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regular expression is not found in dictionary?

Go to solution Solved by SadBunny,

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Posted (edited)

Can someone please say me what i'm missing here?

this little problem is driving me crazy!

i feel so stupid that i have to ask this but why does this script thinks that "=" doesn't exist inside the dictionary?

$regex = ObjCreate("VBScript.RegExp")
$regex.Pattern = "="
$regex.Global = True
$regex.IgnoreCase = True

$test = ObjCreate("scripting.dictionary")
$test.add("=", 2)

$sentence = "="
Local $find = $regex.execute($sentence)

for $part in $find
MsgBox(0,2,$part.Value = "=")
msgbox(0,4,$test.exists($part)) ;this should be true!


Thanks for any help :)


Edited by TheAutomator
  • Solution
Posted (edited)

$part is not the thing that equals "=", $part.Value is. 

MsgBox(0, 4, $test.exists($part.Value)) ;this should be true!
Edited by SadBunny

Roses are FF0000, violets are 0000FF... All my base are belong to you.



$part is not the thing that equals "=", $part.Value is. 

MsgBox(0, 4, $test.exists($part.Value)) ;this should be true!


Ow, i see  :doh:

i thought "$part" only would work to.

i'm so confused right now because i was testing it in vbscript in the meantime and have a look at this:

Set regex = New RegExp
regex.Pattern = "="
regex.Global = True
regex.IgnoreCase = True

set test = createobject("scripting.dictionary")
test.add "=", 2

sentence = "="
set find = regex.execute(sentence)

for each part in find
    msgbox part
    msgbox test.exists(part)

here "part" really equals "="  :think:

why isn't this working then?



I'm not 100% sure about COM object handling in AutoIt, but I guess the problem is that AutoIt has no way to know what field or method to call from the generic COM object to get the toString value.

VBScript is quite a different language. Object oriented, for one. In this case, the RegExp.execute() method returns an object of the type MatchCollection which then your iterator "part" goes through. I guess there is auto-invocation of the .Value getter/field (don't know how that works in VBscript, never used it) when you access it as a string. I.e. it works not because part equals "=", but because the string auto-invoked string representation equals "=".

Note that this is mostly guesswork, mostly based on the example this link: http://www.regular-expressions.info/vb.html

Roses are FF0000, violets are 0000FF... All my base are belong to you.

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