┃.│.│8┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃.│.│9┃6│.│.┃5│.│.┃ ┣━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━┫ ┃.│.│5┃3│.│.┃9│.│.┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃.│1│.┃.│8│.┃.│.│2┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃6│.│.┃.│.│4┃.│.│.┃ ┣━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━┫ ┃3│.│.┃.│.│.┃.│1│.┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃.│4│.┃.│.│.┃.│.│7┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃.│.│7┃.│.│.┃3│.│.┃ ┗━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┛ Sqlite solution ┏━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┓ ┃1│6│2┃8│5│7┃4│9│3┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃5│3│4┃1│2│9┃6│7│8┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃7│8│9┃6│4│3┃5│2│1┃ ┣━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━┫ ┃4│7│5┃3│1│2┃9│8│6┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃9│1│3┃5│8│6┃7│4│2┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃6│2│8┃7│9│4┃1│3│5┃ ┣━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━┫ ┃3│5│6┃4│7│8┃2│1│9┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃2│4│1┃9│3│5┃8│6│7┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃8│9│7┃2│6│1┃3│5│4┃ ┗━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┛ 0.025 sec. to solve Hard problem ┏━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┓ ┃.│.│.┃.│.│6┃.│.│.┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃.│5│9┃.│.│.┃.│.│8┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃2│.│.┃.│.│8┃.│.│.┃ ┣━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━┫ ┃.│4│5┃.│.│.┃.│.│.┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃.│.│3┃.│.│.┃.│.│.┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃.│.│6┃.│.│3┃.│5│4┃ ┣━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━┫ ┃.│.│.┃3│2│5┃.│.│6┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃.│.│.┃.│.│.┃.│.│.┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃.│.│.┃.│.│.┃.│.│.┃ ┗━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┛ Hard solution ┏━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┓ ┃3│7│8┃2│4│6┃9│1│5┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃6│5│9┃7│3│1┃4│2│8┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃2│1│4┃5│9│8┃6│7│3┃ ┣━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━┫ ┃1│4│5┃9│6│2┃3│8│7┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃8│2│3┃4│5│7┃1│6│9┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃7│9│6┃1│8│3┃2│5│4┃ ┣━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━┫ ┃4│8│1┃3│2│5┃7│9│6┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃5│3│2┃6│7│9┃8│4│1┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃9│6│7┃8│1│4┃5│3│2┃ ┗━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┛ 0.008 sec. to solve Hola problem ┏━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┓ ┃4│.│2┃.│.│.┃.│3│.┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃1│.│.┃6│.│5┃.│2│9┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃9│.│.┃.│.│.┃1│.│.┃ ┣━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━┫ ┃.│.│.┃.│4│2┃.│.│.┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃.│8│.┃9│.│1┃.│5│.┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃.│.│.┃8│5│.┃.│.│.┃ ┣━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━┫ ┃.│.│3┃.│.│.┃.│.│8┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃6│1│.┃5│.│4┃.│.│2┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃.│4│.┃.│.│.┃5│.│7┃ ┗━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┛ Hola solution ┏━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┓ ┃4│6│2┃1│9│8┃7│3│5┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃1│3│8┃6│7│5┃4│2│9┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃9│7│5┃4│2│3┃1│8│6┃ ┣━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━┫ ┃5│9│6┃3│4│2┃8│7│1┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃7│8│4┃9│6│1┃2│5│3┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃3│2│1┃8│5│7┃9│6│4┃ ┣━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━┫ ┃2│5│3┃7│1│9┃6│4│8┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃6│1│7┃5│8│4┃3│9│2┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃8│4│9┃2│3│6┃5│1│7┃ ┗━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┛ 0.008 sec. to solve Hardest problem ┏━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┓ ┃8│.│.┃.│.│.┃.│.│.┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃.│.│3┃6│.│.┃.│.│.┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃.│7│.┃.│9│.┃2│.│.┃ ┣━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━┫ ┃.│5│.┃.│.│7┃.│.│.┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃.│.│.┃.│4│5┃7│.│.┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃.│.│.┃1│.│.┃.│3│.┃ ┣━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━┫ ┃.│.│1┃.│.│.┃.│6│8┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃.│.│8┃5│.│.┃.│1│.┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃.│9│.┃.│.│.┃4│.│.┃ ┗━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┛ Hardest solution ┏━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┓ ┃8│1│2┃7│5│3┃6│4│9┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃9│4│3┃6│8│2┃1│7│5┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃6│7│5┃4│9│1┃2│8│3┃ ┣━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━┫ ┃1│5│4┃2│3│7┃8│9│6┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃3│6│9┃8│4│5┃7│2│1┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃2│8│7┃1│6│9┃5│3│4┃ ┣━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━┫ ┃5│2│1┃9│7│4┃3│6│8┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃4│3│8┃5│2│6┃9│1│7┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃7│9│6┃3│1│8┃4│5│2┃ ┗━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┛ 0.595 sec. to solve EasterMonster problem ┏━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┓ ┃1│.│.┃.│.│.┃.│.│2┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃.│9│.┃4│.│.┃.│5│.┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃.│.│6┃.│.│.┃7│.│.┃ ┣━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━┫ ┃.│5│.┃9│.│3┃.│.│.┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃.│.│.┃.│7│.┃.│.│.┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃.│.│.┃8│5│.┃.│4│.┃ ┣━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━┫ ┃7│.│.┃.│.│.┃6│.│.┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃.│3│.┃.│.│9┃.│8│.┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃.│.│2┃.│.│.┃.│.│1┃ ┗━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┛ EasterMonster solution ┏━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┓ ┃1│7│4┃3│8│5┃9│6│2┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃2│9│3┃4│6│7┃1│5│8┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃5│8│6┃1│9│2┃7│3│4┃ ┣━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━┫ ┃4│5│1┃9│2│3┃8│7│6┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃9│2│8┃6│7│4┃3│1│5┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃3│6│7┃8│5│1┃2│4│9┃ ┣━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━┫ ┃7│1│9┃5│4│8┃6│2│3┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃6│3│5┃2│1│9┃4│8│7┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃8│4│2┃7│3│6┃5│9│1┃ ┗━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┛ 0.007 sec. to solve Post #16 problem ┏━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┓ ┃.│6│1┃.│.│7┃.│.│3┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃.│9│2┃.│.│3┃.│.│.┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃.│.│.┃.│.│.┃.│.│.┃ ┣━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━┫ ┃.│.│8┃5│3│.┃.│.│.┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃.│.│.┃.│.│.┃5│.│4┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃5│.│.┃.│.│8┃.│.│.┃ ┣━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━┫ ┃.│4│.┃.│.│.┃.│.│1┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃.│.│.┃1│6│.┃8│.│.┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃6│.│.┃.│.│.┃.│.│.┃ ┗━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┛ Post #16 solution ┏━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┓ ┃4│6│1┃9│8│7┃2│5│3┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃7│9│2┃4│5│3┃1│6│8┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃3│8│5┃2│1│6┃4│7│9┃ ┣━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━┫ ┃1│2│8┃5│3│4┃7│9│6┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃9│3│6┃7│2│1┃5│8│4┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃5│7│4┃6│9│8┃3│1│2┃ ┣━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━┫ ┃8│4│9┃3│7│5┃6│2│1┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃2│5│3┃1│6│9┃8│4│7┃ ┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨ ┃6│1│7┃8│4│2┃9│3│5┃ ┗━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┛ 17.278 sec. to solve Spoiler expandcollapse popup;;; #include <SQLite.au3> ;~ #include <SQLite.dll.au3> ; download the most recent suitable DLL once and comment this out Local $hDB Local $aSudokus[7][2] = [ _ ["Easy", "53..7....6..195....98....6.8...6...34..8.3..17...2...6.6....28....419..5....8..79"], _ ["Sqlite", "1....7.9..3..2...8..96..5....53..9...1..8...26....4...3......1..4......7..7...3.."], _ ["Hard", ".....6....59.....82....8....45........3........6..3.54...325..6.................."], _ ["Hola", "4.2....3.1..6.5.299.....1......42...."], _ ["Hardest", "8..........36......7..9.2...5...7.......457.....1...3...1....68..85...1..9....4.."], _ ["EasterMonster", "1.......2.9.4...5...6...7...5.9.3.......7.......85..4.7.....6...3...9.8...2.....1"], _ ["Post #16 ", ".61..7..3.92..3..............853..........5.45....8....4......1...16.8..6........"]] If Not _SQLite_Startup() Then Exit 2 ConsoleWrite("_SQLite_LibVersion=" & _SQLite_LibVersion() & @CRLF) $hDB = _SQLite_Open() If Not $hDB Then Exit 3 Local $sTempCreate = "" & _ "create temporary table i (" & _ "i integer primary key, " & _ "name char, " & _ "word0, " & _ "word1, " & _ "peers0, " & _ "peers1)" & _ ";" & _ "insert into i " & _ "select i, " & _ "char(65+y)||(x+1) as name, " & _ "case when iword=0 then 1<<ibit else 0 end AS word0, " & _ "case when iword=1 then 1<<ibit else 0 end AS word1, " & _ "CASE WHEN iword=0 THEN (512-1)<<(y*9) ELSE 0 END | " & _ "((1+512*(1+512*(1+512*(1+512*(1+512)))))<<x) | " & _ "CASE WHEN iword=0 THEN ((8-1)*(1+512*(1+512)))<<(y/3*3*9+x/3*3) ELSE 0 END AS peers0, " & _ "CASE WHEN iword=1 THEN (512-1)<<((y%6)*9) ELSE 0 END | " & _ "((1 + 512 * (1 + 512)) << x) | " & _ "CASE WHEN iword=1 THEN ((8-1)*(1+512*(1+512)))<<((y%6)/3*3*9+x/3*3) ELSE 0 END AS peers1 " & _ "from (" & _ "with xy AS (SELECT 0 AS xy UNION ALL SELECT xy+1 FROM xy WHERE xy < 80) " & _ "select xy+1 AS i, " & _ "xy%9 AS x, " & _ "xy/9 AS y, " & _ "xy/54 AS iword, " & _ "xy%54 AS ibit " & _ "from xy" & _ ")" & _ ";" If $SQLITE_OK <> _SQLite_Exec($hDB, $sTempCreate) Then ConsoleWrite(@LF & "! your version of sqlite.dll is too old !" & @LF & @LF) Exit 4 EndIf Local $sInsaneSolver = "" & _ "with z AS (SELECT 1 AS z UNION ALL SELECT z+1 FROM z WHERE z < 9), " & _ "input as (" & _ "select input, " & _ "sud, " & _ "ifnull (sum (word0), 0) as w0, " & _ "ifnull (sum (word1), 0) as w1, " & _ "ifnull (sum (case when z=1 then word0 end), 0) as w10, " & _ "ifnull (sum (case when z=1 then word1 end), 0) as w11, " & _ "ifnull (sum (case when z=2 then word0 end), 0) as w20, " & _ "ifnull (sum (case when z=2 then word1 end), 0) as w21, " & _ "ifnull (sum (case when z=3 then word0 end), 0) as w30, " & _ "ifnull (sum (case when z=3 then word1 end), 0) as w31, " & _ "ifnull (sum (case when z=4 then word0 end), 0) as w40, " & _ "ifnull (sum (case when z=4 then word1 end), 0) as w41, " & _ "ifnull (sum (case when z=5 then word0 end), 0) as w50, " & _ "ifnull (sum (case when z=5 then word1 end), 0) as w51, " & _ "ifnull (sum (case when z=6 then word0 end), 0) as w60, " & _ "ifnull (sum (case when z=6 then word1 end), 0) as w61, " & _ "ifnull (sum (case when z=7 then word0 end), 0) as w70, " & _ "ifnull (sum (case when z=7 then word1 end), 0) as w71, " & _ "ifnull (sum (case when z=8 then word0 end), 0) as w80, " & _ "ifnull (sum (case when z=8 then word1 end), 0) as w81, " & _ "ifnull (sum (case when z=9 then word0 end), 0) as w90, " & _ "ifnull (sum (case when z=9 then word1 end), 0) as w91, " & _ "count (*) as fixed, " & _ "ifnull (sum (z=1), 0) as f1, " & _ "ifnull (sum (z=2), 0) as f2, " & _ "ifnull (sum (z=3), 0) as f3, " & _ "ifnull (sum (z=4), 0) as f4, " & _ "ifnull (sum (z=5), 0) as f5, " & _ "ifnull (sum (z=6), 0) as f6, " & _ "ifnull (sum (z=7), 0) as f7, " & _ "ifnull (sum (z=8), 0) as f8, " & _ "ifnull (sum (z=9), 0) as f9 " & _ "from ( " & _ "select '" & $aSudokus[0][0] & "' as input, " & _ "'" & $aSudokus[0][1] & "' as sud " & _ "union all " & _ "select '" & $aSudokus[1][0] & "', " & _ "'" & $aSudokus[1][1] & "' " & _ "union all " & _ "select '" & $aSudokus[2][0] & "', " & _ "'" & $aSudokus[2][1] & "' " & _ "union all " & _ "select '" & $aSudokus[3][0] & "', " & _ "'" & $aSudokus[3][1] & "' " & _ "union all " & _ "select '" & $aSudokus[4][0] & "', " & _ "'" & $aSudokus[4][1] & "' " & _ "union all " & _ "select '" & $aSudokus[5][0] & "', " & _ "'" & $aSudokus[5][1] & "' " & _ "union all " & _ "select '" & $aSudokus[6][0] & "', " & _ "'" & $aSudokus[6][1] & "' " & _ ") " & _ "join i " & _ "join z on z = cast (substr (sud, i.i, 1) as int) " & _ "where input='#####' " & _ ") " & _ ", " & _ "sudoku as (" & _ "select " & _ "'' as text, " & _ "fixed, " & _ "f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9, " & _ "0 as zfixed, " & _ "0 as i0, " & _ "w0, w1, " & _ "w10, w11, " & _ "w20, w21, " & _ "w30, w31, " & _ "w40, w41, " & _ "w50, w51, " & _ "w60, w61, " & _ "w70, w71, " & _ "w80, w81, " & _ "w90, w91 " & _ "from input " & _ "union all " & _ "select " & _ "(fixed+1)||','|| " & _ "name||','|| " & _ "( " & _ "(w10&peers0 or w11&peers1) + " & _ "(w20&peers0 or w21&peers1) + " & _ "(w30&peers0 or w31&peers1) + " & _ "(w40&peers0 or w41&peers1) + " & _ "(w50&peers0 or w51&peers1) + " & _ "(w60&peers0 or w61&peers1) + " & _ "(w70&peers0 or w71&peers1) + " & _ "(w80&peers0 or w81&peers1) + " & _ "(w90&peers0 or w91&peers1) " & _ ") ||','|| " & _ "z||','|| " & _ "'', " & _ "fixed+1, " & _ "f1+(z=1), " & _ "f2+(z=2), " & _ "f3+(z=3), " & _ "f4+(z=4), " & _ "f5+(z=5), " & _ "f6+(z=6), " & _ "f7+(z=7), " & _ "f8+(z=8), " & _ "f9+(z=9), " & _ "case z " & _ "when 1 then f1 " & _ "when 2 then f2 " & _ "when 3 then f3 " & _ "when 4 then f4 " & _ "when 5 then f5 " & _ "when 6 then f6 " & _ "when 7 then f7 " & _ "when 8 then f8 " & _ "when 9 then f9 " & _ "end, " & _ "i.i, " & _ "w0+word0, " & _ "w1+word1, " & _ "case when z=1 then w10+word0 else w10 end, " & _ "case when z=1 then w11+word1 else w11 end, " & _ "case when z=2 then w20+word0 else w20 end, " & _ "case when z=2 then w21+word1 else w21 end, " & _ "case when z=3 then w30+word0 else w30 end, " & _ "case when z=3 then w31+word1 else w31 end, " & _ "case when z=4 then w40+word0 else w40 end, " & _ "case when z=4 then w41+word1 else w41 end, " & _ "case when z=5 then w50+word0 else w50 end, " & _ "case when z=5 then w51+word1 else w51 end, " & _ "case when z=6 then w60+word0 else w60 end, " & _ "case when z=6 then w61+word1 else w61 end, " & _ "case when z=7 then w70+word0 else w70 end, " & _ "case when z=7 then w71+word1 else w71 end, " & _ "case when z=8 then w80+word0 else w80 end, " & _ "case when z=8 then w81+word1 else w81 end, " & _ "case when z=9 then w90+word0 else w90 end, " & _ "case when z=9 then w91+word1 else w91 end " & _ "from sudoku " & _ "join i " & _ "on i = ifnull ( " & _ "( " & _ "select i " & _ "from i " & _ "where i > i0 " & _ "and not (word0&w0 or word1&w1) " & _ "and ( " & _ "(w10&peers0 or w11&peers1) + " & _ "(w20&peers0 or w21&peers1) + " & _ "(w30&peers0 or w31&peers1) + " & _ "(w40&peers0 or w41&peers1) + " & _ "(w50&peers0 or w51&peers1) + " & _ "(w60&peers0 or w61&peers1) + " & _ "(w70&peers0 or w71&peers1) + " & _ "(w80&peers0 or w81&peers1) + " & _ "(w90&peers0 or w91&peers1) " & _ ") = 8 " & _ "limit 1 " & _ ") " & _ ", " & _ "( " & _ "select i " & _ "from ( " & _ "select i, " & _ "max ( " & _ "(w10&peers0 or w11&peers1) + " & _ "(w20&peers0 or w21&peers1) + " & _ "(w30&peers0 or w31&peers1) + " & _ "(w40&peers0 or w41&peers1) + " & _ "(w50&peers0 or w51&peers1) + " & _ "(w60&peers0 or w61&peers1) + " & _ "(w70&peers0 or w71&peers1) + " & _ "(w80&peers0 or w81&peers1) + " & _ "(w90&peers0 or w91&peers1) " & _ ") as maxfixed " & _ "from i " & _ "where not (word0&w0 or word1&w1) " & _ ") " & _ "where maxfixed is not null " & _ ")) " & _ "join z " & _ "on " & _ "case z " & _ "when 1 then not (w10&peers0 or w11&peers1) " & _ "when 2 then not (w20&peers0 or w21&peers1) " & _ "when 3 then not (w30&peers0 or w31&peers1) " & _ "when 4 then not (w40&peers0 or w41&peers1) " & _ "when 5 then not (w50&peers0 or w51&peers1) " & _ "when 6 then not (w60&peers0 or w61&peers1) " & _ "when 7 then not (w70&peers0 or w71&peers1) " & _ "when 8 then not (w80&peers0 or w81&peers1) " & _ "when 9 then not (w90&peers0 or w91&peers1) " & _ "end " & _ "order by fixed desc, " & _ "zfixed desc " & _ ") " & _ ", " & _ "output as ( " & _ "select * " & _ "from ( " & _ "select 1 as i, " & _ "w10, w11, " & _ "w20, w21, " & _ "w30, w31, " & _ "w40, w41, " & _ "w50, w51, " & _ "w60, w61, " & _ "w70, w71, " & _ "w80, w81, " & _ "w90, w91, " & _ "'' as sud " & _ "from sudoku " & _ "where fixed = 81 limit 1 " & _ ") " & _ "union all " & _ "select nullif (output.i + 1, 82), " & _ "w10, w11, " & _ "w20, w21, " & _ "w30, w31, " & _ "w40, w41, " & _ "w50, w51, " & _ "w60, w61, " & _ "w70, w71, " & _ "w80, w81, " & _ "w90, w91, " & _ "sud || replace (cast ( " & _ "case 1 " & _ "when w10&word0 OR w11&word1 then 1 " & _ "when w20&word0 OR w21&word1 then 2 " & _ "when w30&word0 OR w31&word1 then 3 " & _ "when w40&word0 OR w41&word1 then 4 " & _ "when w50&word0 OR w51&word1 then 5 " & _ "when w60&word0 OR w61&word1 then 6 " & _ "when w70&word0 OR w71&word1 then 7 " & _ "when w80&word0 OR w81&word1 then 8 " & _ "when w90&word0 OR w91&word1 then 9 " & _ "else 0 " & _ "end " & _ "as char), '0', '.') " & _ "from output " & _ "join i on i.i = output.i " & _ ") " & _ ", " & _ "result as (select sud s from input union all select sud from output WHERE i is null) " & _ "SELECT " & _ "'┏━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┓' || x'0d0a' || " & _ "'┃' || substr(s, 1,1) || '│' || substr(s, 2,1) || '│' || substr(s, 3,1) || '┃' || " & _ "substr(s, 4,1) || '│' || substr(s, 5,1) || '│' || substr(s, 6,1) || '┃' || " & _ "substr(s, 7,1) || '│' || substr(s, 8,1) || '│' || substr(s, 9,1) || '┃' || x'0d0a' || " & _ "'┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨' || x'0d0a' || " & _ "'┃' || substr(s,10,1) || '│' || substr(s,11,1) || '│' || substr(s,12,1) || '┃' || " & _ "substr(s,13,1) || '│' || substr(s,14,1) || '│' || substr(s,15,1) || '┃' || " & _ "substr(s,16,1) || '│' || substr(s,17,1) || '│' || substr(s,18,1) || '┃' || x'0d0a' || " & _ "'┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨' || x'0d0a' || " & _ "'┃' || substr(s,19,1) || '│' || substr(s,20,1) || '│' || substr(s,21,1) || '┃' || " & _ "substr(s,22,1) || '│' || substr(s,23,1) || '│' || substr(s,24,1) || '┃' || " & _ "substr(s,25,1) || '│' || substr(s,26,1) || '│' || substr(s,27,1) || '┃' || x'0d0a' || " & _ "'┣━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━┫' || x'0d0a' || " & _ "'┃' || substr(s,28,1) || '│' || substr(s,29,1) || '│' || substr(s,30,1) || '┃' || " & _ "substr(s,31,1) || '│' || substr(s,32,1) || '│' || substr(s,33,1) || '┃' || " & _ "substr(s,34,1) || '│' || substr(s,35,1) || '│' || substr(s,36,1) || '┃' || x'0d0a' || " & _ "'┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨' || x'0d0a' || " & _ "'┃' || substr(s,37,1) || '│' || substr(s,38,1) || '│' || substr(s,39,1) || '┃' || " & _ "substr(s,40,1) || '│' || substr(s,41,1) || '│' || substr(s,42,1) || '┃' || " & _ "substr(s,43,1) || '│' || substr(s,44,1) || '│' || substr(s,45,1) || '┃' || x'0d0a' || " & _ "'┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨' || x'0d0a' || " & _ "'┃' || substr(s,46,1) || '│' || substr(s,47,1) || '│' || substr(s,48,1) || '┃' || " & _ "substr(s,49,1) || '│' || substr(s,50,1) || '│' || substr(s,51,1) || '┃' || " & _ "substr(s,52,1) || '│' || substr(s,53,1) || '│' || substr(s,54,1) || '┃' || x'0d0a' || " & _ "'┣━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━┫' || x'0d0a' || " & _ "'┃' || substr(s,55,1) || '│' || substr(s,56,1) || '│' || substr(s,57,1) || '┃' || " & _ "substr(s,58,1) || '│' || substr(s,59,1) || '│' || substr(s,60,1) || '┃' || " & _ "substr(s,61,1) || '│' || substr(s,62,1) || '│' || substr(s,63,1) || '┃' || x'0d0a' || " & _ "'┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨' || x'0d0a' || " & _ "'┃' || substr(s,64,1) || '│' || substr(s,65,1) || '│' || substr(s,66,1) || '┃' || " & _ "substr(s,67,1) || '│' || substr(s,68,1) || '│' || substr(s,69,1) || '┃' || " & _ "substr(s,70,1) || '│' || substr(s,71,1) || '│' || substr(s,72,1) || '┃' || x'0d0a' || " & _ "'┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨' || x'0d0a' || " & _ "'┃' || substr(s,73,1) || '│' || substr(s,74,1) || '│' || substr(s,75,1) || '┃' || " & _ "substr(s,76,1) || '│' || substr(s,77,1) || '│' || substr(s,78,1) || '┃' || " & _ "substr(s,79,1) || '│' || substr(s,80,1) || '│' || substr(s,81,1) || '┃' || x'0d0a' || " & _ "'┗━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┛'" & _ "FROM result;" Local $aRows, $iRows, $iCols Local $sProblem, $tTimer = TimerInit(), $sAll = "" For $n = 0 To UBound($aSudokus) - 1 $tTimer = TimerInit() $sProblem = StringReplace($sInsaneSolver, "#####", $aSudokus[$n][0]) _SQLite_GetTable($hDB, $sProblem, $aRows,$iRows, $iCols) _ConsoleWrite($aSudokus[$n][0] & " problem" & @CRLF & $aRows[2] & @CRLF & @CRLF) _ConsoleWrite($aSudokus[$n][0] & " solution" & @CRLF & $aRows[3] & @CRLF & Round(TimerDiff($tTimer) / 1000 , 3) & " sec. to solve" & @CRLF & @CRLF) Next ClipPut($sAll) ; to paste on notepad Func _ConsoleWrite($s) $sAll &= $s ConsoleWrite(BinaryToString(StringToBinary($s, 4), 1)) EndFunc Edited January 6, 2018 by argumentum show the code, v2 Follow the link to my code contribution ( and other things too ). 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farouk12 Posted January 6, 2018 Posted January 6, 2018 (edited) 2 hours ago, argumentum said: well, it takes forever ( 307 sec. ) to solve "Hardest" from the OP =/ PS: tweaked your code to speed up the process ( you had too many GUI updates ) tho, it would be nice to integrate the @jchd sqlite way to your GUI Well its not mine i got it from topic here (I dont know the link / Author). And thanks for the edit, now its good as example. I found out that back tracking is more effective in some situations, rather than the sql way.(Big deference) Edited January 6, 2018 by farouk12 argumentum 1
argumentum Posted January 6, 2018 Posted January 6, 2018 and since I can not let go of my obsessive nature, here is a broader comparison of the two systems, from an AutoIt execution time viewpoint :Edzard Pasma's expandcollapse popupFrom TOP 95: # 1 took 0.022 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 2 took 0.061 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 3 took 0.054 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 4 took 2.86 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 5 took 1.936 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 6 took 8.716 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 7 took 2.705 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 8 took 0.72 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 9 took 2.106 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 10 took 4.136 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 11 took 0.547 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 12 took 0.123 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 13 took 0.166 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 14 took 1.009 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 15 took 0.161 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 16 took 0.536 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 17 took 0.038 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 18 took 1.947 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 19 took 0.031 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 20 took 0.017 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 21 took 4.631 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 22 took 0.048 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 23 took 0.09 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 24 took 0.099 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 25 took 0.142 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 26 took 0.287 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 27 took 0.217 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 28 took 5.642 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 29 took 0.03 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 30 took 0.202 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 31 took 0.044 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 32 took 0.021 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 33 took 0.013 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 34 took 3.036 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 35 took 0.266 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 36 took 0.061 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 37 took 0.113 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 38 took 0.01 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 39 took 0.352 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 40 took 0.027 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 41 took 4.337 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 42 took 0.42 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 43 took 0.222 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 44 took 0.099 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 45 took 0.073 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 46 took 3.182 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 47 took 0.217 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 48 took 0.059 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 49 took 0.221 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 50 took 0.422 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 51 took 0.014 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 52 took 0.104 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 53 took 0.095 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 54 took 0.013 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 55 took 0.061 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 56 took 0.021 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 57 took 0.315 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 58 took 0.063 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 59 took 0.051 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 60 took 0.013 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 61 took 0.187 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 62 took 0.07 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 63 took 0.056 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 64 took 0.252 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 65 took 0.006 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 66 took 0.222 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 67 took 0.193 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 68 took 0.164 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 69 took 0.056 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 70 took 0.069 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 71 took 2.819 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 72 took 0.024 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 73 took 0.044 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 74 took 0.174 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 75 took 0.043 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 76 took 0.242 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 77 took 0.079 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 78 took 0.036 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 79 took 0.25 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 80 took 0.027 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 81 took 0.086 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 82 took 0.04 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 83 took 0.201 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 84 took 0.054 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 85 took 0.015 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 86 took 0.021 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 87 took 0.11 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 88 took 0.009 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 89 took 0.135 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 90 took 0.077 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 91 took 0.02 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 92 took 0.011 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 93 took 0.035 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 94 took 0.015 sec. to solve From TOP 95: # 95 took 0.189 sec. to solve Spoiler expandcollapse popup;;; #include <SQLite.au3> ;~ #include <SQLite.dll.au3> ; download the most recent suitable DLL once and comment this out Local $hDB Local $aSudokus[7][2] = [ _ ["Easy", "53..7....6..195....98....6.8...6...34..8.3..17...2...6.6....28....419..5....8..79"], _ ["Sqlite", "1....7.9..3..2...8..96..5....53..9...1..8...26....4...3......1..4......7..7...3.."], _ ["Hard", ".....6....59.....82....8....45........3........6..3.54...325..6.................."], _ ["Hola", "4.2....3.1..6.5.299.....1......42...."], _ ["Hardest", "8..........36......7..9.2...5...7.......457.....1...3...1....68..85...1..9....4.."], _ ["EasterMonster", "1.......2.9.4...5...6...7...5.9.3.......7.......85..4.7.....6...3...9.8...2.....1"], _ ["Post #16 ", ".61..7..3.92..3..............853..........5.45....8....4......1...16.8..6........"]] GenArray() ; do away with the original array and replace with this sample If Not _SQLite_Startup() Then Exit 2 ConsoleWrite("_SQLite_LibVersion=" & _SQLite_LibVersion() & @CRLF) $hDB = _SQLite_Open() If Not $hDB Then Exit 3 Local $sTempCreate = "" & _ "create temporary table i (" & _ "i integer primary key, " & _ "name char, " & _ "word0, " & _ "word1, " & _ "peers0, " & _ "peers1)" & _ ";" & _ "insert into i " & _ "select i, " & _ "char(65+y)||(x+1) as name, " & _ "case when iword=0 then 1<<ibit else 0 end AS word0, " & _ "case when iword=1 then 1<<ibit else 0 end AS word1, " & _ "CASE WHEN iword=0 THEN (512-1)<<(y*9) ELSE 0 END | " & _ "((1+512*(1+512*(1+512*(1+512*(1+512)))))<<x) | " & _ "CASE WHEN iword=0 THEN ((8-1)*(1+512*(1+512)))<<(y/3*3*9+x/3*3) ELSE 0 END AS peers0, " & _ "CASE WHEN iword=1 THEN (512-1)<<((y%6)*9) ELSE 0 END | " & _ "((1 + 512 * (1 + 512)) << x) | " & _ "CASE WHEN iword=1 THEN ((8-1)*(1+512*(1+512)))<<((y%6)/3*3*9+x/3*3) ELSE 0 END AS peers1 " & _ "from (" & _ "with xy AS (SELECT 0 AS xy UNION ALL SELECT xy+1 FROM xy WHERE xy < 80) " & _ "select xy+1 AS i, " & _ "xy%9 AS x, " & _ "xy/9 AS y, " & _ "xy/54 AS iword, " & _ "xy%54 AS ibit " & _ "from xy" & _ ")" & _ ";" If $SQLITE_OK <> _SQLite_Exec($hDB, $sTempCreate) Then ConsoleWrite(@LF & "! your version of sqlite.dll is too old !" & @LF & @LF) Exit 4 EndIf Local $aRows, $iRows, $iCols Local $sProblem, $tTimer = TimerInit(), $sAll = "" For $n = 0 To UBound($aSudokus) - 1 $tTimer = TimerInit() $sProblem = InsaneSolver($aSudokus[$n][0], $aSudokus[$n][1]) ; StringReplace($sInsaneSolver, "#####", $aSudokus[$n][0]) _SQLite_GetTable($hDB, $sProblem, $aRows, $iRows, $iCols) ;~ _ConsoleWrite($aSudokus[$n][0] & " problem" & @CRLF & $aRows[2] & @CRLF & @CRLF) ;~ _ConsoleWrite($aSudokus[$n][0] & " solution" & @CRLF & $aRows[3] & @CRLF ) _ConsoleWrite($aSudokus[$n][0] & " took " & Round(TimerDiff($tTimer) / 1000, 3) & " sec. to solve" & @CRLF) Next ClipPut($sAll) ; to paste on notepad Func _ConsoleWrite($s) $sAll &= $s ConsoleWrite(BinaryToString(StringToBinary($s, 4), 1)) EndFunc ;==>_ConsoleWrite Func InsaneSolver($desc, $sudoku) Local $sInsaneSolver = "" & _ "with z AS (SELECT 1 AS z UNION ALL SELECT z+1 FROM z WHERE z < 9), " & _ "input as (" & _ "select input, " & _ "sud, " & _ "ifnull (sum (word0), 0) as w0, " & _ "ifnull (sum (word1), 0) as w1, " & _ "ifnull (sum (case when z=1 then word0 end), 0) as w10, " & _ "ifnull (sum (case when z=1 then word1 end), 0) as w11, " & _ "ifnull (sum (case when z=2 then word0 end), 0) as w20, " & _ "ifnull (sum (case when z=2 then word1 end), 0) as w21, " & _ "ifnull (sum (case when z=3 then word0 end), 0) as w30, " & _ "ifnull (sum (case when z=3 then word1 end), 0) as w31, " & _ "ifnull (sum (case when z=4 then word0 end), 0) as w40, " & _ "ifnull (sum (case when z=4 then word1 end), 0) as w41, " & _ "ifnull (sum (case when z=5 then word0 end), 0) as w50, " & _ "ifnull (sum (case when z=5 then word1 end), 0) as w51, " & _ "ifnull (sum (case when z=6 then word0 end), 0) as w60, " & _ "ifnull (sum (case when z=6 then word1 end), 0) as w61, " & _ "ifnull (sum (case when z=7 then word0 end), 0) as w70, " & _ "ifnull (sum (case when z=7 then word1 end), 0) as w71, " & _ "ifnull (sum (case when z=8 then word0 end), 0) as w80, " & _ "ifnull (sum (case when z=8 then word1 end), 0) as w81, " & _ "ifnull (sum (case when z=9 then word0 end), 0) as w90, " & _ "ifnull (sum (case when z=9 then word1 end), 0) as w91, " & _ "count (*) as fixed, " & _ "ifnull (sum (z=1), 0) as f1, " & _ "ifnull (sum (z=2), 0) as f2, " & _ "ifnull (sum (z=3), 0) as f3, " & _ "ifnull (sum (z=4), 0) as f4, " & _ "ifnull (sum (z=5), 0) as f5, " & _ "ifnull (sum (z=6), 0) as f6, " & _ "ifnull (sum (z=7), 0) as f7, " & _ "ifnull (sum (z=8), 0) as f8, " & _ "ifnull (sum (z=9), 0) as f9 " & _ "from ( " & _ "select '" & $desc & "' as input, " & _ "'" & $sudoku & "' as sud " & _ ") " & _ "join i " & _ "join z on z = cast (substr (sud, i.i, 1) as int) " & _ "where input='" & $desc & "' " & _ ") " & _ ", " & _ "sudoku as (" & _ "select " & _ "'' as text, " & _ "fixed, " & _ "f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9, " & _ "0 as zfixed, " & _ "0 as i0, " & _ "w0, w1, " & _ "w10, w11, " & _ "w20, w21, " & _ "w30, w31, " & _ "w40, w41, " & _ "w50, w51, " & _ "w60, w61, " & _ "w70, w71, " & _ "w80, w81, " & _ "w90, w91 " & _ "from input " & _ "union all " & _ "select " & _ "(fixed+1)||','|| " & _ "name||','|| " & _ "( " & _ "(w10&peers0 or w11&peers1) + " & _ "(w20&peers0 or w21&peers1) + " & _ "(w30&peers0 or w31&peers1) + " & _ "(w40&peers0 or w41&peers1) + " & _ "(w50&peers0 or w51&peers1) + " & _ "(w60&peers0 or w61&peers1) + " & _ "(w70&peers0 or w71&peers1) + " & _ "(w80&peers0 or w81&peers1) + " & _ "(w90&peers0 or w91&peers1) " & _ ") ||','|| " & _ "z||','|| " & _ "'', " & _ "fixed+1, " & _ "f1+(z=1), " & _ "f2+(z=2), " & _ "f3+(z=3), " & _ "f4+(z=4), " & _ "f5+(z=5), " & _ "f6+(z=6), " & _ "f7+(z=7), " & _ "f8+(z=8), " & _ "f9+(z=9), " & _ "case z " & _ "when 1 then f1 " & _ "when 2 then f2 " & _ "when 3 then f3 " & _ "when 4 then f4 " & _ "when 5 then f5 " & _ "when 6 then f6 " & _ "when 7 then f7 " & _ "when 8 then f8 " & _ "when 9 then f9 " & _ "end, " & _ "i.i, " & _ "w0+word0, " & _ "w1+word1, " & _ "case when z=1 then w10+word0 else w10 end, " & _ "case when z=1 then w11+word1 else w11 end, " & _ "case when z=2 then w20+word0 else w20 end, " & _ "case when z=2 then w21+word1 else w21 end, " & _ "case when z=3 then w30+word0 else w30 end, " & _ "case when z=3 then w31+word1 else w31 end, " & _ "case when z=4 then w40+word0 else w40 end, " & _ "case when z=4 then w41+word1 else w41 end, " & _ "case when z=5 then w50+word0 else w50 end, " & _ "case when z=5 then w51+word1 else w51 end, " & _ "case when z=6 then w60+word0 else w60 end, " & _ "case when z=6 then w61+word1 else w61 end, " & _ "case when z=7 then w70+word0 else w70 end, " & _ "case when z=7 then w71+word1 else w71 end, " & _ "case when z=8 then w80+word0 else w80 end, " & _ "case when z=8 then w81+word1 else w81 end, " & _ "case when z=9 then w90+word0 else w90 end, " & _ "case when z=9 then w91+word1 else w91 end " & _ "from sudoku " & _ "join i " & _ "on i = ifnull ( " & _ "( " & _ "select i " & _ "from i " & _ "where i > i0 " & _ "and not (word0&w0 or word1&w1) " & _ "and ( " & _ "(w10&peers0 or w11&peers1) + " & _ "(w20&peers0 or w21&peers1) + " & _ "(w30&peers0 or w31&peers1) + " & _ "(w40&peers0 or w41&peers1) + " & _ "(w50&peers0 or w51&peers1) + " & _ "(w60&peers0 or w61&peers1) + " & _ "(w70&peers0 or w71&peers1) + " & _ "(w80&peers0 or w81&peers1) + " & _ "(w90&peers0 or w91&peers1) " & _ ") = 8 " & _ "limit 1 " & _ ") " & _ ", " & _ "( " & _ "select i " & _ "from ( " & _ "select i, " & _ "max ( " & _ "(w10&peers0 or w11&peers1) + " & _ "(w20&peers0 or w21&peers1) + " & _ "(w30&peers0 or w31&peers1) + " & _ "(w40&peers0 or w41&peers1) + " & _ "(w50&peers0 or w51&peers1) + " & _ "(w60&peers0 or w61&peers1) + " & _ "(w70&peers0 or w71&peers1) + " & _ "(w80&peers0 or w81&peers1) + " & _ "(w90&peers0 or w91&peers1) " & _ ") as maxfixed " & _ "from i " & _ "where not (word0&w0 or word1&w1) " & _ ") " & _ "where maxfixed is not null " & _ ")) " & _ "join z " & _ "on " & _ "case z " & _ "when 1 then not (w10&peers0 or w11&peers1) " & _ "when 2 then not (w20&peers0 or w21&peers1) " & _ "when 3 then not (w30&peers0 or w31&peers1) " & _ "when 4 then not (w40&peers0 or w41&peers1) " & _ "when 5 then not (w50&peers0 or w51&peers1) " & _ "when 6 then not (w60&peers0 or w61&peers1) " & _ "when 7 then not (w70&peers0 or w71&peers1) " & _ "when 8 then not (w80&peers0 or w81&peers1) " & _ "when 9 then not (w90&peers0 or w91&peers1) " & _ "end " & _ "order by fixed desc, " & _ "zfixed desc " & _ ") " & _ ", " & _ "output as ( " & _ "select * " & _ "from ( " & _ "select 1 as i, " & _ "w10, w11, " & _ "w20, w21, " & _ "w30, w31, " & _ "w40, w41, " & _ "w50, w51, " & _ "w60, w61, " & _ "w70, w71, " & _ "w80, w81, " & _ "w90, w91, " & _ "'' as sud " & _ "from sudoku " & _ "where fixed = 81 limit 1 " & _ ") " & _ "union all " & _ "select nullif (output.i + 1, 82), " & _ "w10, w11, " & _ "w20, w21, " & _ "w30, w31, " & _ "w40, w41, " & _ "w50, w51, " & _ "w60, w61, " & _ "w70, w71, " & _ "w80, w81, " & _ "w90, w91, " & _ "sud || replace (cast ( " & _ "case 1 " & _ "when w10&word0 OR w11&word1 then 1 " & _ "when w20&word0 OR w21&word1 then 2 " & _ "when w30&word0 OR w31&word1 then 3 " & _ "when w40&word0 OR w41&word1 then 4 " & _ "when w50&word0 OR w51&word1 then 5 " & _ "when w60&word0 OR w61&word1 then 6 " & _ "when w70&word0 OR w71&word1 then 7 " & _ "when w80&word0 OR w81&word1 then 8 " & _ "when w90&word0 OR w91&word1 then 9 " & _ "else 0 " & _ "end " & _ "as char), '0', '.') " & _ "from output " & _ "join i on i.i = output.i " & _ ") " & _ ", " & _ "result as (select sud s from input union all select sud from output WHERE i is null) " & _ "SELECT " & _ "'┏━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┳━┯━┯━┓' || x'0d0a' || " & _ "'┃' || substr(s, 1,1) || '│' || substr(s, 2,1) || '│' || substr(s, 3,1) || '┃' || " & _ "substr(s, 4,1) || '│' || substr(s, 5,1) || '│' || substr(s, 6,1) || '┃' || " & _ "substr(s, 7,1) || '│' || substr(s, 8,1) || '│' || substr(s, 9,1) || '┃' || x'0d0a' || " & _ "'┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨' || x'0d0a' || " & _ "'┃' || substr(s,10,1) || '│' || substr(s,11,1) || '│' || substr(s,12,1) || '┃' || " & _ "substr(s,13,1) || '│' || substr(s,14,1) || '│' || substr(s,15,1) || '┃' || " & _ "substr(s,16,1) || '│' || substr(s,17,1) || '│' || substr(s,18,1) || '┃' || x'0d0a' || " & _ "'┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨' || x'0d0a' || " & _ "'┃' || substr(s,19,1) || '│' || substr(s,20,1) || '│' || substr(s,21,1) || '┃' || " & _ "substr(s,22,1) || '│' || substr(s,23,1) || '│' || substr(s,24,1) || '┃' || " & _ "substr(s,25,1) || '│' || substr(s,26,1) || '│' || substr(s,27,1) || '┃' || x'0d0a' || " & _ "'┣━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━┫' || x'0d0a' || " & _ "'┃' || substr(s,28,1) || '│' || substr(s,29,1) || '│' || substr(s,30,1) || '┃' || " & _ "substr(s,31,1) || '│' || substr(s,32,1) || '│' || substr(s,33,1) || '┃' || " & _ "substr(s,34,1) || '│' || substr(s,35,1) || '│' || substr(s,36,1) || '┃' || x'0d0a' || " & _ "'┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨' || x'0d0a' || " & _ "'┃' || substr(s,37,1) || '│' || substr(s,38,1) || '│' || substr(s,39,1) || '┃' || " & _ "substr(s,40,1) || '│' || substr(s,41,1) || '│' || substr(s,42,1) || '┃' || " & _ "substr(s,43,1) || '│' || substr(s,44,1) || '│' || substr(s,45,1) || '┃' || x'0d0a' || " & _ "'┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨' || x'0d0a' || " & _ "'┃' || substr(s,46,1) || '│' || substr(s,47,1) || '│' || substr(s,48,1) || '┃' || " & _ "substr(s,49,1) || '│' || substr(s,50,1) || '│' || substr(s,51,1) || '┃' || " & _ "substr(s,52,1) || '│' || substr(s,53,1) || '│' || substr(s,54,1) || '┃' || x'0d0a' || " & _ "'┣━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━╋━┿━┿━┫' || x'0d0a' || " & _ "'┃' || substr(s,55,1) || '│' || substr(s,56,1) || '│' || substr(s,57,1) || '┃' || " & _ "substr(s,58,1) || '│' || substr(s,59,1) || '│' || substr(s,60,1) || '┃' || " & _ "substr(s,61,1) || '│' || substr(s,62,1) || '│' || substr(s,63,1) || '┃' || x'0d0a' || " & _ "'┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨' || x'0d0a' || " & _ "'┃' || substr(s,64,1) || '│' || substr(s,65,1) || '│' || substr(s,66,1) || '┃' || " & _ "substr(s,67,1) || '│' || substr(s,68,1) || '│' || substr(s,69,1) || '┃' || " & _ "substr(s,70,1) || '│' || substr(s,71,1) || '│' || substr(s,72,1) || '┃' || x'0d0a' || " & _ "'┠┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄╂┄┼┄┼┄┨' || x'0d0a' || " & _ "'┃' || substr(s,73,1) || '│' || substr(s,74,1) || '│' || substr(s,75,1) || '┃' || " & _ "substr(s,76,1) || '│' || substr(s,77,1) || '│' || substr(s,78,1) || '┃' || " & _ "substr(s,79,1) || '│' || substr(s,80,1) || '│' || substr(s,81,1) || '┃' || x'0d0a' || " & _ "'┗━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┻━┷━┷━┛'" & _ "FROM result;" Return $sInsaneSolver EndFunc ;==>InsaneSolver Func GenArray() ; this list is from ponying to the top 95 hardest ( ) Local $s = "" $s &= ",4.....8.5.3..........7......2.....6.....8.4......1......." $s &= ",52...6.........7.13...........4..8..6......5...........418.........3..2...87....." $s &= ",6....." $s &= ",48.3............71.2.......7.5....6....2..8.............1.76...3.....4......5...." $s &= ",....14....3....2...7..........9...3.6.1.............8.2.....1.4....5.6.....7.8..." $s &= ",......52..8.4......3...9...5.1...6..2..7........3.....6...1..........7.4.......3." $s &= ",6.2.5.........3.4..........43...8....1....2........7..5..27...........81...6....." $s &= ",.524.........7.1..............8.2...3.....6...9.5.....1.6.3...........897........" $s &= ",6.2.5.........4.3..........43...8....1....2........7..5..27...........81...6....." $s &= ",.923.........8.1...........1.7.4...........658.........6.5.2...4.....7.....9....." $s &= ",6..3.2....5.....1..........7.26............543.........8.15........4.2........7.." $s &= ",." $s &= ",..5...987.4..5...1..7......2...48....9.1.....6..2.....3..6..2.......9.7.......5.." $s &= ",3.6.7...........518.........1.4.5...7.....6.....2......2.....4.....8.3.....5....." $s &= ",1....." $s &= ",6..3.2....4.....1..........7.26............543.........8.15........4.2........7.." $s &= ",....3..9....2....1.5.9.............." $s &= ",45.....3....8.1....9...........5..9.2..7.....8.........1..4..........7.2...6..8.." $s &= ",.237....68...6.59.9.....7......" $s &= ",..84...3....3.....9....157479...8........7..514.....2...9.6...2.5....4......9..56" $s &= ",.98.1....2......6.............3.2.5..84.........6.........4.8.93..5...........1.." $s &= ",..247..58..............1.4.....2...9528.9.4....9...1.........3.3....75..685..2..." $s &= ",4.....8.5.3..........7......2.....6.....5.4......1......." $s &= ",.2.3......63.....58.......15....9.3....7........1....8.879..26......6.7...6..7..4" $s &= ",1.....7.9.4...72..8.........7..1..6.3.......5.6..4..2.........8..53...7.7.2....46" $s &= ",4.....3.....8.2......7........1...8734.......6........5...6........1.4...82......" $s &= ",.......71.2.8........4.3...7...6..5....2..3..9........6...7.....8....4......5...." $s &= ",6..3.2....4.....8..........7.26............543.........8.15........8.2........7.." $s &= ",.47.8...1............6..7..6....357......5....1..6....28..4.....9.1...4.....2.69." $s &= ",......8.17..2........5.6......7...5..1....3...8.......5......2..4..8....6...3...." $s &= ",38.6.......9.......2..3.51......5....3..1..6....4......17.5..8.......9.......7.32" $s &= ",...5...........5.697.....2...48.2...25.1...3..8..3.........4.7..13.5..9..2...31.." $s &= ",.2.......3.5.62..9.68...3...5..........64.8.2..47..9....3.....1.....6...17.43...." $s &= ",.8..4....3......1........2...5...4.69..1..8..2...........3.9....6....5.....2....." $s &= ",..8.9.1...6.5...2......6...." $s &= ",4.....5.8.3..........7......2.....6.....5.8......1......." $s &= ",1....." $s &= ",1....6.8..64..........4...7....9.6...7.4..5..5...7.1...5....32.3....8...4........" $s &= ",249.6...3.3....2..8.......5.....6......2......1..4.82..9.5..7....4.....1.7...3..." $s &= ",...8....9.873...4.6..7.......85..97...........43..75.......3....3...145.4....2..1" $s &= ",...5.1....9....8...6.......4.1..........7..9........3.8.....1.5...2..4.....36...." $s &= ",......8.16..2........7.5......6...2..1....3...8.......2......7..3..8....5...4...." $s &= ",.476...5.8.3.....2.....9......8.5..6...1.....6.24......78...51...6....4..9...4..7" $s &= ",.....7.95.....1...86..2.....2..73..85......6...3..49..3.5...41724................" $s &= ",.4.5.....8...9..3..76.2.....146..........9..7.....36....1..4.5..6......3..71..2.." $s &= ",.834.........7..5...........4.1.8..........27...3.....2.6.5....5.....8........1.." $s &= ",..9.....3.....9...7.....5.6..65..4.....3......28......3..75.6..6...........12.3.8" $s &= ",.26.39......6....19.....7.......4..9.5....2....85.....3..2..9..4....762.........4" $s &= ",2.3.8....8..7...........1...6.5.7...4......3....1............82.5....6...1......." $s &= ",6..3.2....1.....5..........7.26............843.........8.15........8.2........7.." $s &= ",1.....9...64..1.7..7..4.......3.....3.89..5....7....2.....6.7.9.....4.1....129.3." $s &= ",.........9......84.623...5....6...453...1...6...9...7....1.....4.5..2....3.8....9" $s &= ",.2....5938..5..46.94..6...8..2.3.....6..8.73.7..2.........4.38..7....6..........5" $s &= ",9.4..5...25.6..1..31......8.7...9...4..26......147....7.......2...3..8.6.4.....9." $s &= ",...52.....9...3..4......7...1.....4..8..453..6...1...87.2........8....32.4..8..1." $s &= ",53..2.9...24.3..5...9..........1.827...7.........981.............64...." $s &= ",1....786...7..8.1.8..2....9........24...1......9..5...6.8..........5.9.......93.4" $s &= ",....5...11......7..6.....8......4.....9.1.3.....596.2..8..62..7..7......" $s &= ",.47.2....8....1....3....9.2.....5...6..81..5.....4.....7....3.4...9...1.4..27.8.." $s &= ",......94.....9...53....5.7..8.4..1..463...........7.8.8..7.....7......28.5.26...." $s &= ",.2......6....41.....78....1......7....37.....6..412....1..74..5..8.5..7......39.." $s &= ",1....." $s &= ",2....1.9..1..3.7..9..8...2.......85..6.4.........7...3.2.3...6....5.....1.9...2.5" $s &= ",..7..8.....6.2.3...3......9.1..5..6.....1.....7.9....2........4.83..4...26....51." $s &= ",...36....85.......9.4..8........68.........17..9..45...1.5...6.4....9..2.....3..." $s &= ",34.6.......7.......2..8.57......5....7..1..2....4......36.2..1.......9.......7.82" $s &= ",......4.18..2........6.7......8...6..4....3...1.......6......2..5..1....7...3...." $s &= ",.4..5..67...1...4....2.....1..8..3........2...6...........4..5.3.....8..2........" $s &= ",.......4...2..4..1.7..5..9...3..7....4..6....6..1..8...2....1..85.9...6.....8...3" $s &= ",8..7....4.5....6............3.97...8....43..5....2.9....6......2...6...7.71..83.2" $s &= ",.8...4.5....7..3............1..85...6.....2......4....3.26............417........" $s &= ",....7..8...6...5...2...3.61.1...7..2..8..534.2..9.......2......58...6.3.4...1...." $s &= ",......8.16..2........7.5......6...2..1....3...8.......2......7..4..8....5...3...." $s &= ",.2..........6....3.74.8.........3..2.8..4..1.6..5.........1.78.5....9..........4." $s &= ",.52..68.......7.2.......6....48..9..2..41......1.....8..61..38.....9...63..6..1.9" $s &= ",....1.78.5....9..........4..2..........6....3.74.8.........3..2.8..4..1.6..5....." $s &= ",1.......3.6.3..7...7...5..121.7...9...7........8.1..2....8.64....9.2..6....4....." $s &= ",4...7.1....19.46.5.....1......7....2..2.3....847..6....14...8.6.2....3..6...9...." $s &= ",......8.17..2........5.6......7...5..1....3...8.......5......2..3..8....6...4...." $s &= ",963......1....8......2.5....4.8......1....7......3..257......3..." $s &= ",15.3......7..4.2....4.72.....8.........9..1.8.1..8.79......38...........6....7423" $s &= ",..........5724...98....947...9..3...5..9..12...3.1.9...6....25....56.....7......6" $s &= ",....75....1..2.....4...3...5.....3.2...8...1.......6.....1..48.2........7........" $s &= ",6....." $s &= ",....6...4..6.3....1..4..5.77.....8.5...8.....6.8....9...2.9....4....32....97..1.." $s &= ",.32.....58..3.....9.428...1...4...39...6...5.....1.....2...67.8.....4....95....6." $s &= ",...5.3.......6.7..5.8....1636..2.......4.1.......3...567....2.8..4.7.......2..5.." $s &= ",." $s &= ",..5..8..18......9.......78....4.....64....9......53..2.6.........138..5....9.714." $s &= ",..........72.6.1....51...82.8...13..4.........37.9..1.....238..5.4..9.........79." $s &= ",...658.....4......12............96.7...3..5....2.8...3..19..8..3.6.....4....473.." $s &= ",.2.3.......6.." $s &= ",.5..9....1.....6.....3.8.....8.4...9514.......3....2..........4.8...6..77..15..6." $s &= ",.....2.......7...17..3...9.8..7......2.89.6...13..6....9..5.824.....891.........." $s &= ",3...8.......7....51..............36...2..4....7...........6.13..452...........8.." Local $a = StringSplit($s, ",") Local $n, $b[UBound($a) - 2][2] For $n = 0 To UBound($a) - 3 $b[$n][0] = "From TOP 95: # " & $n + 1 $b[$n][1] = $a[$n + 2] Next $aSudokus = $b EndFunc ;==>GenArray and that is a hell of a lot faster than the backtracking algorithm Spoiler expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> Opt("GuiOnEventMode", 1) Global $aSudokusChoice = 0 Global $aSudokus[10][2] = [ _ ["Easy ( average time to solve: 0 sec. )", "53..7....6..195....98....6.8...6...34..8.3..17...2...6.6....28....419..5....8..79"], _ ; 0 in 0 sec. ["Sqlite ( average time to solve: 10 sec. )", "1....7.9..3..2...8..96..5....53..9...1..8...26....4...3......1..4......7..7...3.."], _ ; 1 in 11 sec. ["Hard ( average time to solve: 0 sec. )", ".....6....59.....82....8....45........3........6..3.54...325..6.................."], _ ; 2 in 0 sec. ["Hola ( average time to solve: 0 sec. )", "4.2....3.1..6.5.299.....1......42...."], _ ; 3 in 0 sec. ["Hardest ( average time to solve: 310 sec. )", "8..........36......7..9.2...5...7.......457.....1...3...1....68..85...1..9....4.."], _ ; 4 in 307 sec. ["EasterMonster ( average time to solve: 30 sec. )", "1.......2.9.4...5...6...7...5.9.3.......7.......85..4.7.....6...3...9.8...2.....1"], _ ; 5 in 30 sec. ["Post #16 ( average time to solve: 1 sec. )", ".61..7..3.92..3..............853..........5.45....8....4......1...16.8..6........"], _ ; 6 in 1 sec. ["Evil 2952797052 ", ".8.....73.1...5.....6..49......18..7.5..6..3.3..59......41..2.....7...4.13.....8."], _ ; ["Evil 62282525 ", "47...8........32..1......6..9.12.5....4...1....1.37.2..2......9..69........2...18"], _ ; ["Easy 1798574274 ", ".......72..3.."] _ ; ] GenArray() ; do away with the original array and replace with this sample Global $width = 800, $height = 600 Global $FieldSize = [5, 35, $width - 10, $height - 60] Global $Fields[9][9][4], $Space = 10, $FieldWidth = ($FieldSize[2] - ($Space * UBound($Fields) - 1)) / 9, $FieldHeight = ($FieldSize[3] - ($Space * UBound($Fields, 2) - 1)) / 9, $LabelsW[Int((UBound($Fields)) / 3)], $LabelsH[Int((UBound($Fields, 2)) / 3)] Global $Solved = False, $solving = False $Gui = GUICreate("SudokuSolver", $width, $height) Global $NewButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("New Sudoku: " & $aSudokus[$aSudokusChoice][0], 5, 5, $width - 10, 25) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_newSudokuChoose") Global $idSudokusDummy = GUICtrlCreateDummy() Global $idSudokusContext = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($idSudokusDummy) For $n = 0 To UBound($aSudokus) - 1 GUICtrlCreateMenuItem($aSudokus[$n][0], $idSudokusContext) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_newSudokuChoice") Next $SolveButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Solve Sudoku", 5, $height - 30, $width - 10, 25) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_buttonSolveSodoku") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $Gui) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "_close") GUIRegisterMsg($WM_COMMAND, "MY_WM_COMMAND") $dummy = GUICtrlCreateDummy() Global $AccelKeys[1][2] = [["{TAB}", $dummy]] GUICtrlSetOnEvent($dummy, "_TabNext") GUISetAccelerators($AccelKeys, $Gui) Global $SEC = @SEC, $Ttimer = TimerInit() Func _newSudokuChoose() ShowMenu($Gui, $NewButton, $idSudokusContext) EndFunc ;==>_newSudokuChoose Func _newSudokuChoice() ConsoleWrite(GUICtrlRead(@GUI_CtrlId, 1) & @CRLF) For $n = 0 To UBound($aSudokus) - 1 If GUICtrlRead(@GUI_CtrlId, 1) = $aSudokus[$n][0] Then $aSudokusChoice = $n GUICtrlSetData($NewButton, "New Sudoku: " & $aSudokus[$aSudokusChoice][0]) _newSudoku() EndIf Next EndFunc ;==>_newSudokuChoice _newSudoku() While Sleep(10) WEnd Func _newSudoku() ;~ $N = ".61..7..3.92..3..............853..........5.45....8....4......1...16.8..6........" $n = $aSudokus[$aSudokusChoice][1] $n = StringSplit($n, "", 2) $Solved = False For $i = 0 To UBound($Fields) - 1 Step 1 For $j = 0 To UBound($Fields, 2) - 1 Step 1 GUICtrlDelete($Fields[$i][$j][0]) Next Next For $i = 0 To UBound($LabelsW) - 1 Step 1 GUICtrlDelete($LabelsW[$i]) Next For $i = 0 To UBound($LabelsH) - 1 Step 1 GUICtrlDelete($LabelsH[$i]) Next $Nx = 0 For $j = 0 To UBound($Fields, 2) - 1 Step 1 For $i = 0 To UBound($Fields) - 1 Step 1 $Fields[$i][$j][0] = GUICtrlCreateInput("", $FieldSize[0] + ($FieldWidth + $Space) * $i, $FieldSize[1] + ($FieldHeight + $Space) * $j, $FieldWidth, $FieldHeight) If Not ($n[$Nx] = ".") Then GUICtrlSetData(-1, $n[$Nx]) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, $FieldHeight / 2) $Nx += 1 Next Next For $i = 3 To UBound($Fields) - 1 Step 3 $LabelsW[Int($i / 3) - 1] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $FieldSize[0] + $i * $FieldWidth + $i * $Space - $Space, $FieldSize[1], $Space, $FieldHeight * 9 + $Space * 8) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x000000) Next For $i = 3 To UBound($Fields, 2) - 1 Step 3 $LabelsH[Int($i / 3) - 1] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $FieldSize[0], $FieldSize[1] + $i * $FieldHeight + $i * $Space - $Space, $FieldWidth * 9 + $Space * 8, $Space) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x000000) Next EndFunc ;==>_newSudoku Func _buttonSolveSodoku() $Ttimer = TimerInit() GUICtrlSetState($SolveButton, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($NewButton, $GUI_DISABLE) If $Solved Then For $i = 0 To UBound($Fields) - 1 Step 1 For $j = 0 To UBound($Fields, 2) - 1 Step 1 GUICtrlSetData($Fields[$i][$j][0], $Fields[$i][$j][2]) Next Next $Solved = False GUICtrlSetData($SolveButton, "Solve Sudoku") GUICtrlSetState($SolveButton, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($NewButton, $GUI_ENABLE) Else $solving = True For $i = 0 To UBound($Fields) - 1 Step 1 For $j = 0 To UBound($Fields, 2) - 1 Step 1 $Fields[$i][$j][1] = GUICtrlRead($Fields[$i][$j][0]) $Fields[$i][$j][2] = $Fields[$i][$j][1] GUICtrlSetState($Fields[$i][$j][0], $GUI_DISABLE) Next Next $maybePossible = True For $i = 0 To UBound($Fields) - 1 Step 1 For $j = 0 To UBound($Fields, 2) - 1 Step 1 If $Fields[$i][$j][1] <> "" Then $Fields[$i][$j][1] = "" If _check($i, $j, $Fields[$i][$j][2]) Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($Fields[$i][$j][0], 0xFF0000) MsgBox(16, "Error", "Das Sudoku ist nicht lösbar! Sudoku could not be solved!") GUICtrlSetState($SolveButton, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($NewButton, $GUI_ENABLE) $maybePossible = False ExitLoop 2 EndIf $Fields[$i][$j][1] = $Fields[$i][$j][2] EndIf Next Next If $maybePossible Then GUICtrlSetData($SolveButton, "Solving Sudoku...") If Not _solveSudoku(0, 0) Then MsgBox(16, "Error", "Das Sudoku ist nicht lösbar! Sudoku could not be solved!") GUICtrlSetState($SolveButton, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($NewButton, $GUI_ENABLE) For $i = 0 To UBound($Fields) - 1 Step 1 For $j = 0 To UBound($Fields, 2) - 1 Step 1 $Fields[$i][$j][1] = 0 GUICtrlSetData($Fields[$i][$j][0], $Fields[$i][$j][2]) Next Next Else $Solved = True For $i = 0 To UBound($Fields) - 1 Step 1 For $j = 0 To UBound($Fields, 2) - 1 Step 1 ;~ $Fields[$i][$j][1] = 0 If $Fields[$i][$j][3] Then GUICtrlSetData($Fields[$i][$j][0], $Fields[$i][$j][3]) $Fields[$i][$j][3] = "" Next Next GUICtrlSetState($SolveButton, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($NewButton, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetData($SolveButton, "Reset Field - Solved in " & Round(TimerDiff($Ttimer) / 1000, 3) & " sec.") EndIf EndIf For $i = 0 To UBound($Fields) - 1 Step 1 For $j = 0 To UBound($Fields, 2) - 1 Step 1 GUICtrlSetState($Fields[$i][$j][0], $GUI_ENABLE) Next Next $solving = False EndIf EndFunc ;==>_buttonSolveSodoku Func _solveSudoku($l, $r) If $l > UBound($Fields) - 1 Then Return True EndIf If $r > UBound($Fields, 2) - 1 Then Return _solveSudoku($l + 1, 0) EndIf If $Fields[$l][$r][1] > 0 Then Return _solveSudoku($l, $r + 1) EndIf For $i = 1 To UBound($Fields) Step 1 If Not _check($l, $r, $i) Then $Fields[$l][$r][1] = $i ;~ GUICtrlSetData($Fields[$l][$r][0], $i) $Fields[$l][$r][3] = $i If _solveSudoku($l, $r) Then Return True EndIf EndIf Next $Fields[$l][$r][1] = 0 ;~ GUICtrlSetData($Fields[$l][$r][0], 0) $Fields[$l][$r][3] = 0 Return False EndFunc ;==>_solveSudoku Func _check($l, $r, $zahl) If @SEC <> $SEC Then $SEC = @SEC For $i = 0 To UBound($Fields) - 1 Step 1 For $j = 0 To UBound($Fields, 2) - 1 Step 1 ;~ $Fields[$i][$j][1] = 0 If $Fields[$i][$j][3] Then GUICtrlSetData($Fields[$i][$j][0], $Fields[$i][$j][3]) Next Next EndIf If _checkRow($l, $zahl) Then Return True ElseIf _checkCol($r, $zahl) Then Return True ElseIf _checkBox($l, $r, $zahl) Then Return True EndIf Return False EndFunc ;==>_check Func _checkRow($l, $zahl) For $i = 0 To UBound($Fields, 2) - 1 Step 1 If $Fields[$l][$i][1] = $zahl Then Return True EndIf Next Return False EndFunc ;==>_checkRow Func _checkCol($r, $zahl) For $i = 0 To UBound($Fields) - 1 Step 1 If $Fields[$i][$r][1] = $zahl Then Return True EndIf Next Return False EndFunc ;==>_checkCol Func _checkBox($l, $r, $zahl) $BoxL = Int($l / 3) * 3 $BoxR = Int($r / 3) * 3 For $i = $BoxL To $BoxL + 2 Step 1 For $j = $BoxR To $BoxR + 2 Step 1 If $Fields[$i][$j][1] = $zahl Then Return True EndIf Next Next Return False EndFunc ;==>_checkBox Func MY_WM_COMMAND($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) If Not $solving Then Local $nNotifyCode = BitShift($wParam, 16) Local $hCtrl = $lParam If $nNotifyCode = 1024 Or $nNotifyCode = 786 Then For $i = 0 To UBound($Fields) - 1 Step 1 For $j = 0 To UBound($Fields, 2) - 1 Step 1 If $hCtrl = GUICtrlGetHandle($Fields[$i][$j][0]) Then $data = GUICtrlRead($Fields[$i][$j][0]) If StringLen($data) > 1 Then $data = StringMid($data, StringLen($data)) EndIf If Not ($data = "1" Or $data = "2" Or $data = "3" Or $data = "4" Or $data = "5" Or $data = "6" Or $data = "7" Or $data = "8" Or $data = "9") Then $data = "" _selNext($i, $j) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($Fields[$i][$j][0], $data) If $data <> "" Then _selNext($i, $j) EndIf If $data <> "" Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($Fields[$i][$j][0], 0xFFFF00) Else GUICtrlSetBkColor($Fields[$i][$j][0], 0xFFFFFF) EndIf $Solved = False GUICtrlSetData($SolveButton, "Solve Sudoku") EndIf Next Next EndIf EndIf Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG EndFunc ;==>MY_WM_COMMAND Func _selNext($i, $j) $x = $i $y = $j If $x + 1 > UBound($Fields) - 1 And $y + 1 > UBound($Fields, 2) - 1 Then $x = 0 $y = 0 ElseIf $y + 1 > UBound($Fields, 2) Then $x += 1 $y = 0 ElseIf $x + 1 > UBound($Fields) - 1 Then $x = 0 $y += 1 Else $x += 1 EndIf GUICtrlSetState($Fields[$x][$y][0], $GUI_FOCUS) EndFunc ;==>_selNext Func _TabNext() $a = ControlGetFocus("") $handle = ControlGetHandle($Gui, "", $a) For $i = 0 To UBound($Fields) - 1 Step 1 For $j = 0 To UBound($Fields, 2) - 1 Step 1 If GUICtrlGetHandle($Fields[$i][$j][0]) = $handle Then _selNext($i, $j) ExitLoop 2 EndIf Next Next EndFunc ;==>_TabNext Func _close() Exit EndFunc ;==>_close ; Show a menu in a given GUI window which belongs to a given GUI ctrl Func ShowMenu($hWnd, $idCtrl, $idContext) Local $aPos, $x, $y Local $hMenu = GUICtrlGetHandle($idContext) $aPos = ControlGetPos($hWnd, "", $idCtrl) $x = $aPos[0] $y = $aPos[1] + $aPos[3] ClientToScreen($hWnd, $x, $y) TrackPopupMenu($hWnd, $hMenu, $x, $y) EndFunc ;==>ShowMenu ; Convert the client (GUI) coordinates to screen (desktop) coordinates Func ClientToScreen($hWnd, ByRef $x, ByRef $y) Local $tPoint = DllStructCreate("int;int") DllStructSetData($tPoint, 1, $x) DllStructSetData($tPoint, 2, $y) DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "ClientToScreen", "hwnd", $hWnd, "struct*", $tPoint) $x = DllStructGetData($tPoint, 1) $y = DllStructGetData($tPoint, 2) ; release Struct not really needed as it is a local $tPoint = 0 EndFunc ;==>ClientToScreen ; Show at the given coordinates (x, y) the popup menu (hMenu) which belongs to a given GUI window (hWnd) Func TrackPopupMenu($hWnd, $hMenu, $x, $y) DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "TrackPopupMenuEx", "hwnd", $hMenu, "int", 0, "int", $x, "int", $y, "hwnd", $hWnd, "ptr", 0) EndFunc ;==>TrackPopupMenu Func GenArray() ; this list is from ponying to the top 95 hardest ( ) Local $s = "" $s &= ",4.....8.5.3..........7......2.....6.....8.4......1......." $s &= ",52...6.........7.13...........4..8..6......5...........418.........3..2...87....." $s &= ",6....." $s &= ",48.3............71.2.......7.5....6....2..8.............1.76...3.....4......5...." $s &= ",....14....3....2...7..........9...3.6.1.............8.2.....1.4....5.6.....7.8..." $s &= ",......52..8.4......3...9...5.1...6..2..7........3.....6...1..........7.4.......3." $s &= ",6.2.5.........3.4..........43...8....1....2........7..5..27...........81...6....." $s &= ",.524.........7.1..............8.2...3.....6...9.5.....1.6.3...........897........" $s &= ",6.2.5.........4.3..........43...8....1....2........7..5..27...........81...6....." $s &= ",.923.........8.1...........1.7.4...........658.........6.5.2...4.....7.....9....." $s &= ",6..3.2....5.....1..........7.26............543.........8.15........4.2........7.." $s &= ",." $s &= ",..5...987.4..5...1..7......2...48....9.1.....6..2.....3..6..2.......9.7.......5.." $s &= ",3.6.7...........518.........1.4.5...7.....6.....2......2.....4.....8.3.....5....." $s &= ",1....." $s &= ",6..3.2....4.....1..........7.26............543.........8.15........4.2........7.." $s &= ",....3..9....2....1.5.9.............." $s &= ",45.....3....8.1....9...........5..9.2..7.....8.........1..4..........7.2...6..8.." $s &= ",.237....68...6.59.9.....7......" $s &= ",..84...3....3.....9....157479...8........7..514.....2...9.6...2.5....4......9..56" $s &= ",.98.1....2......6.............3.2.5..84.........6.........4.8.93..5...........1.." $s &= ",..247..58..............1.4.....2...9528.9.4....9...1.........3.3....75..685..2..." $s &= ",4.....8.5.3..........7......2.....6.....5.4......1......." $s &= ",.2.3......63.....58.......15....9.3....7........1....8.879..26......6.7...6..7..4" $s &= ",1.....7.9.4...72..8.........7..1..6.3.......5.6..4..2.........8..53...7.7.2....46" $s &= ",4.....3.....8.2......7........1...8734.......6........5...6........1.4...82......" $s &= ",.......71.2.8........4.3...7...6..5....2..3..9........6...7.....8....4......5...." $s &= ",6..3.2....4.....8..........7.26............543.........8.15........8.2........7.." $s &= ",.47.8...1............6..7..6....357......5....1..6....28..4.....9.1...4.....2.69." $s &= ",......8.17..2........5.6......7...5..1....3...8.......5......2..4..8....6...3...." $s &= ",38.6.......9.......2..3.51......5....3..1..6....4......17.5..8.......9.......7.32" $s &= ",...5...........5.697.....2...48.2...25.1...3..8..3.........4.7..13.5..9..2...31.." $s &= ",.2.......3.5.62..9.68...3...5..........64.8.2..47..9....3.....1.....6...17.43...." $s &= ",.8..4....3......1........2...5...4.69..1..8..2...........3.9....6....5.....2....." $s &= ",..8.9.1...6.5...2......6...." $s &= ",4.....5.8.3..........7......2.....6.....5.8......1......." $s &= ",1....." $s &= ",1....6.8..64..........4...7....9.6...7.4..5..5...7.1...5....32.3....8...4........" $s &= ",249.6...3.3....2..8.......5.....6......2......1..4.82..9.5..7....4.....1.7...3..." $s &= ",...8....9.873...4.6..7.......85..97...........43..75.......3....3...145.4....2..1" $s &= ",...5.1....9....8...6.......4.1..........7..9........3.8.....1.5...2..4.....36...." $s &= ",......8.16..2........7.5......6...2..1....3...8.......2......7..3..8....5...4...." $s &= ",.476...5.8.3.....2.....9......8.5..6...1.....6.24......78...51...6....4..9...4..7" $s &= ",.....7.95.....1...86..2.....2..73..85......6...3..49..3.5...41724................" $s &= ",.4.5.....8...9..3..76.2.....146..........9..7.....36....1..4.5..6......3..71..2.." $s &= ",.834.........7..5...........4.1.8..........27...3.....2.6.5....5.....8........1.." $s &= ",..9.....3.....9...7.....5.6..65..4.....3......28......3..75.6..6...........12.3.8" $s &= ",.26.39......6....19.....7.......4..9.5....2....85.....3..2..9..4....762.........4" $s &= ",2.3.8....8..7...........1...6.5.7...4......3....1............82.5....6...1......." $s &= ",6..3.2....1.....5..........7.26............843.........8.15........8.2........7.." $s &= ",1.....9...64..1.7..7..4.......3.....3.89..5....7....2.....6.7.9.....4.1....129.3." $s &= ",.........9......84.623...5....6...453...1...6...9...7....1.....4.5..2....3.8....9" $s &= ",.2....5938..5..46.94..6...8..2.3.....6..8.73.7..2.........4.38..7....6..........5" $s &= ",9.4..5...25.6..1..31......8.7...9...4..26......147....7.......2...3..8.6.4.....9." $s &= ",...52.....9...3..4......7...1.....4..8..453..6...1...87.2........8....32.4..8..1." $s &= ",53..2.9...24.3..5...9..........1.827...7.........981.............64...." $s &= ",1....786...7..8.1.8..2....9........24...1......9..5...6.8..........5.9.......93.4" $s &= ",....5...11......7..6.....8......4.....9.1.3.....596.2..8..62..7..7......" $s &= ",.47.2....8....1....3....9.2.....5...6..81..5.....4.....7....3.4...9...1.4..27.8.." $s &= ",......94.....9...53....5.7..8.4..1..463...........7.8.8..7.....7......28.5.26...." $s &= ",.2......6....41.....78....1......7....37.....6..412....1..74..5..8.5..7......39.." $s &= ",1....." $s &= ",2....1.9..1..3.7..9..8...2.......85..6.4.........7...3.2.3...6....5.....1.9...2.5" $s &= ",..7..8.....6.2.3...3......9.1..5..6.....1.....7.9....2........4.83..4...26....51." $s &= ",...36....85.......9.4..8........68.........17..9..45...1.5...6.4....9..2.....3..." $s &= ",34.6.......7.......2..8.57......5....7..1..2....4......36.2..1.......9.......7.82" $s &= ",......4.18..2........6.7......8...6..4....3...1.......6......2..5..1....7...3...." $s &= ",.4..5..67...1...4....2.....1..8..3........2...6...........4..5.3.....8..2........" $s &= ",.......4...2..4..1.7..5..9...3..7....4..6....6..1..8...2....1..85.9...6.....8...3" $s &= ",8..7....4.5....6............3.97...8....43..5....2.9....6......2...6...7.71..83.2" $s &= ",.8...4.5....7..3............1..85...6.....2......4....3.26............417........" $s &= ",....7..8...6...5...2...3.61.1...7..2..8..534.2..9.......2......58...6.3.4...1...." $s &= ",......8.16..2........7.5......6...2..1....3...8.......2......7..4..8....5...3...." $s &= ",.2..........6....3.74.8.........3..2.8..4..1.6..5.........1.78.5....9..........4." $s &= ",.52..68.......7.2.......6....48..9..2..41......1.....8..61..38.....9...63..6..1.9" $s &= ",....1.78.5....9..........4..2..........6....3.74.8.........3..2.8..4..1.6..5....." $s &= ",1.......3.6.3..7...7...5..121.7...9...7........8.1..2....8.64....9.2..6....4....." $s &= ",4...7.1....19.46.5.....1......7....2..2.3....847..6....14...8.6.2....3..6...9...." $s &= ",......8.17..2........5.6......7...5..1....3...8.......5......2..3..8....6...4...." $s &= ",963......1....8......2.5....4.8......1....7......3..257......3..." $s &= ",15.3......7..4.2....4.72.....8.........9..1.8.1..8.79......38...........6....7423" $s &= ",..........5724...98....947...9..3...5..9..12...3.1.9...6....25....56.....7......6" $s &= ",....75....1..2.....4...3...5.....3.2...8...1.......6.....1..48.2........7........" $s &= ",6....." $s &= ",....6...4..6.3....1..4..5.77.....8.5...8.....6.8....9...2.9....4....32....97..1.." $s &= ",.32.....58..3.....9.428...1...4...39...6...5.....1.....2...67.8.....4....95....6." $s &= ",...5.3.......6.7..5.8....1636..2.......4.1.......3...567....2.8..4.7.......2..5.." $s &= ",." $s &= ",..5..8..18......9.......78....4.....64....9......53..2.6.........138..5....9.714." $s &= ",..........72.6.1....51...82.8...13..4.........37.9..1.....238..5.4..9.........79." $s &= ",...658.....4......12............96.7...3..5....2.8...3..19..8..3.6.....4....473.." $s &= ",.2.3.......6.." $s &= ",.5..9....1.....6.....3.8.....8.4...9514.......3....2..........4.8...6..77..15..6." $s &= ",.....2.......7...17..3...9.8..7......2.89.6...13..6....9..5.824.....891.........." $s &= ",3...8.......7....51..............36...2..4....7...........6.13..452...........8.." Local $a = StringSplit($s, ",") Local $n, $b[UBound($a) - 2][2] For $n = 0 To UBound($a) - 3 $b[$n][0] = "From TOP 95: # " & $n + 1 $b[$n][1] = $a[$n + 2] Next $aSudokus = $b EndFunc ;==>GenArray then again, one runs in AutoIt and the other in sqlite. So is not Apples to Apples. Follow the link to my code contribution ( and other things too ). FAQ - Please Read Before Posting.
argumentum Posted January 6, 2018 Posted January 6, 2018 (edited) 23 hours ago, Chimp said: the puzzle included in the listing has only one solution ".....7.9..3..2...8..96..5....53..9...1..8...26....4...3......1..4......7..7...3.." ; 155 results in 10 sec. "37...8........32..1......6..9.12.5....4...1....1.37.2..2......9..69........2...18" ; 17 results in 3 sec. Edited January 6, 2018 by argumentum added 1 more Follow the link to my code contribution ( and other things too ). FAQ - Please Read Before Posting.
Gianni Posted January 6, 2018 Posted January 6, 2018 40 minutes ago, argumentum said: ".....7.9..3..2...8..96..5....53..9...1..8...26....4...3......1..4......7..7...3.." ; 155 results in 10 sec. "37...8........32..1......6..9.12.5....4...1....1.37.2..2......9..69........2...18" ; 17 results in 3 sec. (?) what code are you using to get that output and those (wrong?) results? Chimp small minds discuss people average minds discuss events great minds discuss ideas.... and use AutoIt....
argumentum Posted January 6, 2018 Posted January 6, 2018 (edited) 3 minutes ago, Chimp said: what code are you using to get that output and those (wrong?) results? the code you used from sqlite site. The string of sudoku is a mod. of exiting strings. Why so you find the strings to be wrong? Spoiler expandcollapse popupGlobal $so $so = "53..7....6..195....98....6.8...6...34..8.3..17...2...6.6....28....419..5....8..79" ; 1 result in 0.300 sec. $so = ".61..7..3.92..3..............853..........5.45....8....4......1...16.8..6........" ; 1 result in 421 sec $so = ".....7.9..3..2...8..96..5....53..9...1..8...26....4...3......1..4......7..7...3.." ; 155 results in 10 sec. $so = "37...8........32..1......6..9.12.5....4...1....1.37.2..2......9..69........2...18" ; 17 results in 3 sec. #include <SQLite.au3> #include <array.au3> Local $hDB, $aRows, $iRows, $iCols _SQLite_Startup(".\sqlite3.dll") $hDB = _SQLite_Open() Local $sSudoku_sql = "WITH RECURSIVE" & _ " input(sud) AS (" & _ " VALUES('"& $so &"')" & _ " )," & _ " digits(z, lp) AS (" & _ " VALUES('1', 1)" & _ " UNION ALL SELECT" & _ " CAST(lp+1 AS TEXT), lp+1 FROM digits WHERE lp<9" & _ " )," & _ " x(s, ind) AS (" & _ " SELECT sud, instr(sud, '.') FROM input" & _ " UNION ALL" & _ " SELECT" & _ " substr(s, 1, ind-1) || z || substr(s, ind+1)," & _ " instr( substr(s, 1, ind-1) || z || substr(s, ind+1), '.' )" & _ " FROM x, digits AS z" & _ " WHERE ind>0" & _ " AND NOT EXISTS (" & _ " SELECT 1" & _ " FROM digits AS lp" & _ " WHERE z.z = substr(s, ((ind-1)/9)*9 + lp, 1)" & _ " OR z.z = substr(s, ((ind-1)%9) + (lp-1)*9 + 1, 1)" & _ " OR z.z = substr(s, (((ind-1)/3) % 3) * 3" & _ " + ((ind-1)/27) * 27 + lp" & _ " + ((lp-1) / 3) * 6, 1)" & _ " )" & _ " )" & _ "SELECT s FROM x WHERE ind=0;" Global $tTimer = TimerInit() _SQLite_GetTable($hDB, $sSudoku_sql, $aRows, $iRows, $iCols) ConsoleWrite( Round(TimerDiff($tTimer) / 1000, 3) & " sec." & @CRLF) _ArrayDisplay($aRows, "Solved in " & Round(TimerDiff($tTimer) / 1000, 3) & " sec.") Edited January 6, 2018 by argumentum added the code Follow the link to my code contribution ( and other things too ). FAQ - Please Read Before Posting.
Gianni Posted January 6, 2018 Posted January 6, 2018 (edited) ... from my run I get this, 3 solutions for first puzzle and also 3 solutions for the second. What me (or you) are doing wrong? .....7.9..3..2...8..96..5....53..9...1..8...26....4...3......1..4......7..7...3.. 162857493534129678789643521475312986913586742628794135356478219241935867897261354 251847693436925178789613524825371946914586732673294851362758419548139267197462385 251847693436925178789613524825371946914586732673294851392768415548139267167452389 37...8........32..1......6..9.12.5....4...1....1.37.2..2......9..69........2...18 372568491689413275145792863798124536234659187561837924427381659816975342953246718 372568491689413275145792863897124536234659187561837924428371659716985342953246718 372568491968413275145792863793124586284659137651837924427381659816975342539246718 Edited January 6, 2018 by Chimp Chimp small minds discuss people average minds discuss events great minds discuss ideas.... and use AutoIt....
argumentum Posted January 6, 2018 Posted January 6, 2018 (edited) 12 minutes ago, Chimp said: what me (or you) are doing wrong? no clue, I've added the code I'm using to my post above. 37...8........32..1......6..9.12.5....4...1....1.37.2..2......9..69........2...18 372568491689413275145792863798124536234659187561837924427381659816975342953246718 372568491689413275145792863897124536234659187561837924428371659716985342953246718 372568491968413275145792863793124586284659137651837924427381659816975342539246718 372618495568493271149752863793124586254869137681537924427381659816975342935246718 372618495568493271149752863793124586284569137651837924427381659816975342935246718 372618495648593271159742863793126584264859137581437926427381659816975342935264718 372618495658493271149752863793124586284569137561837924427381659816975342935246718 372618495685493271149752863798124536234569187561837924427381659816975342953246718 372618495685493271149752863897124536234569187561837924428371659716985342953246718 372618495689453271145792863798124536234569187561837924427381659816975342953246718 372618495689453271145792863897124536234569187561837924428371659716985342953246718 372618495968453271145792863793124586254869137681537924427381659816975342539246718 372618495968453271145792863793124586284569137651837924427381659816975342539246718 372658491689413275145792863798124536234569187561837924427381659816975342953246718 372658491689413275145792863897124536234569187561837924428371659716985342953246718 372658491968413275145792863793124586254869137681537924427381659816975342539246718 372658491968413275145792863793124586284569137651837924427381659816975342539246718 PS: added my array above PS2: using _SQLite_LibVersion = 3.20.0 PS3: the ".....7.9..3..2...8..96..5....53..9...1..8...26....4...3......1..4......7..7...3.." result is below: Spoiler expandcollapse popup.....7.9..3..2...8..96..5....53..9...1..8...26....4...3......1..4......7..7...3.. 162857493534129678789643521475312986913586742628794135356478219241935867897261354 251847693436925178789613524825371946914586732673294851362758419548139267197462385 251847693436925178789613524825371946914586732673294851392768415548139267167452389 254837196136529478789641523875312964413986752692754831368475219541293687927168345 254837196136529478879641523785312964413986752692754831368475219541293687927168345 256837194134529768879641523485312976713986452692754831368475219541293687927168345 256847193134529768879631524485312976713986452692754831368475219541293687927168345 256847193431925678789613524825371946914586732673294851362758419548139267197462385 256847193431925678789613524825371946914586732673294851392768415548139267167452389 258137496436529178179648523725361984914785632683294751392476815841953267567812349 258437196136529748479618523825361974714985632693274851382756419541893267967142385 258437196136529748479618523825361974714985632693274851382796415941853267567142389 258437196136925748479618523825361974714589632693274851382756419541893267967142385 258437196136925748479618523825361974714589632693274851382796415941853267567142389 261857493534129678789643521425371986913586742678294135392765814146938257857412369 261857493534129678789643521475312986913586742628794135356478219142935867897261354 264857193531429678789631524875362941413985762692714835358276419146593287927148356 264857193531429678879631524425376981713985462698214735356748219942163857187592346 264857193531429678879631524785362941413985762692714835358276419146593287927148356 264857193531429768789631524875362941413985672692714835358276419146593287927148356 264857193531429768879631524485362971713985642692714835358276419146593287927148356 264857193531429768879631524785362941413985672692714835358276419146593287927148356 268157493531429678479638521785312946914586732623794185396875214142963857857241369 268157493531429678479638521785312946914586732623974185392765814146893257857241369 268157493531429678479638521785312964914586732623974185392745816146893257857261349 268157493531429768479638521825361974714985632693274185352746819146893257987512346 268157493531429768479638521825361974714985632693274185352746819946813257187592346 268517493531429768479638521825361974714985632693274185352746819146893257987152346 268537194531429768479618523785362941914785632623194875352876419146953287897241356 268537491531429768479618523825361974714985632693274185352746819146893257987152346 286457193534921678179638524425376981713589462698214735362745819941863257857192346 426857193531429768879631524285376941714985632693214875352798416948163257167542389 462857193531429678789613524825371946914586732673294851358762419146935287297148365 462857193531429678789613524825371946914586732673294851398762415146935287257148369 462857193531429768789613524875362941914785632623194875356278419148936257297541386 462857193531429768789613524875362941914785632623194875358276419146938257297541386 462857193531429768789631524875362941914785632623914875358276419146593287297148356 462857193531429768879613524785362941914785632623194875356278419148936257297541386 462857193531429768879613524785362941914785632623194875358276419146938257297541386 462857193531429768879631524285376941714985632693214875358762419146593287927148356 462857193531429768879631524785362941914785632623914875358276419146593287297148356 468157293531429768279638541725316984914785632683294175356872419142963857897541326 468157293531429768729638541275316984914785632683294175356872419142963857897541326 468157293531429768729638541285316974914785632673294185356872419142963857897541326 468517293531429768279638541725361984914785632683294175352876419146953827897142356 468517293531429768729638541275361984914785632683294175352876419146953827897142356 468517293531429768729638541285361974914785632673294185352876419146953827897142356 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524837196136925478789641523875362941413589762692174835358796214941253687267418359 524837196136925478789641523875362941413589762692714835358476219941253687267198354 524837196136925478879641523785362941413589762692174835358796214941253687267418359 524837196136925478879641523785362941413589762692714835358476219941253687267198354 524837196136925748879641523485362971713589462692174835358796214941253687267418359 524837196136925748879641523485362971713589462692714835358476219941253687267198354 526837194431529768879641523285376941714985632693214875352798416948163257167452389 526837194431529768879641523285376941714985632693214875362758419948163257157492386 526837194431925768879641523285376941714589632693214875352798416948163257167452389 526837194431925768879641523285376941714589632693214875362758419948163257157492386 526847193431529768879631524285376941714985632693214875352798416948163257167452389 526847193431529768879631524285376941714985632693214875362758419948163257157492386 526847193431925768879631524285376941714589632693214875352798416948163257167452389 526847193431925768879631524285376941714589632693214875362758419948163257157492386 561837294734529168829641573475362981913785642682194735358276419146953827297418356 561837294734529168829641573475362981913785642682194735358276419246913857197458326 561837294734529168829641573475362981913785642682914735358276419246193857197458326 561847293734529168289613574475362981913785642628194735356278419142936857897451326 561847293734529168829613574475362981913785642682194735358276419246931857197458326 561847293734529168829631574475362981913785642682194735358276419146953827297418356 561847293734529168829631574475362981913785642682194735358276419246913857197458326 561847293734529168829631574475362981913785642682914735358276419246193857197458326 562817493431529768789643521825361974914785632673294185356472819148936257297158346 562817493431529768789643521825361974914785632673294185358476219146932857297158346 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your post below. this happens to the best of us Edited January 6, 2018 by argumentum Gianni 1 Follow the link to my code contribution ( and other things too ). FAQ - Please Read Before Posting.
Gianni Posted January 6, 2018 Posted January 6, 2018 Sorry, but you're right! doing some previous tests I modified and saved the query by inserting the clause "LIMIT 3;" at the end of the query, then I forgot about this change I had made and continued to use the modified query getting results limited to 3. my fault! sorry. P.S.....I'm getting old argumentum 1 Chimp small minds discuss people average minds discuss events great minds discuss ideas.... and use AutoIt....
argumentum Posted January 6, 2018 Posted January 6, 2018 9 minutes ago, Chimp said: inserting the clause "LIMIT 3;" at the end of the query I tried and surprisingly, it takes the same amount of time. One would think that LIMIT 1 would run faster, but it does not =/ Follow the link to my code contribution ( and other things too ). FAQ - Please Read Before Posting.
Gianni Posted January 6, 2018 Posted January 6, 2018 it's probably because the first part of the query still looks for all the results spending all the needed time, and then the second part just picks up only the wanted results argumentum 1 Chimp small minds discuss people average minds discuss events great minds discuss ideas.... and use AutoIt....
jchd Posted January 7, 2018 Author Posted January 7, 2018 Yeah, the subquery flattener of the query planner/optimizer isn't always smart enough to perform such (advanced?) optimization, mainly because there are potential dark corners where a seemingly clever optimization falls flat on its nose in another seemingly similar use case. Such remarks regularly pop up on the mailing list, but often enough, the proposed optimization made by people would work on their precise test case but have devastating effects on another large range of slightly different queries. SQLite main use base (in terms of number of devices) is for low-end devices having limited computing power and/or memory. So contrary to Oracle or MySQL and other RDBMS where massaging a query ad nauseam to choose the absolute best plan is both possible and beneficial, SQLite can't devote as much code and complexity. In case one of your queries takes longer than expected, try looking at what EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN <query> yields. The output often calls for a rewrite of the query and/or creation of a useful index. See Gianni and argumentum 2 This wonderful site allows debugging and testing regular expressions (many flavors available). An absolute must have in your bookmarks.Another excellent RegExp tutorial. Don't forget downloading your copy of up-to-date pcretest.exe and pcregrep.exe hereRegExp tutorial: enough to get startedPCRE v8.33 regexp documentation latest available release and currently implemented in AutoIt beta. SQLitespeed is another feature-rich premier SQLite manager (includes import/export). Well worth a try.SQLite Expert (freeware Personal Edition or payware Pro version) is a very useful SQLite database manager.An excellent eBook covering almost every aspect of SQLite3: a must-read for anyone doing serious work.SQL tutorial (covers "generic" SQL, but most of it applies to SQLite as well)A work-in-progress SQLite3 tutorial. Don't miss other LxyzTHW pages!SQLite official website with full documentation (may be newer than the SQLite library that comes standard with AutoIt)
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