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Hi there,

I am planning to make script for hide/show folders in windows explorer. This is the pseudo code

1. User selectes a folder in windows explorer

2. In the right click context menu, he can see an option named "Hide this folder"

3. If he chooses that option, then my script starts working

4. First, it will collect the full path and name of the folder.

5. Then it will change the file attrib with the FileSetAttrib() function.

I don't know how to do the step 4. Please help. Thanks in advance


My Contributions

Glance GUI Library - A gui library based on Windows api functions. Written in Nim programming language.

UDF Link Viewer   --- A tool to visit the links of some most important UDFs 

 Includer_2  ----- A tool to type the #include statement automatically 

 Digits To Date  ----- date from 3 integer values

PrintList ----- prints arrays into console for testing.

 Alert  ------ An alternative for MsgBox 

 MousePosition ------- A simple tooltip display of mouse position

GRM Helper -------- A littile tool to help writing code with GUIRegisterMsg function

Access_UDF  -------- An UDF for working with access database files. (.*accdb only)


Posted (edited)


mikell, can you please suggest me some examples or tutorials about it. ?

Edited by kcvinu

My Contributions

Glance GUI Library - A gui library based on Windows api functions. Written in Nim programming language.

UDF Link Viewer   --- A tool to visit the links of some most important UDFs 

 Includer_2  ----- A tool to type the #include statement automatically 

 Digits To Date  ----- date from 3 integer values

PrintList ----- prints arrays into console for testing.

 Alert  ------ An alternative for MsgBox 

 MousePosition ------- A simple tooltip display of mouse position

GRM Helper -------- A littile tool to help writing code with GUIRegisterMsg function

Access_UDF  -------- An UDF for working with access database files. (.*accdb only)



Ok you can try this small example

I did it on XP so it may be a little different on an other OS

Registry key to add :

@="C:\\my_script.exe \"%1\""

Use the code below to make a compiled script named  "my_script.exe" and put this exe in C:

#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>

GuiCreate("", 500, 30, -1, 30)
GuiCtrlCreateInput($CmdLine[1], 10, 5, 480, 20)

While GuiGetMsg() <> $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
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Posted (edited)

I wrote code to do this ... trying to remember where ... I believe it was in a thread by guiness but didn't really adapt to what he was trying to accomplish.

I'm only giving the above clues in case I can't find it and someone feels like spending a day or two looking for it :) ...


Found the thread, but it's not exactly what I wrote the code for:

Thread: '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>

My Code: page-2#entry1042451'>page-2#entry1042451

Mine opens the explorer with the files you want before hand selected, not what you're currently selecting, however that seems quite fairly easy, maybe follow through and see how it's being done in the code above.

Edited by SmOke_N

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.


@kcvinu - I would add to what the others wrote, by advising caution when working with the registry ... you should always backup keys and sections before making changes, especially when new to it.

Like SmOke_N I was also looking for some functions I wrote a while back, that add or remove entries for the three main things.

[1] Folder - folders and zip files.

[2] Directory - Folders.

[3] * - Files

My functions were also designed to work with shortcuts/command-line so that one could include them as part of an uninstall routine.

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If I put effort into communication, I expect you to read properly & fully, or just not comment.
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I'm only big and bad, to those who have an over-active imagination.

I may have the Artistic Liesense ;) to disagree with you. TheSaint's Toolbox (be advised many downloads are not working due to ISP screwup with my storage)




Thank you all. Let me read more. By thae way, Is there any functions to get the folder name instead of FileOpenDialoge. Like a FolderOpenDialoge ?. Because i want to get only the foldername. 


My Contributions

Glance GUI Library - A gui library based on Windows api functions. Written in Nim programming language.

UDF Link Viewer   --- A tool to visit the links of some most important UDFs 

 Includer_2  ----- A tool to type the #include statement automatically 

 Digits To Date  ----- date from 3 integer values

PrintList ----- prints arrays into console for testing.

 Alert  ------ An alternative for MsgBox 

 MousePosition ------- A simple tooltip display of mouse position

GRM Helper -------- A littile tool to help writing code with GUIRegisterMsg function

Access_UDF  -------- An UDF for working with access database files. (.*accdb only)


Posted (edited)



I can understand that $CmdLine[1] is an array. But where is the declaration and initialization code of that array ?. 

Edited by kcvinu

My Contributions

Glance GUI Library - A gui library based on Windows api functions. Written in Nim programming language.

UDF Link Viewer   --- A tool to visit the links of some most important UDFs 

 Includer_2  ----- A tool to type the #include statement automatically 

 Digits To Date  ----- date from 3 integer values

PrintList ----- prints arrays into console for testing.

 Alert  ------ An alternative for MsgBox 

 MousePosition ------- A simple tooltip display of mouse position

GRM Helper -------- A littile tool to help writing code with GUIRegisterMsg function

Access_UDF  -------- An UDF for working with access database files. (.*accdb only)



FileSelectFolder - Help file

$Cmdline is an array that you get automatically when a script starts...from the Help file


Command Line Parameters

Passing command line parameters to your own executable is achievable in AutoIt. Passed commandline parameters can be viewed by using the constant variables $CmdLine and $CmdLineRaw. Assigning these variables with new data will cause AutoIt to return an error, as these cannot be changed during the script's execution. Note that both variables exist whether commandline parameters are passed or not.

The special array $CmdLine is initialized at the start of the script with the command line parameters passed to your AutoIt script. If running your script instead of the executable, then the ScriptName.au3 willl be ignored as a parameter.

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"I like pigs.  Dogs look up to us.  Cats look down on us.  Pigs treat us as equals."

- Sir Winston Churchill

Posted (edited)

kcvinu, Did you try the Automating Windows Explorer UDF? It's rather simple:


#include "Includes\AutomatingWindowsExplorer.au3"

Opt( "MustDeclareVars", 1 )


Func Example()
  ; Windows Explorer on XP, Vista, 7, 8
  Local $hExplorer = WinGetHandle( "[REGEXPCLASS:^(Cabinet|Explore)WClass$]" )
  If Not $hExplorer Then
    MsgBox( 0, "Automating Windows Explorer", "Could not find Windows Explorer. Terminating." )

  ; Get an IShellBrowser interface
  GetIShellBrowser( $hExplorer )
  If Not IsObj( $oIShellBrowser ) Then
    MsgBox( 0, "Automating Windows Explorer", "Could not get an IShellBrowser interface. Terminating." )

  ; Get other interfaces

  ; Get current folder
  Local $pFolder = GetCurrentFolder(), $sFolder
  SHGetPathFromIDList( $pFolder, $sFolder )
  MsgBox( 0, "Folder", $sFolder )

  ; Free memory
  _WinAPI_CoTaskMemFree( $pFolder )

Windows Explorer should be open before you run the example.

The example shows the current folder. Use GetFolders() to get selected folders.

Edited by LarsJ
Posted (edited)


LarsJ, I am studying it now. It is a great udf. But i can't understand some lines from that UDF.

for example, in this code; 

; Windows Explorer on XP, Vista, 7, 8
$hExplorer = WinGetHandle( "[REGEXPCLASS:^(Cabinet|Explore)WClass$]" )
If Not $hExplorer Then Exit

; Shell object
$oShell = ObjCreate( "Shell.Application" )

; Find window
For $oWindow In $oShell.Windows()
  If $oWindow.HWND() = $hExplorer Then ExitLoop

; Selected items

For $oItem In $oWindow.Document.SelectedItems()
    Global $strArray = StringSplit($oItem.path(),"\")
Local $int = UBound($strArray)
Local $out = $strArray[$int-1]
MsgBox(0,"",$out & @CRLF & $oItem.Path())

can you explain the 2nd line ?. Especially the "^" symbol. And in 6th line, what is Shell.Application ? And i can see a $oShell.Window. Is there any more items with $oShell. how can i see it ?. For example, in VB.NET, i can easily see all the stuff related to an object with intelliscense. Is it possible in autoit ?

Edited by kcvinu

My Contributions

Glance GUI Library - A gui library based on Windows api functions. Written in Nim programming language.

UDF Link Viewer   --- A tool to visit the links of some most important UDFs 

 Includer_2  ----- A tool to type the #include statement automatically 

 Digits To Date  ----- date from 3 integer values

PrintList ----- prints arrays into console for testing.

 Alert  ------ An alternative for MsgBox 

 MousePosition ------- A simple tooltip display of mouse position

GRM Helper -------- A littile tool to help writing code with GUIRegisterMsg function

Access_UDF  -------- An UDF for working with access database files. (.*accdb only)


  • Moderators
Posted (edited)

Line 2 is a regular expression search for the class of the explorer window.  "^" is the beginning of the string search, "$" is end of the string.

Also, lines 9 - 11 are redundant, they do nothing, and line 16 makes no sense being in a for loop without it itself being an array.

Edited by SmOke_N

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.



SmOke_N, line 16 is my contribution. I need to get the filename or folder name from $oItem.Path()

My Contributions

Glance GUI Library - A gui library based on Windows api functions. Written in Nim programming language.

UDF Link Viewer   --- A tool to visit the links of some most important UDFs 

 Includer_2  ----- A tool to type the #include statement automatically 

 Digits To Date  ----- date from 3 integer values

PrintList ----- prints arrays into console for testing.

 Alert  ------ An alternative for MsgBox 

 MousePosition ------- A simple tooltip display of mouse position

GRM Helper -------- A littile tool to help writing code with GUIRegisterMsg function

Access_UDF  -------- An UDF for working with access database files. (.*accdb only)



kcvinu, The first 11 lines (the rest of the lines seems to be yours) in the code in post 12 are not really part of my UDF. These lines just shows how you can get the selected items in Windows Explorer with shell objects.

What I'm doing is, that I create these objects with ObjCreateInterface. But you don't have to understand all that in details to use the UDF.

"Shell.Application" is the string you use to create the proper shell object. And how can you know, that you have to use exactly this string. You can't. You have to read the MicroSoft documentation for shell objects.

There are probably more methods and properties for the $oShell object. You have to read the documentation.

I'm not using Scite, but I think there are some kind of intelliscense in Scite. I don't know how much information you'll get for shell objects, or other objects. Just read the documentation.

SmOke_N, It's correct that lines 9 - 11 are redundant, if there is only one Windows Explorer open. If two or more Windows Explorer are open at the same time, this loop finds the window object, that matches the $hExplorer handle. Since it's not possible to know how many Windows Explorer are open, you need the loop.

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@LarsJ, doesn't matter if there are more than window explorer's open.  There's no condition for your statement if it is true other than exiting the loop.  Therefore it's completely redundant.

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

Posted (edited)

SmOke_N, You are wrong. You need the proper $oWindow object in line 15. This is the $oWindow object you have, when the loop exits:

If $oWindow.HWND() = $hExplorer Then ExitLoop

Edited by LarsJ


LarsJ, Thank you for pointing me to the right direction. Actually, i haven't tried your UDF yet. But i think i need to try it first. Anyhow, this code is working but i would like to learn more about your UDF. Thanks for that amazing UDF. Need to learn MS documentation. I will sure inform you after trying your UDF with the above example.

My Contributions

Glance GUI Library - A gui library based on Windows api functions. Written in Nim programming language.

UDF Link Viewer   --- A tool to visit the links of some most important UDFs 

 Includer_2  ----- A tool to type the #include statement automatically 

 Digits To Date  ----- date from 3 integer values

PrintList ----- prints arrays into console for testing.

 Alert  ------ An alternative for MsgBox 

 MousePosition ------- A simple tooltip display of mouse position

GRM Helper -------- A littile tool to help writing code with GUIRegisterMsg function

Access_UDF  -------- An UDF for working with access database files. (.*accdb only)


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Understood, I didn't realize you were using $oWindow later on in the script.  Thanks

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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